A GERSmas carol

It was a GERSmas morning, and all through the land
the scare stories were tickling the naysayers’ glands.
Doom and gloom was published by the papers out there,
to get the wee Scots and Nicola into a scare.
The britnats were nestled all snug in their twitter,
while visions of penury made them all jitter.
And yer maw in her Facebook, and Yes Scotland tap,
had just debunked and dismantled all the newspapers’ crap,
When on the Twitters there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my laptop to see what was the matter.
Away to the screen I hurriedly sped,
I launched the app and opened the thread.
The blue light shone with an ungodly sheen
and lit up the text that appeared on my screen.
Then what to my rolling eyes did appear,
but a graph and a bankrupt GERS deficit sneer,
and a Scotland secretary so crabbit and thick,
I knew in a moment he’d sold his soul tae Auld Nick.
More rapid than vultures the cringers they came,
and GERS whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
“Now, Ruthie! now, Richard! now Wullie and Rosser!
On Beeb! on Herald! on Hootsmon! ya tossers!
To the top of the newsfeed! to each Facebook scrawl!
Now cringe away! cringe away! cringe away all!”
Pursed lips that believe the wild Daily Mail cries,
they can only see obstacles, they won’t even try;
So off to the redtops the naysayers they flew
Nae toys for you Scotland, or that Nicola too—
And then, predictably, I heard on the telly
The Proud Scot whose spine has turned into jelly.
He talked Scotland down, going straight to his work,
and trashed any hope; then turned with a smirk,
and laying his finger aside of his nose,
said you’re poorer than Greece, everyone knows.
He brandished a think tank, gave a Tory dog whistle,
another year’s work of crushing the thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight—
“Rotten GERSmas to all, cos if it’s Scottish it’s shite!”

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12 comments on “A GERSmas carol

  1. […] Wee Ginger Dug A GERSmas carol It was a GERSmas morning, and all through the land the scare stories were tickling the […]

  2. benmadigan says:

    excellent paul – sincere compliments!

  3. Gavin C Barrie says:

    Aye, no bad.

  4. annraynet says:

    Fabulous, maestro

  5. Molly McC says:


  6. mumsyhugs says:

    You’re a poet
    And we didnae know it! 🙂

  7. Now that’s a Christmas book I’d love to buy! Illustrated by Chris Cairns and/or Greg Moodie!

  8. Macart says:

    Neatly done. 🙂

  9. Eat your heart out McGonagall 🙂

  10. JSM says:

    Reblogged this on Ramblings of a 50+ Female and commented:
    The Dug’s a poet and didnae know it!

  11. George Kerr says:

    If ye thought the economy of Greece was in a bad way
    You should know the Express says we’re worse than Zimbabwe.

  12. Excellent! Who knew you were a poet as well as a red-hot journalist?

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