Oh what a night

Well that was some night. So you know how we’re supposed to be gracious and generous in victory? How we should be mature adults, be bigger people than the small minded pursed lippy types of Labour? Well fuck that. Hahahahahahahahahaha… and breathe… hahahahahaha. Get it right up yese ya pandaficated basterts.

Phew, now I’ve got that off my chest I’d like to apologise to people in the east of Glasgow and North Lanarkshire for the sonic boom which rattled your windows at about 3.30 am. That was me and the dug cheering when Magrit Curran lost her seat. In the end the Cuban cigar with which I had intended to celebrate Natalie McGarry’s amazing victory was not a success. I had one puff, and felt dizzy, light headed, and very nauseous. Which was probably pretty much how Magrit was feeling at that moment too. She was being turned to ash as well. So I dumped it in the bin and it’s now en route to the dump along with Magrit’s career. Neither will be missed.

Magrit didn’t just lose, she was Fukushima’d – there was a tsunami, a melt down and then she got pumped. I hope she got some boxes of Kleenex on expenses before she lost her seat, she’s going to need them. Natalie McGarry obtained 57% of all the votes cast and won a majority of 10,000. Magrit’s career is now as dead as Labour’s socialism.

I honestly thought Jim Murphy would hold on to his seat, I thought that the Tories in the Mearns would have been quite comfortable voting for a capitalist warmongerer who loves privatisation and student fees. But he was too right wing even for them.

Despite losing his seat to a Kirsten Oswald who skooshed to victory with more grace than a chancer on an Irn Bru crate could ever muster, Jim Murphy is still clinging on to the job of Labour branch office manager like a tapeworm in the party’s colon. Taking responsibility is only for people who are below Jim’s pay grade. It’s going to take more than utter obliteration to evict Jim. You know how thon advert for bleach says it kills 99% of all germs dead, well Jim is the 1%, and it’s the 1% that he represents politically too.

Jim is like one of those wee mutant beasties that survive even a nuclear war of an electoral wipe-out. His survival is down to sheer pig headed refusal to accept reality which is due to the fact that Jim has spent his career living in a self-generated media bubble telling him how invaluable he is. He’s never had a job in his entire life and it’s unreasonable of us to expect him to get one now, although you’d think he’d be happy that he’s now got time to finish that degree course. Although it’s cruel of me to say that, as now he’s lost his job and his expense account he can’t afford the student fees.

Labour is too shell shocked by the magnitude of their defeat to consider challenging Jim – for now. They’re too deep in shock to face up to the truth that they have a branch office manager who managed to lose 97% of their Westminster seats. That’s failure on a truly epic scale. But even if they did decide to challenge him, who have they got? Kezia Dugdale? After a defeat like this Labour in Scotland needs to think very seriously about whether they have a future as a part of British Labour. Labour in Scotland needs to grow up and become a Scottish party.

Scotland now has more Trident subs than pro-Trident MPs. Even the sole remaining Labour MP owes a large part of his survival to his open opposition to Trident renewal. He owes an even greater part to the campaign of vilification and lies undertaken by the Scottish media against his opponent. But it can’t be argued that Ian Murray was definitely on the left of the Labour party. The SNP is unquestionably to the left of the Labour party. So is Labour still going to claim that Scotland isn’t really a more left wing country than England? Probably.

Labour blames the SNP for its defeat. The Unionist parties went around screaming to anyone who would listen – which would be the BBC and Fleet Street – that the SNP would eat your babies. Labour smiled indulgently on the antics of Ian Smart when he called the SNP fascists and supporters of the Nazis. Labour looked upon a mildly left of centre social democratic party and it saw a scary monster. Then they blamed the SNP because voters in England were afraid of the imaginary monster that Labour had invented.

The Tories have already begun to speak openly of things they didn’t dare mention when they didn’t expect to get an absolute majority. The Telegraph has already called for the NHS to be funded by a private insurance system, Theresa May has already announced plans for a snooper’s charter. We’re facing billions of pounds in cuts to benefits for the poor, the disabled and the vulnerable. The only boom we’ll see is in the number of food banks.

Cameron says he’s going to govern as if the UK were one nation. Which basically means he’s going to ignore Scotland and pretend that we don’t exist. No matter how bad you feel that we’ve got another five years of Tory rule ahead of us, just think how much worse you’d be feeling if we’d voted Labour and were faced with fifty expenses claimants who’d put party before country. But instead we’ve got 56 SNP MPs, the Scottish unicorn has stuck its horn right up the arse of the British establishment. They’re not sitting comfortably. They will not be able to ignore us ever again.

The task of the 56 SNP MPs will be to twist the unicorn’s horn ever deeper into the flesh of the British establishment. Their job is to remind us that there is another way. There is another vision. We must grasp the thistle of the future and have confidence in ourselves. With last night’s result, Scotland’s independence just got closer.

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79 comments on “Oh what a night

  1. Ian Watt says:

    Respect to the Dug for all your efforts in making Magrit sad, I just wish we had made Carmichel sad too – maybe ‘frenchgate’ will catch up with him yet. Well done.

  2. Joe MacFarlane says:

    One of your best , brilliant, thought of you when Curran lost, a major leap towards independence

  3. smiling vulture says:

    better together


    gordon brown(vow)
    3 unionists
    george galloway

  4. My Whole9 Life says:

    No one was more relieved than me when Stuart Donaldson won West Aberdeenshire… Well, ok, maybe Stuart himself!!… I had vowed to move house if Alexander Burnett got in here. Living in a Tory constituency would have been shameful.

    Great post! Thanks for your tweets too… Always a joy!!!

  5. WRH2 says:

    I wonder if the three token unionists in Scotland will now just have a joint conference instead of bothering to find really small venues to hold their separate ones in. The average telephone box is probably too big now. It’s going to be lonely for them, no mates unionists! Oh how we are laughing today!

    • Marconatrix says:

      At least there’s only one each of the three endangered species … so no hope of them breeding …

      • McBoxheid says:

        And even if they do,(breed with each other) the offspring of hybrid species is usually sterile if they come from diffent genera. But then again, they are all tories of one stripe of the other, so perhaps not that different.

        • broadbield says:

          It’s an interesting example of Darwin’s reverse speciation: 3 species living on the same island initially foraging in totally different environments but gradually moving to feeding solely on the middle ground and melding their habits, plumage and foraging strategies such that, like the pigs and humans in Animal Farm, when you look at them perched on their green benches it’s impossible to tell which is which.

  6. Incredible night – and you were in our thoughts as Curran went down. The tapeworm in the colon is a perfect summation of Murphy’s position.

    Where I can’t fully agree is your line “They will not be able to ignore us ever again”. Actually they can – but they can’t ignore the UKIP rise in % terms. Cameron’s ploy of playing to middle England worked – and he had nothing to lose in Scotland. He cannot listen to Scotland and listen to England’s lurch to the right at the same time.

    He can implement any right wing policy he wants for the next five years – massive cuts, no tax rise for richest 10%, new weapons of mass destruction.

    All that has changed is that 6 voices in the House of Commons, saying it is bad, have become 56 voices. Louder – but unable to prevent a single thing that Cameron wants to happen from happening.

    As a passionate advocate for full independence this is the best outcome, in the long run. But it’s going to be awful to witness the pain in the short to medium term.

  7. James Cassidy says:

    Paul, I am living overseas and I heard you and the others in Glasgow East screaming. It was followed by an equally loud sound of gnashing teeth.

    Amid the cheering and gnashing, it’s extraordinary that Murphy wants to hang on to the leadership of the party and believes that he will be elected FM next year. By FM it must mean that he want’s to be the Fundily Mundily cos he’s nae chance that he’s going to overturn Nicla. His Iron Bru journey has taken him to the …[pregnant pause] …buroo! Do I detect an air of delusion? Do I detect a want about him — other than his want for power and expenses?

    Murphy aside, we have to acknowledge and maintain the momentum from Labour to SNP or Greens or SSP to ensure that there’s an even greater representation for these parties in Holyrood. If this happens, then there is a clear chance of IndyRef2 coming to a polling place near you.

    In the words of Wendy Alexander erstwhile Branch Manager and sister of the erstwhile Shadow Foreign Secretary) “Bring it on!”

    • Andrea says:

      Jim Murphy, I have been thinking for a while now that he actually looks as if he is on the Autism Spectrum…. seriously.He appears to have learned a few social skills but when challenged he is puzzled as to how to respond….then there is his ignoring everything and everyone around him to stay on his own agenda – the ‘brass neck effect’ I call it..

      • Andrea, I am sure you had no intention of causing hurt to anyone with the autism comment but there are many ways of getting your point across.

        • Andrea says:

          Sorry I can’t see how a serious observation of JMurphy’s behaviour and responses should cause hurt or offensive to anyone. do a check on signs of Aspergere’s relating to social impairment, communication difficulties, (fundillymundilly) and restrictive, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior

          if I wanted to be offensive and polically incorrect I would berate East renfrewshire for not taking better care of their village idiots…

        • Alex Waugh says:


          While I can absolutely understand that it might seem insulting to people on the Asperger’s spectrum to place Murphy among them, insult was not intended. I took Andrea’s comment as a serious observation. I also do not see why saying that someone may be thus affected is seen as an insult, any more than calling them tall or blue-eyed; it is simply part of who they are. My own grandson is in there somewhere. In addition, I have taught and am still teaching children from various points on the spectrum and I also recognize the signs in Murphy’s behavior. Generally speaking, Asperger’s is:
          “…characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development.”

          A glance at his facial expressions is revealing. Look at the pictures of him with children and you see a failure to connect in their response to him (faces and body-language). Setting aside my loathing for his politics and his appalling tactics (which could explained by a classic lack of empathy), I genuinely think this man needs help. His antics over the past wee while have made it easy to despise him but his inability to accept reality yesterday prompted pity rather than hatred in me. He should never have been given the job. Sympathy for the devil? Why not – we are all humans, frail and fallible in a million ways.

          • Andrea says:

            Yes Alex that is it. I too have worked with children on the Spectrum and was completely serious – not intending to denigrate at all. Just been observing him throughout the last year. Aspereger’s sufferers are often highly functioning – and no-one could deny that he has survived this long in politics by sticking to his own style and mode of functioning, despite being unpopular in the social sense. You will see the oddness of his responses quite well in the footage of the announcement of his losing his seat. His response is out of step with what happened. He’s behaving the way he thinks he ought – not as someone who’s entire career has just been trashed, with unbeleivable fallout. He’s going through processes – compare it to some of the others – example who are clearly gutted.

            I also suspect he doesn’t actually understand why he should resign as he is still new to the job. He’ll be very reliant on his advisors in this regard, and sticking closely to the ‘rules’. .

            He seriously does not understand why people are apoplectic when he describes Labour’s stance on the referendum as a ‘disagreement’…he lacks the empathy required to know when his behaviour is making things worse. People call him ‘creepy’ – but it is the oddness of his interactions that they are emotionally responding to…

            • Ken Waldron says:

              I met Murphy a couple of times when he was “Student Jim” and remember in particular one response to meeting a friend also involved in student politics at a bus stop…not the “how are you doing? fancy a pint sometime?” introduction of normal human communication, but almost without preamble, something like: “…So… what are you going to vote on paragraph 2 / 3 and the lapsed amendment?…”
              We just looked at each other and thought he was a space cadet at the time…

              • Andrea says:

                Ken – space cadet – Asperger’s is sometimes called “Wrong planet syndrome’. How many times have you heard people say of Jim Murphy “what planet is this guy on”?

  8. Luigi says:

    There’s only one thing guaranteed to kill off Jim Murphy:

    A stake through the heart.

  9. […] Oh what a night. […]

  10. macart763 says:

    So that’s whit that noise wiz. 😀

    As for twisting that horn…

    Remember guys its not about votes in the commons. All of the non English union partners together couldn’t outvote the unbalanced nature of that chamber regardless of who was in number 10. The real power of those Scottish MPs was always going to be in committees, the chambers where legislation is created before going to the houses for voting upon.

    In those committees the order of the day was putting pro Scotland MPs in those seats. Think for instance about the make up of the next Scottish Affairs Select Committee. 😉

    Think about the terribly uncomfortable questions which the third largest party in Commons will be allowed to ask. (TWO per PMQs I think.) Think about the legislation they can delay or with a little help halt outright and all without being anywhere near a parliamentary vote.

    Then think about the access which they will be allowed both in chambers in terms of parliamentary information and further afield to the wider UK media. So don’t worry about lack of influence folks, they have plenty to be getting on with and Mr Cameron knows it. 🙂

    • jimnarlene says:

      I think that’s what the unionists were the most afeared of, the SNP getting a swatch at the books,

    • Sue de Nymme says:

      I agree entirely, it is not about votes. The work is done before it reaches that stage. We are incredible fortunate in that Alec knows his way about the corridors of power and, at the risk of being facetious, he can teach the troops about practical matters such as the location of the canteen.

  11. Louise says:

    Thanks for this and for all your writing -has helped us to smile and keep our anger focused. Raised a glass to you and the wee dug last night! “Pandificated” -just brilliant.

  12. Paul, there are times when your articulacy and your vehemence come together just perfectly. This is one such time.

  13. jdman says:

    “Labour smiled indulgently on the antics of Ian Smart when he called the SNP fascists and supporters of the Nazis. ”

    Ian Smart! oh dis that name no bring back memories?
    oh the banter,
    he wid accuse o bein Nazis and we wid scream the place doon,
    oh the laughs we used to have when he’d hid a few g&t’s,
    remember when he said “better a hundred years” ach well you ken the rest, he hid us up aw nicht wi the boke,
    Ehs awa noo,
    we’ll no see his like again,

  14. fillofficer says:

    smug dug

  15. Hazel Smith says:

    You excelled yourself with this one Paul. What a fantastic night. Too bad we’ve still got Mundell though!

    • jdman says:

      I dont fundlly mundilly see his as a problemilly, we can stick him in the SoS stocks and chuck rotten tomatoes at him, it can be a long winter ye ken! 🙂

  16. jimnarlene says:

    It was ae Fundily Mundily great night. Thought of you and the dug, when skelpit face was ousted.

  17. jdman says:

    I have decided, Im going to open a restaurant, Im going to call it THE SCHADENFREUDE and it going to feature German dishes like,
    Ed (kosher) Weinersnitszel ,
    ( ye can gag at it while ye try tae choke doon the fact your going as far as you ever will,)
    (but lets no talk aboot the Queen,)
    (no reason, I just think it might make Ian Davidson uncomfortable while he tries to spear it with his bayonet,)
    (Kinda like the future those bastards stole from us)

  18. Smiling and buzzing aw day. We got rid o Moore, fended off Lamont and got Calum Kerr to end 50+ years of Lib/Dumb rule here in a part o the Borders. Thanks for keepin us sane and even more for your wit and humour. As to Onwards and Upwards, I think Cameron & Co will do the rest for us in finally nailing the coffin o this defunct Union

    • WRH2 says:

      Sheila, absolutely agree. Great result for us in the Borders. I don’t think people who don’t live here know how hard this was. Because the Tories aren’t on the radar in the rest of Scotland constituencies most are unaware of the monumental change that has taken place. It wasn’t just defeating Moore it was ensuring Lamont didn’t get in. I’m overjoyed with the result.

  19. jdman says:

    I just realized
    I can watch QT again without medication. 🙂

  20. Neil Anderson says:

    Weegingerdug. I am glad that we made your least expected dream come true. I am fae Borrheed (that’s a workin class toon in East Renfrewshire, I’m sure you’ll be aware) and we campaigned hard to rid our toon and country of a vile pestilence called James Francis Murphy Phd Politics (failed). We didn’t fail, we passed with honours. Along with many others we turned what seemed impossible into possible and made it a reality. I am immensely proud of my toon noo. I’ve loved it and hated it and loved again. Many folk thoughout the constituency battled hard and won. We are about to face yet another battle and we will win again. United with Shettleston and all of Scotland. How wonderful! Again I say, you are the pre-eminent blogger on this here interweb. Lang may yer lum reek.

    • Saor Alba says:

      It was NOT a PhD, Neil. He took nine years to NOT get a first degree and was funded for this. You need to get a first degree before you can get a PhD. He has not got a degree of any kind other than a degree of insolence when he addresses those whom he does not agree with.

  21. Connor Mcewen says:

    Anyone for Proportional representation and a wee party wae the Libdems and Labour to shove it through Parliament{Joke honest]

  22. Cap Andy says:

    Well, it seems Davidson is indeed bayoneting the wounded. It just isn’t the wounded he expected. Oh dear oh dear.

  23. Connor Mcewen says:

    Oh aye and Gerrymandering by the Tories to Advantage them in a new voting system

    • jdman says:

      to be faIr Connor, the redrawing of parliamentary boundaries was long overdue, the fact that it favours the Tories is in OUR interests!

  24. Tris says:

    “Taking responsibility is only for people who are below Jim’s pay grade.”

    I wonder if it’s struck him that he won;t have a pay grade.

    As far as I know Labour doesn’t pay their branch manager any money. (S)he has to rely on a parliamentarian’s salary.

    And the justification for staying on is that despite the fact no one wanted him, he feels he has a right to a say what the party’s policies should be and be the boss of its MSPs, MPs, MEPs and councillors… with no backing from the taxpayers?

  25. Rob James says:

    Murphy the main man is an illustration of the dearth of talent in slab. Who have they got who could rejuvenate the party? I think their best bet is the blindfold, pin and phone book method.
    Enjoyable article but you didnae roar as loud as me when Roger Mullin took Brown’s old seat.

  26. Devereux says:

    No-one deserved this as much as wee dug, Natalie and all the wonderful people of East of Glasgow. AND US……sometimes good things happen to the good people. There will be bad days but……onwards and upwards to a country of our own. 🙂

  27. It must have been the heady smell of sweat from your Cuban cigar , you do know there rolled on the thighs of virgins, it takes many many years of practice, so by the time they learn there auld N pishy thights,but there still virginial.

    • Miss Behaviour says:

      Hey Ronnie, I’ve been to cigar factories in Cuba and they’re a bunch of wrinkly old men! And they lick the ends to stick them down. Yuk!

  28. Well done Paul for keeping us amused during the results.

  29. Sooz says:

    “the Scottish unicorn has stuck its horn right up the arse of the British establishment”

    They don’t like it up ’em, Pike! I was instantly reminded of Mr Davidson’s witty quips about bayonets and upstairs rooms in pubs when I saw him lose his seat. Oh how I yelled. Same with Curran. Yell. Murphy. Yell. Alexander. Yell. One big expense-fattened domino falling after another, replaced by our proud band of brothers and sisters.

    We now have one Tory, one Labour and one LibDem. Snap, Crackle and Pop. Parliament is going to be even more wonderful to watch, seeing our expanded group of SNP MPs gi’en it laldy.

    Meanwhile we have 2016 to prepare for. Many who helped propel us to 56 seats were lending us their votes, or were still no voters but wanting a louder voice at Westminster, so we still have mountains to climb. But we’ve got the equipment and we’ve got the manpower.

    Up and onwards!

    • side show bob says:

      I think we owe it to those parties who worked tirelessly during the referendum to get at least our list vote. They have helped get this result and will help the next referendum when that happens. That must be pushed by all next year

  30. Marconatrix says:

    Forgive me, but I’m confused, really confused.

    It all seemed to be going swimmingly, began to wonder if I wasn’t dreaming it, and finally went to bed. Returned to consciousness sometime today and checked the score only to find a ****ing Tory Majority, not the vulnerable minority (and hopefully Labour) result the polls had promised. So now what?

    I don’t see how it matters now whether there are 6 SNP MPs or 56 or a Progressive Alliance of 156 members were that possible. They’ll be voted down every time. They can talk the night away but the government can and will tell them in cultured parliamentary tones to go and **** themselves. And worse still perhaps, if their majority does begin to wear thin, their obvious allies are the Neanderthal Ulster Unionists, and its frightful to think what concessions they’d demand for their support.

    We have no written constitution so any majority UK government can pretty well do whatever it likes so long as it can whip it through parliament. What’s to stop them strangling Holyrood’s funding and waiting for the population to turn on their MSP’s as services deteriorate? Then, once things are suitably chaotic, imposing direct Westminster rule?

    And don’t say “it couldn’t happen here”, too many unimaginable things have come to pass already.

    • Saor Alba says:

      You underestimate Mr Robertson, Mr Salmond and the team of SNP MP’s at Wasteminster. They will have plenty of influence at meetings, some of which they will chair and be heavily represented at. The collective will is very strong.

      • Marconatrix says:

        So they say, but I’ve seen situations where people are ‘consulted’ without having any actual power, and they let you have your say, and most people are then satisfied that they’ve “been heard”, but in fact the people with the power then do exactly what they’d planned to do anyway.

        I have every respect for the SNP members, but I really don’t envy the position they’ll find themselves in, especially since the electorate probably think like you do that they’ll actually have some influence. In fact the Tories are in power and while their majority lasts they can do just as they like. The SNP, I fear, will simply be given “silly things to do” so they can look busy and justify their salaries.

        • macart763 says:

          As per my post above Marco, parliament isn’t about the debating chamber, its about the committee room. Its about knowing how to use parliamentary process to gain access, delay, negotiate or block long before it reaches Commons or Lords.

          No they can’t stop everything that’s coming but they can mitigate a lot of damage, buy precious time for the Scottish electorate. As an example, imagine those committees still filled with willing establishment MPs and how quickly they would construct and pass for debate amendments to the Scotland act. Now imagine those committees filled with anti establishment Scottish MPs. The time they can buy, the access they can gain, the small victories they will be able to negotiate will be vital to the electorate.

    • katherine hamilton says:

      Hmmm. Don’t despair. Westminster is a snakepit and we’ve got Alex Anaconda. In fact the more Cameron ignores and humiliates (don’t put it bye him) us the better. Scotland has spoken. It’s for Mr. Cameron to reply;

      • Marconatrix says:

        Well, AS seems to think, and surely he should know, that the Tory majority will wear thin in a while, so that at least is something to hope for. Until then I don’t see how the SNP have any leverage, unless there’s a massive uprising or resistance movement in the country.

        Of course Cameron could choose to play the statesman and deliver the promised home rule, seeing it as the least worst option from his POV, to head off future trouble. But that’s a very big if.

  31. Gary Scott says:

    Murphy is the skidmark on the underpants of politics…

  32. i like what you said in the national today about the scots ‘voting for democracy’ rather than ‘nationalism’. I think that is a very accurate representation of what happened. ‘Nationalism’ conjoined with ‘destructive’ is a word used by those like paddy pants down who would seek to discredit the democratic voice of the scottish people. Like Murphy E. they are not ignorant, they wilfully misconstrue. The clue is in the title. The Scottish National Party.

  33. Alex Waugh says:

    That was just the first battle. Now comes 2016 and a clearing out at Holyrood. After that, and perhaps even more important, a cleansing of the Augean stables that much of Local Government has become – out with corrupt (mostly Labour) councilors and their pals with their brown envelopes. More Indians and fewer Chiefs. Zero tolerance of expenses fiddling, backhanders and not bothering to turn up for votes. Discipline and probity at every level of Scottish government – what’s not to like? And maybe, in time, a legitimate, principled Labour and Conservative opposition in Scotland will arise, which is good for democracy.Time for Scotland to show the rest of the UK what democracy really looks like.

    • cirsium says:

      “After that, and perhaps even more important, a cleansing of the Augean stables that much of Local Government has become”

      say it, Alex, say it

  34. arthur thomson says:

    Well done to everyone who made this victory possible. We were never in the position of being able to exclude the tories without the backing of the red tories in England. What has been achieved is the best that was achievable. The fight goes on from a much stronger base. When Nicola and the team have recharged their batteries the process of participation in Westminster ‘democracy’ begins. It stands to reason that we will achieve more than has been possible in the past. Most important of all for me is that we must try to engage more and more Scots in the political process. Our people must be the most politically aware people in the world. I have to believe that there are people in England and beyond who will want to work with us to defeat the culture of greed. I wondered whether I would live to see this day and I am so glad I have.

  35. Steve Asaneilean says:

    As I posted elsewhere, truly interesting days ahead.

    What will Cameron do? Let us go or push us away? I really can’t see a third way.

    As I also said elsewhere, we won the away leg at a canter and now comes the home leg in May 2016.

    And then…

  36. Jan Cowan says:

    Only this minute managed to read your fantastic post, Paul. Certainly the best. So much laughter. What a night indeed and you certainly played your part in getting us there. Many, many thanks to you and wee Ginger.

  37. Graeme Kerr says:

    celebrations and yet more hard work. we’re gonny have to get pretty clued up on parliamentary procedure now to keep abreast of the msm befundilying

  38. P SWEENEY says:

    Paul two Glasgow trams on ebay the best you can get. cheers Pat.

    • weegingerdug says:

      Thanks for the heads up Pat. They are things of beauty, but at £880 each they’re maybe a bit too pricey! And they’re 1/43 O gauge and aren’t motorised.

      There was also another one for sale – a motorised OO gauge one – which I managed to get for £21. Not in the greatest condition, but for £21 I’m not complaining too much.

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