Refugees are welcome here

Aylan Kurdi never knew peace, in his short and tragic life, he never knew safety. He met his death on a Turkish beach as his family tried to escape the death that stalks Syria. His undeserved fate is to become a symbol of a tragedy that he was too young to comprehend.

The UK media is complicit in his death, for demonising those who flee from the devastation sparked off by the foreign policy of Western governments, who run from the destruction caused by the products of Western arms manufacturers. Today the Sun with crocodile tears says that Cameron must take military action. The Sun’s definition of compassion is a bombing campaign, more bombs and wars to assuage the guilt of those who turn their backs on the desperate faces that our European governments have stripped of hope. Just a handful of Syrian refugees have been accepted by the UK. There are more on a single train, blocked by Hungarian police.

This is the same paper that ran a column calling refugees cockroaches. I hope Katie Hopkins is feeling proud of herself today. I hope that the image of Aylan Kurdi is burned into her conscience and seared in her soul, but I’m not holding out any hope. The dehumanised ones are not the refugees, it’s Katie and those like her. With its dehumanising rhetoric, the UK press strips the humanity from the desperate and makes us all less humane. Then it hold up the Katie Hopkins of this world as examples for the rest of us to aspire to, a casual cruelty is the new compassion.

If you believe the UK press, and sadly many do, the refugees are not fleeing war and the destruction of their homes. They’re not fleeing the so-called Islamic State, the death-cult perversion of an ancient faith that destroys antiquities and culture and beheads a nation into barbarism. They’re coming for £36 a week in social security payments. These heartless and insulting articles are written by well upholstered arses who spend more than that on a liquid lunch. Aylan Kurdi’s home was destroyed by IS. His family took him on a dangerous journey which ended in his death, and the death of his five year old brother and their mother, because it was safer than the alternative. They didn’t face death on a Turkish beach because they were attracted by the tender mercies of the Department of Work and Pensions and the UK Home Office. Britain is not that generous.

We should not be surprised at this lack of empathy, the UK won’t even grant asylum to the Afghan interpreters who worked with British forces in Afghanistan. They risked their lives for the British armed forces, and now they’ve been abandoned, risking death on a daily basis. The UK government doesn’t feel it owes them any debt of gratitude, refuses to allow them to settle in the UK. So it’s hardly surprising its response to the Syrian refugee crisis is cant and hypocrisy, the pretence of care and a poor fascimile of compassion. If you are not a highly paid executive for a global finance company indebting the poor in developing nations, if you’re not a Russian oligarch dripping with ripped off billions, Britain has no place for you.

The only refugees of interest to the UK are those who can pump thousands into the coffers of Westminster’s political class. This is a country which showed more respect for the human rights of Augustin Pinochet than it did for the British citizens of the Chagos Islands, unceremoniously evicted and dumped penniless in Mauritius to make way for a US air base. Let’s have no more of this self-congratulatory crap about what a welcoming society the UK is. We’re Better Together as long as you’re not a refugee, we’re pooling and sharing except with those who are in the greatest need.

Germany and Sweden give shelter to tens of thousands, Britain quibbles about a few dozen. There is not a single refugee in David Cameron’s constituency. In the UK, compassion is far fetched, empathy is a fantasy, grace and humanity are held in contempt. Faced with an international crisis to which the UK government has played a part in creating, this country is a disgrace, a shame, a stain. It’s the selfish self-interested bigot in the bar who thinks only of the price of his car insurance and how much he can get for his house, the I’m alright Union Jack.

Cameron says that the real solution to the problem is to seek a lasting peace in the Middle East, when we have Tony bloody Blair as Middle East Peace Envoy. Which is like telling cancer sufferers that you’re not going to offer them any treatment because the real solution to their problem is to find a cure for cancer, and then entrusting the search for a cure to a man who makes his millions by selling ciggies to schoolkids.

This is the compassionate and caring Union that Better Together campaigned for us to be a part of, a Union that thinks the solution to a refugee crisis is more bombing and more war. If there is no quick fix involving an air campaign, the UK isn’t interested. It’s someone else’s problem and Westminster walks away, surrounding itself by high hedge funds so it can’t see the suffering. This is why so many of us sought independence last year, and why the numbers supporting it grow with every passing month. We don’t want to live in a heartless society which knows the price of everything but doesn’t grasp the value of human life. We want a Scotland that cares, that says to the dispossessed – refugees are welcome here.

Refugees enrich our society, they give to us all. Refugees are your future colleagues, the friend you’ll bond with over a coffee at work. Refugees are our university graduates, our doctors, our lawyers, our mechanics, our teachers. Refugee children will play in the park with your kids. Refugees are our future partners, our lovers, our spouses. Refugees are our family.

Refugees are welcome.

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88 comments on “Refugees are welcome here

  1. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Were the Irish who came over here in the 19th Century, because of the carious famines, economic migrants or refugees?

    • TheBabelFish says:

      Well, I know what I think the answer is, but I’m by no means convinced that it matters. Maybe I’m biased. I was an economic migrant myself when I went to Australia in 1984. I’d already been forced to leave my home in Clydebank about 18 months earlier by economic circumstances, brought about quite deliberately (as were the Irish famines by the way) by the Thatcher administration’s scorched earth economic policies. I went to London, where I was able to survive, just. There I had the good fortune to fall in love with an Australian, and married her. We flew out on Christmas Day 1984.

      Had I stayed I’d have been out on the streets in early ’85 due to the changes to the Housing Benefit rules that were introduced in at that time. I referred to myself in those days as a political and economic refugee. It was not my choice, just as it was not the choice of the Irish in the 19th Century, nor of the Syrians and others today. People don’t leave their homelands, their friends, their families on a whim. They do so because they feel they have no other choice. They are desperate, and when they do find a refuge they usually end up being grateful, highly motivated and productive members of whichever society is fortunate enough to have them. #RefugeesWelcome

      You can read my personal refugee story here:

    • Peter Campbell says:

      The Irish who came here as a result of the Great Famine were UK citizens, so they could be compared with anyone who leaves one part of the UK to live in another part of the UK.

      • Bugger (the Panda) says:

        They had no papers to prove that and passports were probably not invented.

        Many couldn’t read or write and carried to documentation, even birth certificate.

        I take your point.

        • Peter Campbell says:

          Sorry, I hope I didn’t come over too sternly however it must be said #refugeeswelcome!

    • hektorsmum says:

      Well I tend to think my Great Granddad came here as a refugee, he needed to work to support himself but I like to think his contribution to Scotland was a good one. He had his children here, some of his grandchildren and some of his Great Grandchildren emigrated, they were economic migrants. We may have Irish descent but we are or were all Scots. Great Gran was you see.

  2. Mr Cameron claims to be the Christian leader of a Christian country. Doesn’t the bible show that Christ said, “Suffer the little children”? Somehow I don’t think it means allow them to drown in a cold sea while trying to escape from bombs and bullets. We are governed by sociopaths with no empathy nor humanity, and not even the sight of that wee body will touch their hearts for they have none.

    • Saor Alba says:

      In the bible, we also have “As long as you do it to one of these, the least of my brethren, you do it to me”. Guess to whom this quote is attributed!
      I wonder if the self-righteous Christians such as Cameron, Osborne, May, Blair, Brown or the numerous others of their cronies have pondered this, or even come anywhere near to doing so.

      • Oneironaut says:

        Got a friend in America who was a fan of Stephen Colbert. Someone I hadn’t heard of before then, but who has some pretty epic quotes.

        This one seems particularly appropriate here:

  3. macart763 says:

    Its been a bad week for compassion all round and suddenly I’m finding it very hard to shake that tired feeling Paul.

    The state and media… I’m too angry to type anymore.

  4. […] Refugees are welcome here […]

  5. Indy R says:

    I agree with The Independent’s decision to publish the photo of wee Aylan Kurdi lying face down in the sand – utterly shocking and unavoidably heartbreaking. My hope is that ordinary people will be compelled to protest and deliver a sharp message to those well upholstered arses in Westminster. I’m glad you wrote this piece today to express how many of us feel. It’s about time we were able to act decisively and compassionately as an independent nation – refugees should be welcome here.

  6. Irene Danks says:

    Well said, Paul. I noticed, on GMS this morning, that even UKIP were strangely muted!

  7. says:

    Reblogged this on Bampots Utd.

  8. How many descendants if these (un)fair Isles now inhabit the likes of Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand?

    The image on the cover of today’s National made me feel utterly ashamed. This is not the Scotland I want.

    We are a nation of immigrants already – why can’t we accept a few more?

    The EU has a population of 500 million. Syria has a population of 20 million. Even if half the population of Syria left for the EU it would only add 2% to the total EU population. The UK’s share of that 2% be 1.25 million; Scotland’s share would be 125,000.

    That works out about 1 per 40 of the population such that if they were evenly distributed even cities like Glasgow and Edinburgh would only be asked to take in 12,500 people each.

    Let’s put that in perspective – Glasgow has a student population of 45,000 and Edinburgh is over 40,000.

    But we can find space for a few thousand people fleeing for their lives? What does that say about us?

    • typo – CAN’T find

    • Alison Grant says:

      I know it sounds so simple to offer refuge immediately but the policies of this Tory government of squeezing council budgets, withdrawing benefits to all, schools and hospital wards closed all in the name of austerity means that the resources are already stretched. It would be a miracle if this government moved our taxpayers money into rebuilding our communities instead of lining the pockets of the arms dealers through more war mongering . That way the money that Cameron is saying is going already into Syria etc could come to our local communities and allow us to welcome others with the knowledge that they are not going to be dumped in some backwater, relying on charity and queuing up with Scots to get their supply of food rations . We want harmony in our society not a nation attacking each other for the scraps dropped from the Westminster coffee table

  9. Petsfuryes says:

    Perfect as always WGD. I’ve got my “Refugees Welcome Here” poster up in my windae. Let’s all do it. See 38degrees

  10. iftheysayso says:

    Brilliant writing as always. I was so angry last night. It took me a while to calm down.

  11. […] Source: Refugees are welcome here […]

  12. When I saw Cameron speaking on TV last night, saying the UK had done enough, wasn’t doing any more for Syrians, I could hardly believe my ears. The man lost his own son, surely he can have compassion for someone else’s three year old, losing his life in the sea, and for all the other kids suffering in makeshift camps and streets.

    Our island is overcrowded, full up, say the folk who want no more immigrants. Yet when ill they will want treatment, irrespective of the country where their doctor or nurse was born.

    I look out of my window as I writer this, all I can see are fields and trees. Granted I stay in the country, but much of Scotland is country. We have glens and straths in the Highlands and Islands where a few families would make an enormous difference to life there. One of the Syrians Channel 4 spoke to in last night’s programme was a vet who wanted to return to university to take his Masters, perhaps a Phd, a person who could contribute to an animal-loving country, not someone wanting to live on benefits.

    The image of the wee lad on the beach will live in our minds, perhaps prompt some thinking, some soul searching. Nicola Sturgeon has said Scotland is willing to help, to take refugees. Maybe instead of waiting for Cameron and the Tories, we should find a way to bypass them by going direct to the EU with an offer to take those willing to come and be Scots, even if only until such time as they might find it possible to return to their own country.

    • Absolutely jingsandthings.

      Scotland is actually grossly under-populated by historical standards. The population of Scotland has barely changed since the 1930s, going up by only 5% in that time.

      Over the same timescale the population England has nearly doubled, France has increased by over nearly 60%, Germany has increased by nearly 50%, and so on.

      Talking of Germany over 12% of their current population is made up of modern immigrants – a total of nearly 10 million ( to be fair the UK is close to that 12% mark too) and yet they are now offering to take in 800,000 Syrians.

      As you say there are communities across Scotland crying out for doctors, nurses, dentists, vets, teachers, social workers, home carers, joiners, plumbers, electricians, etc.

      If people have skills and are fleeing life-threatening persecution in their own lands we should be throwing our arms around them and their families and encouraging them to come here.

      • Alison Grant says:

        Communities may be crying out for lots of qualified staff , but the real issue is that the government is not paying for them. Public sector workers not getting a pay rise in line with the cost of living for over 5 years is why there are a lack of staff. Do the Maths, this country only wants educated people on the cheap to work in the public sector

        • hektorsmum says:

          Actually Alison this government will allow Afghan War Lords, Russian Mafia any hook crook and comic singer as long as they have deep pockets, ordinary people have no place in their world.

        • Steve Asaneilean says:

          Hi Alison – you are of course right about public sector pay freezes BUT that alone is not enough to explain the shortages of doctors, nurses, vets, teachers, social workers, etc. in Highland or Dumfries and Galloway or Borders.
          If there are people fleeing war torn natiions who have the necessary skills and are willing to work in under-served communities then we should welcome them

    • Saor Alba says:

      Cameron also appears to have lost his soul. There is no compassion there, only spin.

  13. katherine hamilton says:

    The Med is cold out where Aylan went in to the water. He’d bob about a bit wondering if this is normal too. He’d begin to freeze just as the water entered his mouth and nose. There’d be no time to cry, just wonder if this is normal too. Then he’d sink, to reappear in all our lives face down in the sand in Bodrum.

    It’s been said many times on here by you and many others Paul about just what levels of evil and callousness exists in the hearts of the leaders of this country. I suppose some will have read those pieces as hyperbole. Maybe I have too sometimes.

    If, in the face of the preventable death of this baby and his big brother, there is no volte face on
    the cowardly statements promoting their insane policy, then enough is enough.

    The Scottish Government should hire a ship and go to the Med and go get them; contact the EU, Germany especially and say “What do you want us to do?” and tell Cameron to go fuck himself.

    • I though of hiring a ship as well, but wondered about the cost when the SG has such tight budgets. But who knows, maybe there are ship owners out there who might be willing to help at such a time.

  14. david agnew says:

    I remember Jim Sillars saying those utterly worthless aircraft carriers could be employed to deliver aid and rescue people in need. That’d be something wouldn’t it. Let the UK stride the earth with its strap on nuclear dildo like it matters. Scotland could be the nation that shames others into action. Thats a reason to vote yes right there.

    • katherine hamilton says:

      Yes, in the face of horror, just be independent. “The man o’ independent mind” etc etc. Rabbie had it 200 years ago and so do we.

      • Saor Alba says:

        What stops us being independent is “the selfish self-interested bigot in the bar who thinks only of the price of his car insurance and how much he can get for his house, the I’m alright Union Jack”. We need men and women “o’independent mind” right enough.

    • jdman says:

      BtP will confirm the person who mooted that idea first was me!

      • Bugger (the Panda) says:


        • jdman says:

          Clearly our conversation has slipped your mind Jim,
          Let me refresh your memory, I stated that the carriers should be fitted for humanitarian purposes and you recalled that a carrier was sitting in South Africa which could be employed for the purposes of releif efforts, which was several weeks before Jim Sillers came up with the self same suggestion I had already made to you!

  15. Justin Fayre says:

    I agree with macart.
    As of yesterday I feel like a pummeled boxer praying for the ref to stop the fight.
    I’m currently looking out my window at the local golf club car park packed with Mercs and BMWs probably paid for by the share dividends from Corporate Psychopathic Conglemerates run by similar Psychopaths that run this country.
    It is said that you can tell a Psychopath intuitively from the coldness that emanates from them in spades.
    Cameron, Osborne, Duncan Smith, Darling, Alexander all have that cold callous sneering aura.

    • katherine hamilton says:

      Nil Desperandum, Justin. I agree we’re all tired but now is the time for solutions and resolution. We all need to get going on generating ideas for how we can do different things now. Screw the Constitutional Settlement. There is no Constitution.

    • macart763 says:

      Katherine is right Justin. We need to get loud and in the faces of our politicians.

      My heart sickness and frustration stems from state and media manipulation. What they’ve made of the public, how they manipulate opinion for desired effect. THIS is the result of their politicking and their never ending fucking games.

      THIS is the real cost of politics and media gone wrong and this is why we need to be done with this political union and this system of government. They use the public’s mandate to back their foreign policies and agendas.

      They make of us accomplices in those policies.

      • Justin Fayre says:

        Yeah I know. I appreciate it’s going to be a slow, gradual process but it so sickens me to see the false, sugary faces uttering the false sugary words while the pimps in the media provide the protection.

      • Jan Cowan says:

        Like most people I felt sick and incredibly sad seeing that poor wee baby lying in the sand but Macart you are so right – ” They make us accomplices in those policies.” What a horrific thought! We MUST be rid of this political union – and soon.

        • macart763 says:

          When they say pooling and sharing Jan, they clearly also meant pooling and sharing responsibility. When people vote, and I don’t just mean in the referendum, but in all electoral processes, they have to consider who and WHAT they are voting for. They have to consider the full implications of the people and system they put in place to govern in their name.

          Mr Cameron, the Conservative party and the Westminster system of government. THIS is the end result of people’s choices in both the referendum and the latest GE. This is the result of politics conducted by politically compromised media and soundbite, by the establishments greed, corporate self interest and their geo political policies. The people of these islands gave them this mandate. In Scotland we have no control over our own immigration policy and are reduced to having our FM ask Westminster for permission to help.


          • Justin Fayre says:

            I’m in the middle of reading Will Black’s book
            ‘Psychopathic Cultures and Toxic Empires’ and there’s a piece dedicated to the support Britain and Israel provided to the setting up in power of Idi Amin.
            Shocking and scary enough but it’s the following paragraph thats particularlychilling:-

            ‘ A large and aaggressiveman, Amin excelled at boxing and rugby in the British Army.
            One officer described him as “virtually bone from the neck up”
            Nevertheless or perhaps because of this shortcoming, the British Establishment helped him become president’.

            Idi Amin was a dangerous psychopathwho playedthe part of the amiable bubuffoon one minute then giving himself the grand title
            ‘His excellency, president for life, field marshal and lord of all the beasts of the earth and fishes of the sea.’

            So then – an amiable buffoon, virtually bone from the neck up wielding the power of life or death over millions.
            Reminds me of someone, somewherein power just now but I can’t quite put my finger on who.
            Regardless,if Amin was. Alive now, I’d guarantee this Establishment would have him ensconced in the House Of Lords for services rendered

            • hektorsmum says:

              Seems as long as they are their son of a bitch they will do fine, then like Saddam, Gadafi decided to do away with the oil dollar. They both were used to start of the destabilisation of the Middle East, this was not to be allowed. Now we have the whole damned lot in flames. Strange that there have been many many “Very Bad Men” but nothing was done to them.

          • Saor Alba says:

            Hit the nail unerringly right on the head as usual macart.

    • Saor Alba says:

      A book that will describe the dominance of materialist values, debt, inequality, political apathy etc in our lives is “The Great Takeover” by Carol Craig, published by Argyll Publishing. She is the author of several other books of Scottish relevance. I absolutely understand your thoughts and feelings Justin Fayre as you look out your window.

  16. Ealasaid says:

    When events make us rant and howl and rage because we have no words to express the obscenity of it all, you manage to find them and express how we feel so well. Thank you.

  17. says:

    Hi everyone plz could you’s do something about this am not learned enough to deal with it it’s the same group that were in the square on the 19 th of sept 2014 hitting girls with flags
    Am sorry if you’d think am dramatising it but in my mind a don’t think a am it’s got to stop !

  18. scotsgeoff says:

    It reminds me of when George Carlin said that the real reason there has been no solution to homelessness in the USA is a) that it should be called houselessness ‘these people need a fkn house first to call a home’ and b) there is no money to be made in it for the rich & corporations.

  19. How utterly sad this day has become, for you Paul as well.

    Without any doubt, the PM of the UK has shamed us all. His sidekick fared no better with his indifference.

    My family have decided that if it was possible, we would make room in our home for another family in dire need of one. I’m no hero, but I’d like to think that my daughter would be given solace if she ever needed it too.

    I’ve run out of patience.

  20. Marie Clark says:

    Well said Paul. I’m so bloody mad at this. That heartbreaking picture of that poor wee boy, words just are not enough to express the horror of it all.

    If you’ll pardon my french, Cameron and the Tories are just bastards. Heartless soulless bastards.

    I hope that the Scottish Government can find a way past that midden of Westminster, and help out with bringing some of these desperate people here . I’m sure that we would all get behind them in any efforts that they would make.

    Come on Nicola, we’re all right with you on this one. Tell Cameron etc to GTF and get stuck in.

  21. Maureen says:

    Sad so sad. I hope Cameron,Osborne Duncan Smith etc rot in hell.

  22. davy1600 says:

    Today I saw a photo or should I say photo’s in our Tesco’s on the news-stand and it floored me, I grabbed the National paid for it and quickly back to the car. I didn’t want people to see me standing there with tears running down my face, but I couldn’t stop myself when in the car.

    Its not that I would have been ashamed to be seen crying at seeing such a heartbreaking picture, it’s more I don’t know what I would have done if someone had said the wrong thing to me at that time.

    You see the tears were not of sadness but of pure anger, the anger of seeing an innocent lying like a piece of flotsam on a beach while the bastards in government in Westminster keep giving excuses not to help little souls like that find a place of safety. Aye but if theirs a threat to some rich bastards stocks & bonds there their like a flash to save the day.

    I am angry because just less than a year ago a bunch of gutless, am allright jacks voted against Scotland being independent, and tied us to that bunch of soul-less Tory MP’s for the next five years. If they had voted YES we could have been taking action to save and help children like Aylan and his family right now.

    Tonight when I go home my 11 year old son will be asleep, I will give him a quiet kiss a quick tuck in and close the bedroom door and then I believe I will pray for a little boy who will never feel a kiss again, tears or not.

    • davy1600 says:
      Thank you for this comment, which I agree with totally.
      Thanks to the gutless 55, an independent Scottish government is unable to directly allow access to refuge and sanctuary to those fleeing the conflict created by the UK and US governments unless Westminster allows them to do so.

      Wee Ruthie, Kez, Willie Rennie and all the other NoThankers must be feeling very proud of themselves today.

    • Saor Alba says:

      Absolutely spot on davy1600. Your lion heart roars with pain. I will join you in that prayer.

  23. Guga says:

    There is definitely a case for allowing in genuine refugees, though they should be screened to eliminate economic migrants. However, at the same time we should be looking at the causes behind the large number of refugees, and looking at the countries who should be allowing them in..

    The main cause of the large number of refugees is the policies of the American Terrorist State. They continue with their crusade to bomb, invade and annex assorted countries, mainly in the middle east. They do so to control these countries, usually by setting up puppet regimes, and to control their resources. They are, of course, also interested in supporting the Terrorist State of Israel, to which end they finance and arm them. They even support, finance and arm ISIL, without a second thought about the consequences of their actions. Strangely enough, I have yet to see the Americans even considering taking in any of the refugees who have been bombed and maimed, and whose countries, civil structure and houses have been flattened and destroyed.

    The English government, like many of the European governments, kow-tow to the Americans, and unthinkingly join them in bombing and destroying the peoples of the affected countries; and with the same aim of overthrowing sovereign governments so they can install puppet regimes. So, they also have an obligation to take refugees from the American and European terror.

    In all their actions they have not given a second thought to the consequences of their illegal wars and mindless murders. They leave these countries as, in the words of Calgacus:

    “….. .they make a solitude and call it peace.”

    We do not expect Camoron or his ilk to have any care for refugees; they have no care for the weak and impoverished in this land! Unfortunately, as long as we remain a colony of the English we have no say in what they do or how they do it. We must have another referendum within five years so that we, in Scotland, can control our own destiny and help, to the best of our abilities those unfortunates who have been forced to leave their own countries by the actions of terrorist states and their war criminal leaders.

    • TheBabelFish says:

      Sorry, but there is no shame in being an economic migrant. I left school in the early Thatcher years, and I was an economic migrant to Australia. There was NO future for me in Clydebank where I grew up at that time. I was lucky to be able to get out. If you were in that situation you would do the same.

      I agree with most of the rest of your comment though.

      • Guga says:

        Small point, but when you went as an economic migrant to Australia, you did so legally. You were not one of the “boat people”. So, there is no shame in being an economic migrant if you do it legally.

  24. I think differentiating between refugees and economic migrants must be almost impossible. Look at the photographs on Munguin’s Republic. Homs, before and after. Wide boulevards with trees, nice housing and today the same scene shows mountains of rubble.

    If people have no homes, no food, no hospitals, no places to work because all have been bombed to dust, are those who flee from that refugees or economic migrants. These people once had good homes, comfortable lives. All gone. All they are looking for now is a roof over their heads, food and an opportunity to lead what we here would call a ‘normal’ life with their families. Do these people not have a right to that ‘normal’ life. After all, they weren’t the ones who created the chaos, yet they are the ones suffering.

  25. says:

    Hi everyone a have added a link to see if you’s would like to donate to the humanitarian crisis don’t forget you can start your own for friends and family or blog readers am not asocated with the link just promoting and donating !

  26. Iain Hill says:

    I cannot stand the patronising distinction made between refugees and migrants. Refugees get crocodile sympathy (“We are touched…..” ) but precious little help. Migrants get the cold shoulder (This country’s too full already. Why should we let them in?).

    Historically, for centuries no nation exceeded the Brits in the rush to occupy and exploit other people’s countries, often killing the native population incidentally, for the sake of a better life. In my own lifetime family and friends went to Canada and Australia. But this seems to be permissible only when it’s us, and if we have white faces. Anyone coming in our direction, to fill the holes in our economy, is instantly demonised. What is our rationale for assuming this country “belongs” only to us? Most of these blimps will not even know of 1648!

  27. Iain Hill says:

    I meant to add, for those whose fastidious white souls cannot tolerate the idea of economic migration, when you are 80 and in a care home, are you prepared to clean your own toilet, change your bed and wipe up your body’s various messes? Care staff have to do these things (often for a shocking pittance) and you will not find indigenous people queueing up to do it! Finished now, thanks.

    • Jan Cowan says:

      Excellent comment, Iain. .

    • fionan says:

      sorry but as a ‘fastidious white soul’ and an ‘indigenous person with roots in Scotland at least as far back as 1700s’, I have been a carer both in homes and in community care. I thought nothing of cleaning the various messes, its little different from dealing with a toddler. I worked over 100 hours some weeks when other staff failed to turn up, many being these non-‘indigenous’ staff. Some of these carers from other lands were extremely rough and treated the most vulnerable clients with a complete lack of compassion – the same could be said about some of the ‘indigenous, white faced’ carers. The long hours and poverty wages are very likely contributing factors in the subsequent onset of my poor health and disability. And contrary to the wise words I have been given so often, yes, I did stick in at school, yes I have tertiary and post-graduate qualifications and experience and no, I didn’t turn up my nose at ‘dirty’ work or low paid drudge to earn my keep.

      It is a myth that only incoming peoples will do our dirty work, it is more the case that they accept far lower pay and poorer conditions and allow these to be driven down. Some don’t even have true equivalent skills and qualifications. These are generalisations that I am making and I am aware of that, but so is the myth that immigrants are required for certain jobs.

      I have no quibble with immigrants or refugees, especially with those in current appalling circumstances, and I agree we should be free to offer what help we can. I am delighted t see the mobilisation of aid to the refugees at Calais. Like everyone else I feel sick at the images we are seeing. And I have no ‘but’s.

      I would just like people to be better informed before denigrating the ‘indigenous, white-faced’ among us, many of whom have been forced into economic migration also, due to Westminster policies. Many of whom, including myself, would give their right arm to be able to return home, to have a home to go to, and who despair of ever being able to see friends and family again.

      • Justin Fayre says:

        Brilliant response and a voice that needs to be heard.
        As someone working in the so called ‘care sector’ on and off for 20 years, I despair sometimes at the Machiavellian antics of so called Support Staff.
        When you add to the mix the profit orientated Service Providers into the equation you get a problem that needs addressed

  28. Janet says:

    A well written article. Full of humanity. Keep it up, WGD!

    Let’s not cave in to the horrible rantings found in the mainstream press.

  29. J Galt says:

    Please folks do not fall into the trap of thinking this is some kind of terrible “accident”, an unintended consequence of promoting “democracy” or deposing “dictators”.

    This is exactly what was intended, down to the last dead wean on a beach or suffocated family in a van.

    Pure fucking evil.

  30. Dramfineday says:

    Excellent article Paul,loved it. It’s heartbreaking watching this unfold.

  31. Will Easton says:

    Came in from work tonight and spoke to my wife about that poor little boy on the front page of the National, unknown to us our 5 year old granddaughter was listening in and saw the picture. That was it, 100 questions about the wee boy on the sand,I tried my best to explain but at the same time I wondered if I could have been a bit more discreet and protected her from this, but, we had to run with it best we could, even though she is too young to fully understand. After I had a shower and returned to the “mad-house” I noticed it was unusually quiet and found the other 4 older grand weans with the paper trying to find more information about the wee boy on the sand. Very sad. We have to help now, sadly, I hope this will be the turning point.

  32. heathermclean19 says:

    Trying to share this on Facebook Paul, but to no avail, for some reason it won’t allow me and this needs to be seen!

  33. jdman says:

    Its amazing how closely aligned independence supporters mindsets are, I wrote this this morning on Wings before I came into your blog Paul

    “Have you seen her latest filthy mutterings?
    I read them on the Revs twitter feed and thought – Keep it up hen, every time you open your trap UKOKland looks all the more repulsive.”

    But dont you think that just like the more independence is mooted the more mainstream the concept is,
    likewise the more creatures like Hopkins are free to spout their vile hatred another little bit of our collective humainty dies,

    I used to think that freedom to show what they wanted on tv was sacrosanct and we shouldnt be subjet to censorship as it is a subjective thing, “one mans meat is another mans poison” kind of thing,

    but when we are subject to horrible people like ISIL or Katy Hopkins blowing up ancient temples (she WOULD press the plunger)dont you think we become more and more inured to the suffering all around to the point we retreat into our own little family unit and hope the searchlights dont pick us out,

    Ive often thought about the kind of country I want to live in post independence and saw in Singapore a good blueprint for a society that respects each other, and has standards that WILL be upheld under pain of law,

    I dont pretend to be an expert in social engineering but I know in my heart we could as a society be so much better than we are, maybe we are just a little bit TOO tolerant of extreme veiws because we’re too bound up in ensuring political correctness and not having the moral courage to say “this is the line CROSS IT AT YOUR PERIL”!

    • TheBabelFish says:

      Freedom of speech does not extend to the right to a newspaper column, or a radio or TV spot now, does it? Not does it mean you have to by default give those jobs to people with the most extreme and unrepresentative views. There is plenty of better talent out there. Vastly better talent.

  34. jdman says:

    I see Cameron standing in Merkels office with a fistful of cash asking “How much will it cost us to make them your problem” ?

  35. Bill McDermott says:

    This is a turning point in world affairs. We have a combination of global capitalism turning sour (cf. Paul Mason’s treatise on post-capitalism) a communications system which is beyond the capacity of governments to control, the Third World wanting to join the First World, our self-righteous gunboat diplomacy coming back to bite us big time and the head banging idiocy of DAESH.

    I have heard people say that we can’t have a Marshall Plan solution because that was for another time, but that is exactly what we need to save the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa.

  36. The crocodile tears of the ruling 1% was best described in Hugh MacDiarmid’s short poem,

    ‘In The Children’s Hospital

    Now let the legless boy show the great lady
    How well he can manage his crutches.
    It doesn’t matter that the Sister objects,
    ‘He’s not used to them yet’, when such is
    The will of the Princess. Come, Tommy,
    Try a few desperate steps through the ward.
    Then the hand of Royalty will pat your head
    And life suddenly cease to be hard.
    For a couple of legs are surely no miss
    When the loss leads to such an honour as this!
    One knows, when one sees how jealous the rest
    Of the children are, it’s been all for the best! –

    But would the sound of your sticks on the floor
    Thundered in her skull for evermore!’

  37. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    It is being conveniently airbrushed out the MSM that we are the ones who set up ISIL etc, armed them and set them loose.

  38. Capella says:

    I’ve just listened to the World at One where Justine Greening said UK would take in refugees (unspecified number) from the existing refugee camps i.e. people already safe. None from those now walking from Budapest to Hungary (because they can’t get transport). This to prevent people trafficking!

    Then Liam Fox said we need to start bombing Syria again to punish Assad for using chemical weapons. (Still an unproven accusation I believe). The HoC made a mistake last year blocking military action, he says. As if British pilots aren’t already “embedded” in US bombers – a perfectly normal situation according to Mr Fallon, Minister for Defence (or War to be more accurate). .

    I knew it was a mistake to listen to what passes for news in BBC UK.

    • Guga says:

      It is also a mistake for our so-called politicians to listen to, and obey, like tame poodles, everything that their American masters tell them.

  39. mealer says:

    Whats Scotland going to do?We Scots are too wee,too poor and too stupid to look after a stray cat,aren’t we? Refugees? No Thanks.Better Together..but not with dirty furriners.
    I don’t think so.It’s time to show that sick bastard Cameron that Scotland CAN and WILL do the decent thing.Bread,barley bree and painted room.

  40. Steve Asaneilean says:

    I am just reading Jason Burke’s new book The New Threat. Highly recommend it – get your local library to order it.

    In the introduction he makes this very relevant point:-

    “Al-Qaeda’s links with other terrorist or extremist organisations were distorted, often by political leaders who hoped for domestic gain and international support. So too were supposed links – all imaginary – to the governments of several states. One result was the global war on terror, a monumentally misconceived strategy which is in part to blame for the spread of radical Islamic militancy over the last decade. Despite the lessons learned over the years there is a new danger that at least some of those mistakes will be repeated”

    Ain’t that the truth?

  41. gerry parker says:

    If you’re in North Lanarkshire perhaps you could help by signing this.

    Thanks in advance.

    If you’re an SNP member, ask what your local branch is doing to help.

  42. Midgehunter says:

    Children are not only Scotland’s future but the most fragile of mankind.

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