Labour’s Scottish optional identity mark: Fantasy politics from a fantasy party

On Monday Keir Starmer was on one of his trips to Scotland to pretend that he cares about us. He certainly doesn’t care enough to take any Scottish opinions on board, or indeed to show any awareness that such a thing as a Scottish opinion exists. The Labour leader is one of those British nationalists who are of the unshakable view that the opinions of Scottish people are the opinions that he tells us we are allowed to have. Starmer is interested in one thing only, winning a Labour majority at the next Westminster general election. In pursuit of that he will say anything that appeals to the Brexit voters in the English regions that the FPTP system makes the deciders of the next election. He will happily U turn on any policy that does not serve that purpose. What voters in Scotland want does not enter into his calculations no matter how many platitudes he utters about how important Scotland is.

Ever since the many and obvious policy differences between Starmer and the Labour branch office in Scotland have come to light apologists for the Scottish Optional Identity Mark have been insisting, “We are allowed to have devolved policies,” and Starmer has been like, “LOL. No. Not in a Westminster by election you’re not.”

They are divided on Brexit, on the two child benefit cap, on the bedroom tax, on free school meals. On Monday Starmer insisted that anyone looking for policy differences between him and the Scottish Accounting Unit “would have a very long search.” So now Starmer joins the Tories in the brazen nature of his gaslighting. It took me all of ten seconds to find some policy differences, and Labour is putting a nonsensical proposition to the voters of Rutherglen who are being asked to vote Labour in order to oppose Labour policies. Although exactly how a newly elected Labour MP in Rutherglen is going to get Keir Starmer to change his mind is not explained. It will happen by magic.

But then in a very real sense Starmer is right when he insists that there are no policy differences between him and Scottish Labour, in no small measure that’s because if you are looking for a distinctive political party called Scottish Labour you’ll be in for a very long and fruitless search before you realise that there is no such thing, there is merely an Optional Identity Mark and a Scottish Accounting Unit registered in Newcastle. A party that does not exist cannot have policies of its own. Since “Scottish Labour” is nothing more than a marketing brand owned by the Labour party and registered as such with the Electoral Commission then finding a division between that marketing brand and the political party which owns it will always involve a “very long search.” It’s like searching for a difference between the contents of a branded tin of baked beans and a supermarket own brand tin of baked beans made in the exact same factory. Both are going to give you the exact same amount of bloat and gas. You cannot have a real and serious difference of opinion with your imaginary friend.

But in another sense there are no policy differences between Starmer and the Scottish Accounting Unit because the policies that Labour candidates in Scotland stand on are the policies that Keir Starmer dictates to them. They do what Starmer tells them to do and when they get to Westminster they will be under the exact same obligation to vote the way that Starmer tells the Labour whips to instruct them to vote. This is an election to send an MP to Westminster, not Holyrood. There’s no such thing as a Scottish Labour MP in Westminster.Labour’s candidate is campaigning to become a Labour MP. As such he is simply either lying or is delusional if he’s claiming to stand for anything different from what Starmer has said is Labour policy.

Michael Shanks, the Labour candidate in Rutherglen and Hamilton West recently told the Daily Record that he is “not against” the UK rejoining the EU, this is in marked contrast to Starmer’s espousal of the hard Brexit foisted upon us all by the Tories. However Starmer has explicitly ruled out not just any return to the EU but also to the UK rejoining the European Single Market and Customs Union, rather, he has insisted that his government will “make Brexit work” which is rather like insisting that you will make a computer work after it has been smashed into dozens of pieces and claiming that you are going to make it work even though you do not intend to put any of the broken pieces back together again. It’s an absurdity, but what is equally absurd is for a Labour by election winner in Scotland to imagine that he’s going to change a Labour party policy which was never designed with appeal to voters in Scotland in the first place.

It is telling indeed that in a by election which Labour tells us is so crucial to a revival of its fortunes in Scotland that Starmer won’t even throw it the bone of promising to scrap a policy as universally reviled as the two child cap. “If we win a GE, we’ll ask the boss really, really, hard if he’ll change the policy.” Is the garbage hand that Labour in Scotland has to try and play.

With Keir Starmer all Scotland gets is absurdity heaped upon absurdity, an intelligence insulting exercise in offering the illusion of change but none of its substance. Scottish Labour is a party which is not a party, putting forward policies that don’t exist and which even if they did exist it would have no means of implementing. The entire balloon of unreality only continues to exist because the media in Scotland has a vested interest in not popping it. The media in Scotland knows full well that there is no such thing as Scottish Labour in the context of a Westminster election. There is only Labour.

The kind of magical thinking offered to Scotland by the Labour party is the kind of froth that only works in opposition, should Starmer make the electoral breakthrough in Scotland that he so craves, it is highly likely to be very short lived. Victory will reveal the true colours of Starmer’s right wing British nationalist pro-Brexit Labour party, and this revelation will occur in a Scotland where support for independence will remain unaffected by whatever occurs electorally to the SNP.


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133 comments on “Labour’s Scottish optional identity mark: Fantasy politics from a fantasy party

  1. Skintybroko says:

    Another belter of an article, shame the MSM can’t be that honest, they’re all smoke and mirrors without an ounce of integrity between them

  2. […] 15 Aug Labour’s Scottish optional identity mark: Fantasy politics from a fantasy party […]

  3. Alex Clark says:

    The so called media in Scotland are guilty of withholding crucial information of what, in reality, the Labour party candidate in Rutherglen & Hamilton is actually standing for. Instead they are printing everything that the candidate himself says he is standing for and as you spell out, none of that is actually Labour party policy. In other words, Labour are lying to the voters faces in order to win this by-election.

    Deceit wins votes, Johnson is proof of that and now here’s Labour doing exactly the same. It doesn’t matter to them that they will be letting down many ordinary people who believe the lies and think they are voting for something that is different to the Tories. Unfortunately they are not. If Labour winm the next General ekection then the voters will have put in power a party that intends to absolutely nothing to roll back the cruellest and worst policies that the Tories have foisted upon us for the last 12 years.

    Not only is Westminster corrupt but so too is the entire British media, while Scotland remains under the boot of Westminster it will not onlt be more of the same but I believe that things will in fact get a whole lot worse. When you can’t even get a change in policy with a change in Government then you are being governed by the oligarchs that control the media, the banks, the energy companies and all other big corporations who want to keep things exactly as they are and the money rolling in.

    “We’re doing alright, thank you very much, so why would we want change?”

  4. bringiton says:

    As far as the Westminster establishment are concerned,the Union was an incorporating act where Scotland was absorbed into England.
    They have persisted with the term “Scottish” to try and hide this fact from the Scottish electorate because they know how people would react if they were made aware of reality.
    Their view is that the Scottish Labour Party is no different from the Yorkshire Labour Party or Manchester Labour Party.
    Just a label with no real meaning.
    The same goes for all of the Westminster based political parties.
    Devolution has helped to expose their hypocrisy which is why they want to shut it down.

  5. Dr Jim says:

    As far as Scotland is concerned they’re just all the *British* party and no difference between any of them in regards to their policies on Scotland which are the *Preserve the English empire party* or PEEP

    Which is what they want to keep Scotland’s gas on

  6. Capella says:

    Great article. You spell out the true state of democracy in the UK. A small clique of oligarchs own everything and rule everything. Their paid retainers in Westminster and the media carry out orders to the letter. They get rewarded for that. Those that fail to obey orders get punished or cancelled.

    There is a narrow, pesky avenue open for free expression of political ideas and aspirations. The internet. Oligarchs own that too but find it more difficult to control. It isn’t one-way like radio, TV, film or newspaper. Anyone can post/tweet/blog or vlog until they upset the gatekeepers. It is getting harder to maintain fictions such as “Labour is a socialist party”.

    The Rutherglen election will be an interesting test of the power of illusion over reality.

  7. In a nutshell. Paul.

  8. Alex Clark says:

    Sarwar using the Daily Record to once again use the police investigation into SNP finances as a means of keeping the issue in peoples minds. Personally I think this is a bit of a desperate gamble to deflect attention away from their own policies that they don’t want the people of Rutherglen and Hamilton to know about.

    Operation Branchform investigation raised ‘constantly’ by voters in Rutherglen, claims Anas Sarwar

    There is absolutely nothing in the article that hasn’t been said 100 times already and it has been written as an excuse to give Sarwar a soundbite and an excuse with which he can attack the SNP.

    They are taking the voters for mugs now and it’s all wearing a bit thin with me and I sense that’s the case for a great many others including the people of Rutherglen and Hamilton. Nobody listens to the boy who cries wolf too often.

    • Hamish100 says:

      Was there not a story or two about Sarwar the MP who ripped up his Brit passport? I am not saying there was anything untoward into the ex MP but some people hinted there might be so surely the police and others should investigate. The fact he was a Labourite mp surely means he is above reproach allegedly.

      It’s that how you keep a story going or start one ?
      Asking for the BBC or maybe not.

    • Anonymousey says:

      Gotta watch Labour for their usual sleekitness, “raised ‘constantly’” doesn’t necessary mean by people buying into it. A large number of them would have been folk mocking it, as seems to be the general trend these days.

    • stewartb says:

      Thanks for the alert to the Daily Record article on Mr Sarwar and the police investigation into the SNP’s finances, Operation Branchform.

      From the Daily Record – Headline: Operation Branchform investigation RAISED ‘CONSTANTLY’ BY VOTERS in Rutherglen, CLAIMS ANAS SARWAR. (my emphasis)

      ‘ASKED IF THE POLICE INVESTIGATION WAS BEING RAISED ON THE DOORSTEP, Sarwar said: “Look, it’s coming up constantly.’

      “There is A CLEAR SENSE the SNP has lost its way and that we have had a demotion in terms of the person who is in charge at Bute House and the Scottish Government.’

      The wording of the article suggests Mr Sarwar was asked a question about the attitude of voters in Rutherglen to the investigation. Of course, Mr Sarwar took the opportunity to use it to what he perceived is his party’s electoral advantage. The Record’s journalist then writes in a way which enables it to be elevated to a ‘big issue’ for voters – at least by implication (given Mr Sarwar’s eagerness to use it) a negative one for voters.

      So a journalist, a national newspaper and a leading political figure are ALL seeking to exploit – in the context of a democratic election campaign – an ongoing police investigation into a political party and its once leading figures, an investigation which to date has led to no charges far less convictions.

      Yes justice should be ‘blind’ but we are now in a situation – because of the time taken over the investigation and because of certain comments by a retiring Chief Constable – where oppositional figures in the news media and in politics in Scotland are clearly NOT BLIND to the value of the ongoing investigation, regardless of its actual status, to their own political objectives.

      This has gone on far, far too long! Justice delayed is justice denied – and justice delayed is now damaging the democratic process!

      • Not-My-Real-Name says:

        “Headline: Operation Branchform investigation RAISED ‘CONSTANTLY’ BY VOTERS in Rutherglen, CLAIMS ANAS SARWAR”…..

        Aye but who was it that brought it up FIRST at the doors of those VOTERS in that constituency when New New Labour came a chappin …..I think we all know the answer to THAT Q……..if indeed it is true…..and if so perhaps tis because they, New New Labour and their client media , keep bringing it up….

        And that’s the same New New Labour party that recently accused the SNP of indulging in “Gutter Politics”…with they, New New Labour, being EXPERTS on that particular subject….as in ‘it takes one to know one’ kinda vibe….aided , as per , by their client media in Scotland of course….

        I mean to try and get their candidate elected in this by-election…not via his suitability, virtues or indeed his competence or even via their HQ ‘policies’ (though that last one may prove difficult for them considering many of their policies are aligned (identical to) with many of the Tory party’s policies)….. but instead they predictably resort to trying to spread muck from the political Gutter that they are often found to be standing in….classy…NOT…..but oh so so very much typical of the Labour party…pre and post the current New New one….

      • Bob Lamont says:

        Indeed, your summation is probably the point “RAISED ‘CONSTANTLY’ BY VOTERS in Rutherglen, CLAIMS ANAS SARWAR. (my emphasis)”, rather than the spin Sarwar puts on it with assistance from the Record.

        Scots hold an abiding respect for legal process, and trust PS to do their duty, but there is something distinctly ‘off’ at COPFS – More than 2 years since Clerkin made formal complaint, an investigation costing considerably more than the sum in question, and no conclusion has been drawn by COPFS.
        The retiring CC’s remarks hinted at as much without stepping on toes at the Crown Office – Only they decide when the formal investigation is over, until then PS are stuck in a frustrating limbo.

        It’s 3 years since Campbell set this accounting hare running, and it’s ghost will continue to run long after this matter concludes.

  9. James Mills says:

    Labour in Scotland ( as Paul says , there is no SCOTTISH Labour ) is led by a man who proclaims that he is from Working Class stock but , when it comes to the crunch his actions show him up for the hypocrite he really is .

    He was elected Labour Leader on a raft of ”pledges” which have all been broken or put on the back-burner to some distant future when unicorns rule the Earth .

    When faced with standing with the workers ( railwaymen , nurses , doctors , ambulance personnel , etc… ) he not only chose NOT to stand in solidarity with them but insisted that none of his Shadow Cabinet do so either . This was to appease the English right-wing Press whose approval he craves .

    When given a choice between attending the annual Durham Miners’ Gala ( decidedly working class ! ) he preferred being present at the Annual Murdoch Arse-lickers Dinner ( no prizes for guessing whose arse was the recipient of the Kid Starver’s tongue ).

    Faced with a call from Children’s Charities for the meanest and cruellest of the many Tory Policies attacking poor families ( Two-child benefit cap ) to be scrapped by an incoming Labour Government – he refused . Apparently that was a measure that was too expensive for the fifth richest economy in the world to rescind , costing a whole £1.4 billion from a Government spend of £1,109 billion ( 2021-22) . So Sir Kid Starver’s priorities do NOT include taking 250,000 children out of the worst poverty .
    One needs to ponder what could be more important to Labour than reducing poverty among children .
    He recently stabbed his London Labour Mayor in the back over the ULEV levy and has stated that other cities should not impose these environmental measures . Why ? Because it has been suggested that some ostrich-like voters ( who clearly do not understand the ULEV proposals ) will not vote Labour in the GE.

    Almost every utterance from this invertebrate masquerading as a political leader has been to appease the kind of people most of us would cross the road to avoid . He seeks to be the next Johnson or Sunak ( or the Lettuce ? ) – appealing to the type of person who displays smiling emojis on tweets calling for asylum seekers to be thrown back into the sea like unwanted fish .

    He is NO Labour leader !
    He is NOT a cure for the Tory policies of the last 13 years !
    He is the New Boss – same as the Old Boss !
    He has truly earned his knighthood – and his sobriquet Kid Starver , and he hasn’t even got into power yet !

  10. Handandshrimp says:

    A while ago a previous Labour leader resigned, tired of being the branch manager. (I’m having a senior moment on her name and I could Google it but I don’t suppose it matters.)

    So has anything changed? Sarwar knows his place. So I guess in tugging the forelock to the boss, Sarwar’s subordinate position is less of an issue. However, does every Labour member in Scotland feel that way? I’m sure it wouldn’t take long to trawl through the records to see exactly what various MSPs had to say about Brexit, the rape clause etc.

    I’m depressed by Starmer’s willingness to ditch policies that I thought Labour shared with the SNP. Indeed being Labour and unwilling to credit the SNP with anything Labour claimed these policies as their own and that the SNP were simply shoplifting their clothes. One might argue the SNP wear them with more aplomb and conviction.

    Labour under Starmer are

    pro Brexit
    Tough on immigrants
    Anti tree huggers
    Indifferent to the meanness of Tory benefit rules
    Tough on crime

    If you were to list Daily Express tropes that make the gammons moist Starmer ticks them all. Not that the Express cares, they think he is lying and is Corbyn mk 11 in waiting.

    What an absolute farce! I’m glad I don’t live in England because if I did I would struggle to find someone to vote for.

    • Eilidh says:

      I saw Sir Kid Starver and the head of Labour’s Scottish Accounting Unit tonight on Ch4 News. It was difficult to tell which of them was the biggest liar but they say there is no split between UK Labour and Liebour in Scotland re policy. Its all Snp desperation by saying there is. Aye Right I can’t stand Sarwar but Starmer is utterly slimey. I wouldn’t believe him if he told me the sun rises in the morning.

  11. scottish_skier says:

    Labour is putting a nonsensical proposition to the voters of Rutherglen who are being asked to vote Labour in order to oppose Labour policies.

    Glorious, isn’t it.

    A sign of the times. The last days of Rome.

    When ‘Scottish’ Labour are actually campaigning to oppose English Labour you know the game is up for the union.

  12. Gordon says:

    Labour in Scotland funded and dominated from London. Wasting £Million on a bye election. Subsidised unlawfully. Cap on electoral spending. Low turnout?

    The Finale is yet to come GE. Bye, bye to the unionists. Soon before the electoral defeat is even higher.

  13. scottish_skier says:

    This is truly something to watch.

    Labour to impose two-child benefit cap ‘more fairly’ than Tories, Keir Starmer says

    KEIR Starmer has said that a Labour government could impose a two-child cap on benefits “more fairly” than a Tory one…

    …Appearing in Rutherglen on Tuesday, the Labour leader repeatedly refused to commit to scrapping the two-child limit, suggesting that doing so without costing it beforehand would lead to economic turmoil similar to that which followed in the wake of Liz Truss’s mini-budget.

    Presumably ‘Scottish’ Labour will, in an ‘anti-English’ way, oppose English Labours ‘fairer’ imposition of right-wing brexiter Tory policy.

    Labour must win this by-election and by a really big margin. It should be an open goal for them as mid-term opposition with their main SNP rivals being concertedly attacked from all media angles. Anything less than a 20% lead is a f’n disaster for them.

    • Alex Clark says:

      It’s difficult to accept that he expects to be taken seriously by anyone with half an ounce of sense. His new slogan that he repeated today “by growing the economy all across the UK, people could be lifted out of poverty.” is of course complete and utter tosh.

      The poorest people in society, those that are actually living in poverty do not benefit at all from a growing economy unless some of that new wealth is put back into the welfare state in order to specifically target and reduce poverty.

      That requires policies such as scrapping the bedroom tax which so far he is refusing to do. The truth is that Starmer want’s to replace the Tories and persuade their voters to vote for him so he has adopted all of the Tory parties policies, warts and all.

      That is what you will get if you vote for Labour in Scotland, you’ll get another Tory.

      • Legerwood says:

        Growing the economy to lift people out of poverty is just another name for trickle down economics which does not work. Kate Forbes also supported economic growth as a way to tackle poverty. You also have to ask how you ‘grow the economy’ on a planet that is burning, flooding and melting and repeating the behaviour that got us into this state in the first place will help.

      • Golfnut says:

        Growing they economy means different things to different people.
        For some it’s about growing business current and new which creates employment, well paid jobs drag people out of poverty faster than increasing benefits.
        Tory growth centres on growing profit and wealth, trickle down economics which has absolutely no effect on increasing employment, well paid jobs or lifting people out of poverty.
        I’m guessing Kate wasn’t talking about the Tory method.

      • scottish_skier says:

        And he says he’s for ‘working people’, which means Labour is not for you if you lose your job, are a child (heaven help you if you are the third one in the family), retired, a carer, ill…

        Classic right-wing Tory is the Kid Starver.

        • Alex Clark says:

          Poverty in the UK is not restricted to only those who are out of work.

          65.9% of children and working-age adults in poverty in 2019/20 lived in families where at least one adult was working part-time or more, up from 52.9% in 2009/10 and 43.9% in 1996/97.

          18.8% of children and working-age adults in poverty in 2019/20 lived in families where all adults were working and at least one adult was working full time (referred to here as high work intensity households), up from 12.8% in 2009/10 and 8.5% in 1996/97.

          59.9% (so almost 3/5) of people in poverty are in a household where someone works.

          A minimum wage policy that is subsequently topped up with Universal Credit is a complete failure and the use of food banks by people who are in work clearly show that.

  14. Dr Jim says:

    Labour keep saying if they win a general election there’s going to be no money left to do anything different from what the Tories are currently doing
    So what’s the point of desperately campaigning to win a general election where you’re going to do nothing different if you win?

    Kid Starver is asking 3 nations to vote for his party the same as the last party, whose sole height of ambition is to win on penalties in extra time but lose the league with the same excuses as the other guy

    You can only think what a giant sized ego Starver must possess to admit he’s going to do nothing, but vote for him so he’ll have *I was a PM* on his CV
    He will succeed at something though, he’ll have destroyed all and any efforts by someone else in the future to lead any kind of Labour party to any kind of victory anywhere

    The Chingitchkook of the Labour party

  15. Alex Clark says:

    This extract from the History and Policy network of over 500 Historians give an insight into what the Tories and now Labour who have joined them have been trying to achieve for decades now. This is the reason the UK now have foodbanks, the reason that the life expectancy age is falling and the rate of relative poverty in the UK has been rising.

    It was not an accident.


    In the late 1970s, Thatcher’s fears about the welfare state were twofold. First, she and her advisers thought that generous collective provision for unemployment and sickness was sapping some working-class people’s drive to work. Second, they feared the corrupting influence of what Thatcher’s close ally Keith Joseph called ‘the Father Christmas state’ on the middle class, who were thought to be in danger of relying increasingly not on their own hard work and thrift, but on collective action through trade unions and state hand-outs. Thatcher wanted to re-establish an economic and legal framework and a cultural ethos which rewarded what she saw as the ‘Victorian’ or ‘bourgeois’ values of thrift, self-reliance and charity among all classes.

    Thatcherites were therefore determined to reduce taxes and slice away at the value of benefits relative to work. They were also determined to tax short-term unemployment and sickness benefits, removing an anomaly which enabled some workers to make a profit from short spells of unemployment. Thatcher also opposed the idea of a unified tax-benefit system giving tax credits to the poor; a private memo in 1978 reported that she would ‘fight like a tiger’ against any attempt by the Labour government to introduce such a scheme. As Nigel Lawson (Chancellor between 1983 and 1989) explained in his memoirs, unifying taxes and benefits would blur the ‘important distinction between what individuals earn by their own efforts and what they receive from the State.’ Finally, Thatcherites wanted to cut the ties that attracted the middle classes to the social security system; hence the abolition in 1980 of the earnings-related supplement for unemployment and sickness benefit.

    Political scientist Paul Pierson called Thatcher’s social security policies ‘death by a thousand cuts.’ The aim was not to abolish the welfare state entirely, but to chip away at it, leaving social security as a last resort for the very poorest minority, and making it irrelevant to those on middle and high incomes, who would choose private provision instead. In this, Thatcher was successful. When journalist Nicholas Timmins started his ‘biography of the welfare state,’ in 1993, the welfare state seemed so attenuated that many of his friends ‘joked that I had better be quick about it before the thing disappeared’. The contention that Thatcher failed to achieve her mission to destroy the welfare state starts from a false premise; she never intended to do so. However, she was largely successful in residualising welfare, and efforts to do so went along with an increasingly harsh rhetoric about those reliant on social security.

    • Capella says:

      I liked Dennis Healey’s summary of Thatcher economics.
      “The rich don’t work hard enough because they don’t have enough money and the poor don’t work hard enough because they have too much.”

  16. Alex Clark says:

    This is the mentality of the lunatics in charge of the right wing media in the UK.

    Brexit boost for fishermen as ‘world class’ bluefin tuna caught in British waters for first time

    British fishermen have benefitted from a new Brexit freedom after catching a “world class” bluefin tin in UK waters. GB News revealed a bluefin tuna fish was caught off the UK’s South West coast for the first time since leaving the bloc.
    The post-Brexit benefit comes as the Government opted to diverge from Brussels-derived rules for the first time in decades.

    The decision to pivot from EU rules will boost Britain’s fishing industry as 65 tons of the species could become available for capture, Some 39 tons of this will be available for a trial commercial fishery, with licences issued to 10 fishermen.

    Farage, who led the crusade for the UK to leave the EU in 2016, said: “Let’s have a good news story. “I told you yesterday about the fact that today would be the first time that bluefin tuna could be caught in British waters and sold at market and then on to restaurants etcetera. “Well, the first one has been caught on a rod-and-line, and there it is.”

    A whopping 65 tons of fish that could have been caught by UK fishermen whether we were in or out of the EU isn’t much to boast about. To put it into some kind of perspective, in 2021, United Kingdom vessels landed 652 thousand tonnes of sea fish.

    It’s really hard to believe that there are a lot of ordinary everyday people who fall for the shite spun by Farage and GB news and yet here we are.

    Scotland deserves better than this.

    • Alex Clark says:

      I missed the main point which is Bluefin Tuna are only here because of global warming and that is most likely not very good news at all.

  17. James Mills says:

    Sir Kid Starver is on a roll . Not only will he make Brexit work better than the Tories have managed (? ) but he will magically make the two-child benefit cap work more fairly .
    So what’s next for this man of many talents ?

    No doubt he will resolve the Small Boats problem by redefining what we mean by ”small”.
    Asylum seekers will be re-classed as cashless tourists and deportation to Rwanda will be replaced by repatriation to the country which lies between Burundi and Uganda .

    Numerous strikes , long NHS waiting lists , lack of NHS staff , poor ambulance attendance times , ULEV zones , lack of Care Home staff , chronic housing shortages , unaffordable mortgages , sky high energy bills , homelessness , worrying rises in poverty , the scandal of Food Banks , disintegrating infrastructure (outside London ) , profiteering by large corporations , tax avoidance by the Rich , environmental catastrophe along England’s waterways ……These will all be dealt with in due course but first Sir Kid Starver PM has to get the country’s priorities right and deal with the really pressing problems .

    However , once in No.10 solutions to these minor problems above will be found , in much the same fashion that Liz Truss solved the UK’s economic problems when she had her 15 minutes of fame .

    Sir Kid Starmer – the right man , at the right time , for a right wing party !

  18. Joe Adie. says:

    If the (.Scottish Labour.(.red tories.) branch office.) win this by-election.
    And it could very well happen.(.definitely hope not.) what does that actually
    Say about the electorate in that not like saying it.
    But I would say they have absolutely very little sense about politics.and what is actually going on around about them.and how their proud Scotland is being treated by Westminster Britnat unionist parties starmer will be no different .anyone With any common sense would realise voting for any Britnat unionist party In our proud Scotland is just giving them the power to continue to treat our proud Scotland and its population with total disrespect and total contempt.
    As they always have done.and always will.
    And if they do pull it assured we will never hear the last of it.
    Please please electorate in that constituency do not let that happen.
    Scottish independence and the sooner the better.
    Cannot come soon enough.

  19. Capella says:

    Happy GERS Day everybody! Hope you’re braced for finding out just how wee, poor and stupid we are again 😱

  20. Capella says:

    Kate Forbes’ article in The National on GERS.

    The GERS figures reveal chronic inequalities within this Union

    I’m writing this in advance of seeing the figures today, and so instead I’ll comment on the annual Unionist response to GERS. Maybe this year it will be different. But the pattern of behaviour and the predictable retorts of the last few years makes me sceptical.

    The fervour with which Unionist commentators seize on GERS figures suggests that they are desperate to embed a particular narrative in the public domain, and they’ll no doubt trot out the same lines this year.

    It’s important that the public are equipped with the facts, in order to come to their own conclusion.

    I’m using the Wayback Machine to archive because Archive Today isn’t working for me. So apologies for the long URL.

  21. Dr Jim says:

    Scotland has a deficit says England, but the day before they say that Scotland is a part of a union where all the finances are controlled and distributed by Westminster government
    We never hear that say Norfolk or Somerset has a deficit, they don’t mention that because they say those places aren’t countries
    Well it’s kinda make your mind up time on whether Scotland is a country or a part of this union thing that isn’t a country
    Does Manchester have a deficit? Northumberland? or is it only Scotland because England has to use the propaganda that it’s used to using to convince Scottish people that the money that swishes around the British isles isn’t controlled by Westminster on particular days of the year

    Scotland is and will always be poverty stricken no matter what decisions are made by whoever on any given day, they have to say that, because if they didn’t, everybody in Scotland would have to agree that if Scotland had nothing to do with England we wouldn’t be
    Every word that comes out of Westminster regarding Scotland must then be viewed as a lie, how can anyone trust a government that says one part of their *country* (England) is rich and makes all the moolah but the part you live in will be forever poor no matter what you do, surely then England designs it that way, because it’s their responsibility to control the cash, they’re in charge

    Except on that one day of the year when they insist they’re not

  22. Capella says:

    Richard Murphy does his annual debunk of GERS

    Richard Murphy: Why GERS reflects badly on the UK – NOT Scotland

    GERSday turns up every August, like the proverbial bad penny. Unionists will, no doubt, and as ever, come out with all their usual nonsense about it, so talk about it I must.

    Let me start by getting some facts straight. First of all, GERS stands for the Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland statement.

    Second, GERS was created by the Tories in the early 1990s with the obvious political intention of showing that Scotland was not viable as an independent country.

    Thirdly, to do this they created GERS as a half-baked set of accounts prepared each year for an entity that quite literally does not exist. We could call that make belief entity “government in Scotland”, if we wish. We could just as easily call it Narnia. Neither is real.—not-scotland/

    • John says:

      While in no way disagreeing with Richard Murphy’s analysis for the sake of balance can someone not publish at same time the cost to Scotland in last 12 months of Brexit (IFS should be able to do this) – imposed on electorate in Scotland against their wishes by Westminster without any meaningful consultation with Scottish government.

      • Capella says:

        I’ve a vague memory that someone has done the calculation but I can’t remember who atm. If I find it I will post it.

        • John says:

          Thanks but it should be published concurrently by Scottish Government for balance as GERS are being used by politicians to support the Union and Brexit is a cost imposed on Scotland by the Union.

  23. Not-My-Real-Name says:

    I do hope the constituents in Rutherglen Hamilton & West realise this is a By-election for WM….and not, as New New Labour here, are preferring to present it …that is… as if tis some wee cooncil By-election or indeed something connected to Holyrood.

    If elected, Shanks, will be representing HQ New New Labour at WM and should he try to break ranks with his party (BIG if)….THEN….the ‘News where WE Are (supposedly but NOT) ‘ will not highlight his dissent or opposition to anything that could potentially show New New Labour HQ in a bad light…plus the New New Labour HQ’s ‘whips’ will do their best to try to ensure he, Shanks, falls into line with New New Labour HQ’s party position……as the party that is currently those NOT in opposition but those renowned for being the ‘Abstain’ party …..and if they become the NEXT UK government he, Shanks, will probably be convinced (by the whips) tis best he is WITH them as opposed to AGAINST them….I mean once he is elected (if that does happen) then what then can the constituents do…..NOWT but ….feel suckered by yet another Labour politician….who previously promoted his false pledges and promises to them as constituents….as if , as pledges and promises, he as ONE MP, could change the course or minds of his party and leader…and we all know what happens to Labour MP’s who oppose the party….Corbyn anyone ?…Oh aye Corbyn he was REMOVED from New New Labour was he no …under false allegations of being Anti-Semitic but truth was he opposed Starmer’s New New Labour party and their NEW direction….as too similar to the Tories….so he had to GO…….and was also considered bad as he promoted a socialist ideology which to New New Labour is something considered very very TOXIC….

    As the branch office seem desperate to pretend that the ‘issues on the doorstep’ via this By-election are issues concerning ONLY Scottish politics….and not actually where , whoever is elected, will represent them as part of a UK party in the HOC at WM and thus, as their constituency MP, will be expected to defend them, as constituents, against the policies and too the direction of his party whether they, as a party, are (supposedly) in opposition (abstaining) or indeed the next UK government……and that is a completely different ball game…..and one where no ‘one man band’ who is an MP of the Abstain party (who also hope to be the next UK government by default not merit) can change the direction or policies of his party…..if he opposes them (but will he) then HIS (perhaps faux) opposition will not change the course that the party seem to be going, as in the SAME direction as the Tories, …..or indeed cancel or alter the policies they, as a PARTY or new UK government, intend to implement……

    See this By-election is not SIMPLES (in more ways than ONE) but instead the potential consequences could be devastating for us in Scotland….oops…sorry I meant that is HOW the consequences should that result occur, as in New New Labour’s candidate win, will be presented by both the opposition parties and their client media…

    As in somehow it then means tis #GameOverForIndependence…..same old same old…rinse and repeat….plus obvs, for them, will also mean that result demonstrates that the #SNPIsFinishedInScotland (wishful thinking by them)..

  24. Not-My-Real-Name says:

    Read this from the ENGLISH edition of the Daily Mirror on 10th August and then think what is wrong with this… the context that they are one of the many newspapers that promote that , the UK to Scotland, is the best option for us and too who love to emphasise that we are all BRITISH….yet the following article EXCLUDES us, Scots, and too other nations in their patriotic piece to incentivise Starmer ……to WIN but for whose benefit ????

    “Football’s winning message for Keir Starmer – don’t be haunted by past nightmares”

    “In their quiet patriotism, the Lionesses tell us something good and brave about our national story – about togetherness, resilience and hard slog – and they’ve had decades of hurt”

    “On Saturday the fairy tale of the Lionesses continues, as England’s women take on Colombia in a World Cup quarter final. There is more than a match at stake.

    “It comes as our island nation ­grapples with its identity, on ground all-the-more contested as we stand also on the brink of a general election year. With failing policies and a faltering economy, the Conservative Party has already committed itself to culture wars that aim to tear us apart from each other. Their vision of England is based on fear of others”.

    “But in their quiet patriotism, the Lionesses tell us something good and brave about our national story – about togetherness, resilience and hard slog. As James Graham, the writer of Gareth Southgate sell-out play Dear England, says, both the men’s and women’s England teams are changing the narrative.

    They are “managing to project a confident, uncomplicated form of Englishness entirely without the torment, the anxiety you can feel in our political class when dealing with patriotism, pride, and writing an ­optimistic new national story,” he told me after the Nigeria game this week”

    “As the election approaches, keen footballer Keir Starmer and his starting XI, could do worse than re-read Southgate’s letter. Just as the England side was haunted by failed penalty shootouts, Starmer’s Labour is revisited nightly by the 92 election. It too needs a fundamental change of mindset. Like England, it needs to learn to win from its own values and play its own system rather than reacting to opponents or weighed down by 30 or 13 Years of Hurt”

    ““Keir Starmer is always going to have to deal with a difficult balancing act, pleasing voters on the left (who associate patriotism with nationalism) and right (who associate a lack of patriotism with wokeness),” (quote by writer of Dear England James Graham)


    So what about Scotland, Wales and too NI…..where we do come into this “National” and “patriotic” equation and too within what they, the Mirror calls, “our Island”……..well obvs we do NOT based on THIS piece….perhaps Labour’s client media’s patriotic ENGLISH message should be shown to the constituents of Rutherglen Hamilton & West to demonstrate where they, as Scots, are truly considered in significance within the UK via Labour , their media and indeed the UK itself …bet the Mirror’s SCOTTISH edition did not run this same piece here in SCOTLAND…..nope …we know what and who they prefer to focus on (against) and too who they always choose to promote and support (New New Labour under Starmer)…..

    BTW the author of this piece in the Mirror was Ros Wynne Jones who is defined by them as the Mirrors ‘BRITISH’ columnist……she also said, in 2020, when she chaired the English Labour Network’s ‘Politics of England’ event that “Englishness can be a Unifier”…..ah so that would explain her ABOVE piece then on England, Labour and the Lionesses….” who speaks for England” ?…well Ros certainly does and she is NOT alone in either politics, Sport or too the media within THEIR UK…..

    • Dr Jim says:

      Our England is like saying our garden or our shed and we own it, but England’s country is England, all the rest of us is property

  25. James Mills says:

    Should Labour win the Rutherglen By-election there will be national rejoicing at BBCScorchedland , the Herald and various alleged Independence organisations .

    A National Holiday will be declared by the English Spaniel with opportunities for him to dress up and parade in costumes that would be declared over the top in a RuPaul spectacular , allowing him to be the recipient of the sycophantic arse-licking that has been the Breath of Life to him since he discovered that he was Born to Rule .

    Unbridled joy will sweep The Land and feasting will be the order of the day ( except for those dependent on Food Banks – or Penny’s Pantries as they are soon to be re-named ) , firework and bonfires celebrations will be held the length and breadth of Jackie Baillie , and these will be hugely popular , particularly for those who are unable to heat their homes due to Energy poverty .

    Such is the Biblical nature of this victory some have even claimed that graves opened and the dead rose – however this was simply people mistaking Lord George FFS for one of the Living Dead . He had vacated his usual reserved seat in the bar in the House of Horrors and descended on Glasgow in the hope of a few free drinks – while claiming it all on expenses .

    Anas Sarwar , FM -in-waiting , will be hosting a special dinner for all those who have made a Labour victory possible , with roasted pigeon on the menu , caught by Sarwar himself in one of his many , many visits to QEUH while Ambulance-chasing in search of photo-ops .
    The new Labour MP will be hoist on the shoulders of all the Scottish Labour MPs
    ( Ian Murray ) and carried triumphantly … for a couple of feet before being dropped like a socialist from Sir Kid Starver’s candidate list .

    Labour will see this triumph as an indication that despite its failure to keep any of the promises/pledges that saw Sir Kid Starver elected as leader , despite its failure to put any meaningful policies in place to mitigate the colossal harm done by the Tories to the Welfare State , despite severing all ties with any socialist principles , despite not being a Labour Party at all , enough people will be duped into voting for them – mainly with the aid of the neutral Scottish Media .

    This victory has elicited a new New Labour motto …
    ”You can’t fool all of the people all of the time – but we can get by with the fools we can fool !”

  26. Dr Jim says:

    BBC Scotland after all this time has decided to be ashamed of their coverage around the 2014 referendum

    Well isn’t that so incredibly easy for them to say now

    Can I just say to BBC Scotland that we don’t and never will forgive or forget what you did, and some of us would go very much further, and some still might yet

    • Not-My-Real-Name says:

      “BBC Scotland after all this time has decided to be ashamed of their coverage around the 2014 referendum”…really ?….yet going by their recent and current behaviour since 2014….. they seem to have learnt nothing…other than doing the very same old same old that they did in 2014……what is the point in recognising that of which you SHOULD be ashamed of via what you said and did…yet STILL you act in the same way ????

      Well then…. that all sounds very sincere by them….NOT.

    • Skintybroko says:

      Ashamed – huh – they’ve double downed since then as Kay says 90% of the media are against 50% of the population and that’s on a good day – 99% when the National get their knickers in a twist

  27. scottish_skier says:

    #financegate seems to be affecting support for indy as you’d predict. At least, that is, if you are Scottish.

    Support for Scottish independence up three points, new poll finds

    Seems to be up 4 (ex DK) not three:

    42(+5)% Yes
    44(-2%)% No
    13(-4)% DK/R

    ex DK
    49(+4)% Yes
    51(-4)% No

    This is one of the worst pollsters for Yes (Yougov), so seriously bad for the union. Looks like the parties offering indy will be the winners in a snap GE as Prof Curtice alludes to.

    Thanks British / English establishment and media! Much appreciated. 🙂

    • scottish_skier says:

      Takes my worst case conservative average to 49.5% for indy tomorrow, no questions asked, dead to the union.

      Keep at it England / Britain. You are going to ‘deliver independence’ for us Scots!

    • scottish_skier says:

      I would not want to go into the next UK GE not offering some sort of open route to indy. You want to win in Scotland? Then back an iref at least.

      In principle, do you think there should or should not be a referendum on Scottish independence at some point in the next five years?
      48% Yes
      41% No
      11% DK

      That’s 54% ex DK from one of the least Yes friendly pollsters.

      • Golfnut says:

        The referendum route is dead, westminster were forced to kill it. The question is false. I would imagine there are Yes voters who voted No to that question, let’s not get led down that dead end again.
        There will be a referendum but only after we have told Westminster to F#ck off.

        • Golfnut says:

          Sorry that should read ‘ after we have told Westminster to F#ck off through a ukge or a Holyrood GE.’

    • scottish_skier says:

      Quick check suggests that the poll delivers another pro-independence majority for a snap Holyrood election.

      Labour still unable to break that 30 % odd ceiling, with SNP + Green + Alba on up to 44% for a snap UK GE. Conversion to tactical and could easily be a 2019 result.

      Not bad at all mid term with the British / English (e.g. Crown Office) even now arresting prominent Yes politicians.

  28. Alex Clark says:

    Spoken like a true British Nationalist.

    • Not-My-Real-Name says:

      Indeed…as leader of a UK political party and one who hopes to be the next UK PM (also one referred to as BRITISH PM) he should be seen to be impartial and thus, as one who often promotes BRITISH patriotism, he should surely be keen to present any success via nations within Britain at both European and World sporting events as those achieved in the context of his BRITAIN….as let’s not forget other nations within his UK also compete in these sporting events too….and sometimes they even compete against England…….the example you have shown (and there are others too) conveys that Starmer may promote BRITISH patriotism….but his heart, head and his real patriotism (nationalism) will always be with ENGLAND…..First….and it seems also foremost….

      “Celebratory bank holiday if the Lionesses bring it HOME’ ????….to whose home ?….not , as an English team, is the context of this “HOME” one that could be seen to be the UK or Great Britain surely (so he must mean England)….and why would other nations who have their own National teams want to celebrate HIS country winning…and thus gain a BRITISH BANK HOLIDAY ???? or will it just be confined, as a bank holiday , to but England only ?…..Starmer has form in doing this as in promoting ONE nation within the UK (as in HIS country England)…and if he was not one who always reinforces the point that WE in Scotland should embrace and accept British patriotism then I would embrace and accept that he, as an Englishman, was proud and indeed happy that his country could win a tournament….but the fact that he seems to PLAY for BOTH sides…both British and English when it suits HIM….just does not sit well with me or indeed make me trust that if he were to be the next BRITISH PM he would seek to benefit more, improve upon and generate greater economic success for Scotland against his beloved England….

      Starmer …England’s latest LIONheart….

      • Dr Jim says:

        I ‘d put money on most of Scotland being patriotically Spanish next week

      • Not-My-Real-Name says:

        Actually really should have said “he should be neutral” rather than him being seen as ” impartial” ……obviously he as one who is obsessed with presenting his MISSIONS…….well for him , being “neutral” , seems to be MISSION IMPOSSIBLE……..

    • Hamish100 says:

      When the curling team won the World Cup, it wasn’t even reported but then they weren’t playing as Team GB- is that a country?

    • ST says:


  29. scottish_skier says:

    One for W_S

    Looks like Wales will be following us and the NoI quite quickly!

  30. Ken says:

    Rutherglen by election irrelevant depending on the turnout. Low turnout irrelevant as an example. It should not have been held at all a waste of monies. A lot of to do about nothing.

    Hysteria ensured by Westminster unionist interference. A significant GE not too far away.

  31. Ken says:

    Anyone can access the UK Gov whole accounts. A few click on the internet. A year later.

    Interesting reading. UK Gov whole accounts. 20/21. Latest accounts.

    Published July 2023. Latest accounts. Easily downloaded. A few minutes.

    The discrepancies of the narrative, easily they’re to see. Ie UK Gov MSM lies. Scotland and Wales not being treated equally in the UK Union. A pack of lies.

    Wales gained £Billions for EU funding but voted for Brexit because of Tory lies and deceit. Losing £Billions.

  32. Ken says:

    People cannot join two political parties. Depending on the rules. Electoral and political Party rules. Post code/addresses. Not be a member of two political Parties. Political party, electoral rules. No in a position or situation to vote at the Ballot box.

    An elected representative cannot tell people to vote for another Political Party. Against electoral rules. (Party rules) Illegal

  33. Dr Jim says:

    While the BBC in Scotland only give seconds of air time to the fact that the Scottish government has averted the junior doctors strike, a former aide to Tory English health secretary Steve Barclay calls full full privatisation of the NHS not in just England but the entire UK

    The English UK government has so far averted zero strikes using the tactic of belligerent avoidance of discussion, do we have to ask ourselves why?

    Privatise privatise privatise has always been the English UK way to avoid being blamed for their incompetence in government, and to avoid investigation into themselves for investing in private corporations running public services for profit when half of them they are the shareholders to whom the dividends are paid

    The English UK government is the British Mafia

  34. James Mills says:

    STV’s Colin Mackay last night reported on the lack of strikes in Scotland’s Health Service due to ACTUAL negotiation taking place between the two sides , and broadcast Kudos for the SG from the BMA ….
    but couldn’t end his report seemingly praising the Scottish Government for acting in a grown-up manner compared to England , so injected the POSSIBLE threat of strikes in Schools in the FUTURE IF no settlement is reached before then .

    In the Scottish media the glass is always half empty !

    • Dr Jim says:

      They play on the famous Scottish cringe that we’ve all been subjected to since the dawn of England, that no matter what happens, no matter how good, it’ll all go wrong tomorrow because we’re so use to being let down time after time, and the folk that suffer from the Scottish cringe shrug their shoulders and expect that tradition to continue, why? because they’ve all been conditioned now to believe that all politicians are the same so what’s the point of hoping for anything different

      There should have been a sign, Abandon ye all hope when entering agreements with England, they are totally successful at crushing any such hope, and one of the reasons the French originally nicknamed England “Perfidious Albion” or in normal speak, total liars and deceivers

  35. UndeadShaun says:

    We know the BBC are guilty of this, but BBC caught out planting staff in audience in northern Ireland ..

  36. Golfnut says:

    Rayner, touring the North East, listening to voters concerns in her Battle bus, which looks awfy like a Campervan..

    • Dr Jim says:

      Where does it park when not in use? did they buy it before or after Covid? will the branch office in Scotland receive a Barnet funded devolved Robin Reliant? will that be parked outside one of Sarwar’s daddy’s grocery stores?

    • scottish_skier says:

      But, but, but… you can’t use a campervan for that purpose! Or at least English / British parties can, but if Scottish parties do, it must be fraudulent somehow!

    • Alex Clark says:

      Did they have the permission of those that have donated to the Labour party to spend money on a campervan?

    • Capella says:

      Somebody – phone the police!

    • Bob Lamont says:

      It’s almost laughably obvious comparison – “Executive motor-home”, unseized from outside Keir Starmer’s mother-law’s place in a dawn swoop, no pics of Mark Devlin investigating from the shrubbery disguised as “The Hood”, no gardens dug up, no consequential enunciation lessons from David Wallet-Locked-hard, and with Glenn Campbell incapacitated, no sickening innuendo masquerading as journalism from his stand-in Mr James Suit.

      Simply “Rayner on the Road”, sponsored by the Mirror, the paper’s photo caption reading “EXCLUSIVE : Labour to reaffirm green credentials with commitments to clean energy bills”, without the slightest hint of irony.
      That would be the same “clean energy bills” with loads of zeroes attached that Scots have struggled with for years whilst Angela and Keir didn’t pay them the slightest bit of notice as the leccy travelled to cheaper areas southward…

  37. Michael Bell says:

    “On Monday Starmer insisted that anyone looking for policy differences between him and the Scottish Accounting Unit “would have a very long search.” ”

    Well, yeah, Starmer; it’s a pretty long list.

  38. Welsh_Siôn says:

    Well, well.

    Latest from the Dudfail:

    Ex-Scottish Labour leader says independence stance has ‘moved’

    17 Aug 2023 3 minute read

    Former Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale says her stance on independence has “moved”, as she said she can no longer make the case for staying in the UK with the same strength as she did in the run-up to the 2014 referendum.

    Ms Dugdale said while she feels Scots will get to have a second vote on the future of the UK, she does not believe another referendum will take place within the next decade.

    “I don’t think either the Labour Party or the Conservative Government will concede a referendum,” the former politician said.

    Asked directly how she will vote if there is another ballot on independence, Ms Dugdale said she will “decide at the time”.


    • scottish_skier says:

      It’s happening. Labour are splitting at the border.

      The fact we now have ‘Scottish Labour’ campaigning to defend Scotland from nasty English Labour right-wing Tory policies tells you the UK has not got long left.

    • James Mills says:

      ” I don’t think either the Labour Party or the Conservative Government will concede a referendum ” the former politician said .
      Q. Does SHE think that Labour should ‘concede’ a referendum given the 50/50 split for Indy in many polls ?
      Q. If they will not concede a referendum , does she think that this is democratic ?
      Q. If this is not democratic , is she still a member of this demonstrably
      undemocratic Party ?

      • Welsh_Siôn says:

        James, I don’t how true this is, but if you read on in this article, in relation to your 3rd Q:


        However she has not been a member of Labour for three years, citing her pro-European politics as the reason for quitting.

        Despite this, she said she “desperately” wants Sir Keir Starmer to win the next general election “because I want the Tories out of office”.


    • Golfnut says:

      This is the next stalling tactic. Referendums will be front and centre and we’ll have plenty who will fall for this. We binned the referendum, don’t let them resurrect it.

    • deelsdugs says:

      Think she’s aiming for some support as some sort of ‘saviour’. Vaguely recall hearing her discuss this on radio shortbread a few months back, and thought uh huh, here we go…

  39. scottish_skier says:

    Yougov, ex DK:
    Which of the following would make the best First Minister of Scotland? Humza Yousaf, Douglas Ross, or Anas Sarwar
    47% Humza Yousaf
    30% Anas Sarwar
    23% Douglas Ross

    Pretty clear cut that. Yousaf’s ratings continue to rise while Starmer, Sarwar and Ross are all losing favourability.

    • Capella says:

      Is that pretty much much the split between pro independence and pro union? Good to see HY way out in front but who, in their right mind, would think DRoss would be the bet FM?

      • Alex Clark says:

        His mum

      • scottish_skier says:

        Yes, it ties in with the Holyrood results delivering another pro-Yes majority.

        Which is what’s behind all the recent attacks on the Greens and the SNP collaboration with them.

        British nationalists are very keen that there’s a split between the SNP and the Greens so that the latter stop voting SNP tactically in Holyrood Constituency and UK GE first past the post votes.

        • Capella says:

          Yes I noticed the onslaught of anti-Green policy news articles. The SNP could discuss the Bute House Agreement at the Conference and I would guess the membership would endorse it again, which would deflate the unionist hysteria about splits. They need to be clear about priorities – independence, for instance.

        • Alex Clark says:

          The same can be said for British nationalists being very keen to see SNP voters stop giving their regional list vote to the Greens.

          • Dr Jim says:

            I think it’s a good two way street for both parties, SNP vote holds up because of the Greens, and the Green list vote stays strong due to the SNP, and all because of the one main policy, independence
            People in Scotland know without question both parties are pro independence so their votes are in the right place

            Humza might be quiet going about his business, but he is proving effective with his style

  40. scottish_skier says:

    Financegate is now making people think about things they’ve dismissed before. Salmond then Sturgeon? That’s what I have noticed anecdotally.

    Of course as also an Irishman, I wasn’t remotely surprised when the blue tent appeared outside Sturgeon’s house and I’m sure she wasn’t either. Hell, England tried to assassinate the PM of my (other) country when I was 9. This is not a friendly naiton. If it was, we’d be getting ready to vote in iref2, there’d have been no Irish war of indy and the chagossians would be enjoying their home islands etc.

    We are reaching endgame, and they’re getting very dirty as they always have.

    • Dr Jim says:

      If I’m correct I think there are currently four people in jail for making death threats against Nicola Sturgeon, and more recently her family suffered various threats and abuses

      • scottish_skier says:

        The thing is, if you are Scottish pro-indy politician you know you can’t be corrupt. You must be ultra squeaky clean, or it will all be over for you very quickly, either through trial by media, or a blue tent on the front lawn.

        If you want to be corrupt / have your fingers in the till, you join an English / British political party. Then you can help yourself freely, and you’ll be left alone to do so as long as you don’t rock the establishment boat.

        Which is a good part of the reason I vote SNP; I can be very confident they’re not corrupt, on top of their support for Scottish nationhood.

  41. Alex Clark says:

    This is desperate stuff.

    Inside comedian Graham Linehan’s ‘cancelled’ show at the Edinburgh Fringe

    After having his Fringe show cancelled, the controversial comedian performed his set outside the Scottish parliament in Holyrood…

    Independence is NOT about any single issue, and that is why those that are against Independence will do all they can to make it about single issues. It doesn’t matter what the issue is, support for GRR, support for re-entering the EU, support for abolishing the monarchy, support for an independent currency. You name it, then they will try to use your support or otherwise for any given subject to divide us.

    All that matters to them is to use it as a wedge to split the support for Independence.

    • Bob Lamont says:

      The media are trying hard to push the ‘freedom of speech’ angle – By making the story about “being ‘cancelled’ ” it distracts from the more serious issue of AJ having the power to prevent coming into Law that which Holyrood examined in extensive detail, debated, and ultimately voted on to become revised legislation by majority.

      The disinformation campaign seeks to convince the public that the Scottish Parliament quite simply got it wrong, and that citizen X or politician Y or comedian Z knows better.

      • Not-My-Real-Name says:

        “The disinformation campaign seeks to convince the public that the Scottish Parliament quite simply got it wrong, and that citizen X or politician Y or comedian Z knows better”

        Spot on Bob…..though many a time tis not framed as the Scottish parliament but solely a decision they, the media, state is one the SNP as Scottish government ‘pushed through’ aided by the ” tree huggers” the Green party.

        ( “tree huggers” being a quote from Keir Starmer but said (after) in response to what the media called “an animated presentation from New New Labour’s climate and net zero spokesperson Ed Miliband after he set out his revolutionary energy policies”. as in a response from Starmer, via what HE, the SAME leader from the SAME party also announced as in that they, New New Labour, would launch the Great British Energy company….based on….clean energy….as in renewables (mostly sourced from Scotland obvs via our potential and capacity)…..i.e. GREEN energy which is driven as an argument by what some ignorant people call “Tree huggers”..)….

      • scottish_skier says:

        Opposition to GRR is right-wing English policy backed by both English Labour and the Tories. So it’s now BBC policy to oppose it too, using it as stick to beat the Scots with, including Scottish Labour. But that just helps Yes.

        I note the BBC studiously avoids showing examples of the type of stuff Linehan’s said on this matter that’s got him kicked off different platforms. It’s like Stuart Campbell wrote it for him.

        • Capella says:

          Rubbish. I oppose the GRA reform and I’m neither English nor right wing.

          Graham Linehan is most concerned about the attack on women’s rights and the medical surgeries and drugs administered to children which have a lifelong effect. I’ve listened to his YouTube videos “The Mess We’re In” with Helen Staniland and Arty Morty for some time now and he comes across as a decent genuine person who has researched the subject in depth.

          Repeating activist slurs doesn’t help. Cancel culture should be opposed. Freedom of speech should be defended. IMO.

          • scottish_skier says:

            To be clear, political opposition to self-id / GRR in the UK is coming from right-wing English / British parties is what I meant. The issue itself isn’t specifically left or right. At most it’s more of a liberal vs authoritarian / conservative one, but even then that’s an unfair generalisation in terms of individual views, which are complex and nuanced.

            The right have unquestionably jumped on it and tried to make a culture war out of it to distract from issues that actually impact most people. There’s no doubt about that, which is what I was more on about. It is likewise true that most Scottish parties support it, but the main English ones are now opposed, if simply due to right-wing opportunism coupled with a jock bashing opportunity.

        • Bob Lamont says:

          I respectfully disagree, it’s a “Torches v Pitchforks” special for Scotland, the only reason both Labour and the Tories keep it alive.
          Do remember the GRR was slated for all parliaments which had legislated the GRA, it was on the roster for WM until Johnson suddenly shelved it.

          It made no sense at the time, only in hindsight do you see them setting the stage for the Scottish play, how to interfere with the SNP/Greens arrangement which essentially neutered the Unionists ganging up on the SNP…

          Despite some folks getting exercised over it, the vast majority of folks didn’t give a monkeys about the GRR and still don’t – They were happy for Holyrood to debate it and derive a solution, but that’s where the plan went off the rails, Holyrood passed it by a remarkable majority – Enter the flouncing AJ blocking the Bill to extend the chances of the Scottish play succeeding.

          As to Linehan, he’s got the publicity/notoriety he craved off the back of the Scottish play…

          • scottish_skier says:

            Yes, I don’t disagree, but on top of the Scottish angle there’s a definite general right-wing Brexiter culture wars aspect, with this adopted from the ‘build a wall’ Trumpists in the states. The goal is of course to have the people with the pitchforks think the torch carriers want to steal their pitchforks, so having them all fight amongst each other while those at the top line their pockets.

            Sir Kid Starver is not even the slightest bit left. He lied through his teeth to get elected as leader with the ultimate goal of being richer than Blair. The latter was a relatively honest social democrat compared to Starver.

            • Bob Lamont says:

              No surprise whatever to your first response, and no disrespect intended to Capella’s perspective, but her response perfectly examples my observation on “some folks getting exercised over it”, whilst the vast majority of the populace and MSPs didn’t see a problem.
              Lenahin is trying to make his mark as a professional comedian with an edgy set, his ACT has sweet SFA to do defending anyone against a law which has never been enacted.
              The intriguing assertion “Repeating activist slurs doesn’t help. Cancel culture should be opposed. Freedom of speech should be defended. IMO….” does rather validate your subsequent observation and beg the question, who’s the activist ?

    • scottish_skier says:

      I’d like to think he’s somehow let himself be brainwashed by Stuart Campbell types. Unfortunately, some of the stuff he’s come out with on the topic cannot be considered thoughtful / clever debate, but is instead utterly appalling garbage. He seems to have become utterly obsessed with the topic to his own detriment.

      It’s a pity as I’m a huge Father Ted fan.

      It’s not just the Fringe venue distancing themselves from him, but a whole host of ‘platforms’. I understand he was banned from twitter/X and then there’s this on my google news feed this morning.

  42. Hamish100 says:

    Freedom of speech is one thing the msm , bbc, stv cabal don’t do.

    It’s the suppression of 1/2 the population, it’s the distortion, the lies and their conniving with others including so called and self styled “real”independence supporters.

    Who would be a journalist writing stories you don’t believe in.

    Best people to govern Scotland are the people of Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  43. scottish_skier says:

    This would not come as a surprise. There will be nothing social democratic left by the time of the next GE, and Sir Kid Starver will be hammering migrants, ‘benefits scroungers’, ‘whinging jocks’ etc in interviews as the prospect of lining his pockets via No 10 draws tantalisingly close.

    Labour party makes reported U-turn on workers’ rights

    LABOUR are reportedly rowing back on their commitment to strengthening workers’ rights in a bid to discredit Tory claims that the party is “anti-business”.

    At Labour’s national policy forum in Nottingham last month, party leaders watered down a promise to boost the protection of gig economy workers, according to sources and documents seen by the Financial Times.

    • Not-My-Real-Name says:

      Indeed SS…yet Labour HQ’s Angela Raynor was reported as saying via The Scotsman (on THE same DAY that this above news (via Labour HQ) was reported about them, UK Labour, U-turning on workers rights)

      Raynor stated that “Scottish workers have been ‘left out in the cold’ by ministers in Scotland and the UK”……..apparently according to HER in The Scotsman article …..”Labour are going to ‘detail’ Labour’s ‘new deal’ for workers” on a ‘visit’ to Scotland …..SO……

      The LEFT hand (Raynor) obviously does not know (say) what the RIGHT hand (Starmer) is doing (or saying)….or is this yet another example of Labour’s hypocrisy…….so is the “new deal” for workers then NO DEAL….seems so according to New New Labour HQ ……

  44. Ken says:

    The Westminster unionists are breaking International Law again. Under UN principle any country is entitled to self governance and self determination when the electorate vote for it. Westmibster is once again acting illegally and breaking International Law. Scotland will get Independence when people vote for it. Westminster cannot hold it back. People need to get out and vote for it. A higher turnout. Why people who support Independence vote for a unionist Party is a mystery. Or support Independence but do not vote for an Independence supporting Party but moan about not getting Independence. Get out and vote. A higher turnout. To vote out the unionists. Support Independence but do not engage in the political process. Just moan. Or complain. Cutting off their nose to spite their face. Especially with PR imposed by unionists without a mandate. A quota. Not Democratic.
    The electoral letters are being sent out preparing for. GE. Starmer is keeping stum. Going all out towin without a mandate or manifesto. Then do what they like. The usual,lies and dishonesty from Westminster.

    70%+of the electorate support full EU membership. 80%+ among the younger. A major problem for Starmer as he disregards them. The elephant in the room, along with other major topics. Does not look well for the future. Looks to lose and nothing to gain but Westminster unionist lies. Not fair or democratic. There may be troubles ahead. Not democratic or upholding democracy. Against International Law. Unequal and unfair. Back to the Courts again, The usual Westmibster way. Breaking the Law of every Agreement. Static. Reactionary.

  45. Dr Jim says:

    People are using their freedom of speech to insist others should be denied freedom of speech, then we’ve got the taste and preference people insisting the things we like or don’t like are the wrong things
    We have people who insist they care more about their cause than other groups that they claim aren’t insistent enough
    Britain has become a real life Monty Python race of see through rain coated hand knitted quilt wearing Mr Angry’s from everywhere with a have cause will travel badge,
    armed with never ending battery life in their mobile phones, banners, slogans, tubes of glue and a manifesto for something or other that’s different and more important than what everybody else wants because according to them nobody cares like wot they do and we’re all going to die if we don’t care
    It started with the *woke*, now everybody’s wacky

    And the media love them all

    Have you got a problem? are you a one in a hundred billion people with something odd about you that demands the government spends £150 squillion balloons to find a solution to fix that problem? let’s get you on the telly immediately to point out how heartless and cruel the government is because they refuse to send you to another planet where that problem has been solved by superior aliens

    Sore finger syndrome? what are the government doing about it? it can last for years

    *Spend gazillions of money or you’re evil* politics from the media
    And if the government says yes we’re actually doing the thing you’re asking about

    It’s never nearly enough and it’s too late

    There might be a strike depending on how some folk think is a fairly new one by the media, is that a demand for the creation of a * psychic thought minister*? what will his/her budget be?

    Not nearly enough and it’s too late

    Don’t mention independence for Scotland though, unless there’s a poll that makes it appear hopeless

    And that’s just this morning, but do let us know if there’s more for our afternoon slot

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