Dugcast fae the dughoose – with James Kelly

In this week’s Dugcast I’m joined by James Kelly of the Scot Goes Pop blog. We discuss the British nationalist violence in George Square this week, some of the findings of the recent Panelbase poll that James carried out for his blog, and the tentative steps of the Scottish Government to take the country out of lockdown. And of course, much more besides.

We lost our connection about 21 minutes into the podcast and had to reconnect. Apologies for this and I hope it doesn’t spoil your listening too much.


Direct link to the podcast in case the embedding doesn’t display properly for you – click here https://soundcloud.com/user-291670852/dugcast-18-06-2020-with-james-kelly

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25 comments on “Dugcast fae the dughoose – with James Kelly

  1. Hamish100 says:

    Thanks. Enjoyed Could we have a Q & A session at one of your podcasts? £5 a go or a packet of dog treats

  2. Petra says:

    Another excellent interview Paul and if James is reading the comments I would like to see him continue with crowdfunding for polling, when he thinks it’s advisable.

    Meanwhile David Hamilton, Chairman of the Police Federation, has released a controversial announcement to ”News Editors” which isn’t going down too well. Lumping ”nationalists” in with Unionists thugs isn’t going to help to eradicate the disgusting behaviour that we’ve witnessed over the last few days / weeks, for example can anyone remember even one person being charged for any misdemeanour on an AUOB march with some of these marches involving up to 200,000 people?

    He also makes a point about politicians failing to condemn the actions of such people defying the law. Surely Nicola Sturgeon HAS condemned this behaviour on a number of occasions over the last few weeks. Is this him lumping Nicola Sturgeon in with the the Scottish Unionist politicians too?



    ”Cabinet Secretary for Justice HumzaYousafand GlasgowCC leader Susan Aitken have issued a joint statement in relation to the disorder in Glasgow, George Square on Wednesday 17 June.” https://mobile.twitter.com/ScotGovJustice/status/1273580086852272141

    • Golfnut says:

      I’ve read the letter, and its a bit of ramble, trying I think to defend the Police response to the thugs being on the streets. However it does contain a germ of truth, badly, very badly articulated. The point I think is that large assemblies were banned, no march or protest should have been allowed, all should been stopped including Black lives matter. That was a political decision that no one had the courage to take.

      • PacMan says:

        The inescapable fact is that British nationalist thugs are at fault here. In lumping, nationalists i.e. Scottish independence supporters who have not been involved in any protest or gathering since the lock down, with these individuals excuses them in a way from their actions.

        As much as it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I’m sure it does for many others, this isn’t the time to politicise this. We are in the middle of a serious health crisis where public gatherings of any sort puts peoples health at risk and risk prolonging the lock down that is damaging our economy. The bottom line is that all public gathering, including those connected with BLM, needs to be stopped until the health crisis is over.

        If that means that we need to bite our tongues again as British nationalist thugs have been allowed to run amok if it means that public gatherings can be stopped to help the health crisis that all of us are facing then surely we need to accept that no matter how hard it is?

        • weegingerdug says:

          No, we shouldn’t bite our tongues. We’ve been biting our tongues and avoiding calling out these British nationalist fascists for far too long. It only emboldens them.

  3. […] refused, and the cautious easing of the lockdown in Scotland.  You can listen to the podcast HERE. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Posted by James Kelly […]

  4. douglasclark says:

    Excellent interview. Perhaps a little more could have been made of the coming Brexit fiasco?

  5. Bob Lamont says:

    Brilliant choice, a most enjoyable and informative exchange…

  6. Alex Clark says:

    Thanks again to both you and James for the interesting discussion. I do have to say though that any talk of 60% or 65% support in the polls before a referendum is called is designed to wind up Independence supporters who are desperate to have one now.

    We will absolutely have a referendum without support being even near those levels and there’s no way I believe that Nicola Sturgeon has this as a precondition for calling one because it just isn’t going to happen.

    I know that there are some within the SNP hierarchy that do take such a view, however, in my opinion, they won’t be the ones making the decisions. I believe such talk is being used by our opponents as a tactic to undermine support for Nicola Sturgeon by implying that she doesn’t want a referendum, they say that is setting unrealistic targets for support because she has a cushy number as FM so why would she want to risk losing her job if she lost a referendum.

    It’s all bullshit of course, designed to splinter support for Independence and in fact, I wouldn’t have her “cushy” job if you paid me double what she earns.

    • ArtyHetty says:

      Well said, can’t imagine staying sane in FM shoes right now especially. N.Sturgeon is doing a great job, dealing with so much Britnat cr*p it could hardly be worse having such incompetent facists at WM to deal with, and a pandemic. Brrr.

  7. Hamish100 says:

    We will have a reverendum when the FM thinks we can win. A Steady 55% Min is what is needed. Once we around that we will get Henry McLeish back on saying federalism should be a question and wee ginger dug is arrested as a illegal immigrant with dubious connections with Catalonia.

    • Alex Clark says:

      I’d take a referendum now Hamish (Covid aside) as I believe we would win at current levels of support. I see no need to set artificial limits on levels of support based on polling. After all who can say with any certainty that polling results couldn’t be rigged to give a false picture in either direction?

      You won’t know if the porridge is too hot or too cold until you taste it.

      • Welsh Sion says:

        You won’t know if the porridge is too hot or too cold until you taste it.


        Here’s one I prepared earlier (before Indy Ref 1). Hope it’s still relevant :).

        4. (of 60.)

        Scottie and Jon Bull

        Once upon a time, there lived in a town not so far away, a large fat man called Jon Bull. Jon Bull owned a little dog called Scottie. Every day, Jon Bull used to take Scottie for walks at the end of a tight leash. Then, they would come home, and he would open a tin of dog food and give it to Scottie. Scottie ate the food and stayed quiet. He remained faithful to his master.

        Then one day, as Jon Bull and Scottie were walking in town with Scottie on his tight leash, they passed outside a butcher’s shop. Inside the shop was a big, juicy bone.

        “I want that bone” said Scottie, all of a sudden.

        “What?” exclaimed Jon Bull, “You have a voice? Scottie, you can speak?”

        “Yes, I can” said Scottie, “And I’ve been quiet long enough.”

        “B-b-b-ut”, stuttered Jon Bull, “Why are you speaking now? Think of all that tinned dog food I’ve been giving you all these years – you don’t need that bone. I’ve taken good care to give you food regularly. I’ve taken you for walks. I provide you with a nice warm home in which to live and sleep.
        And I do know what’s good for you.”

        “Oh yes, you know what’s good for me” retorted Scottie bitterly. “And as for the food, why, it’s been the same old, bland dog food day in, day out. Sometimes it comes out of a red tin, another time it comes out of a blue tin. You’ve even tried deceiving me into thinking the new food – from a yellow and blue striped tin – is different. But quite frankly, Jon Bull, it’s the same old recipe hashed up every time. And I’m sick to death of it.”

        “Why you impudent, ungrateful cur!” roared Jon Bull.

        “All the other dogs have bones” replied Scottie, “I don’t see why I should be any different. And you know as well as I do, the traditional image of a dog is with a bone between its teeth – not lapping away at some meat mixture in a bowl given to him rather condescendingly, I might add, by his master. I’ve seen it in the books you read.”

        “Fiddlesticks!” cried Jon Bull. “Are you trying to tell me, your master, how to look after my own dog – after all I’ve done for you?”

        “Yes”, said Scottie softly, “you might learn something from me.”

        “Such cheek!” blustered Jon Bull, his face reddening and his fat belly wobbling. “I’ve a good mind to thrash you, Scottie. Just because some mangy mongrels are allowed bones, you think you’re entitled to some bones too! Well, I won’t stand for it, do you hear? I’m your master and you’re my dog – I tell you what to do, not the other way around!”

        Scottie was not listening. He was obliged to get the resentments he had been feeling for years off his chest.

        “And another thing,” said Scottie, pursuing his argument calmly, “you say you’ve taken me for walks. Yes, you have – but always on your terms. The other dogs are left off the leash and are free to roam. You keep me on this tight leash, day in, day out. It’s not normal.”

        Scottie thought by appealing to Jon Bull’s ideas of fairness and the treatment which other dogs had that he would win the argument. He thought Jon Bull commended exercise, fresh air and freedom for dogs. What Scottie hadn’t realised that these rules only applied to other dogs – not to him.

        Jon Bull was having none of it.

        “Not normal? Damn your impudence, Scottie! I won’t have you speak to me like that! You know full well that if I did let you off the leash, you couldn’t possibly survive by yourself. You wouldn’t get any food – you’d die of starvation. And you have a nice warm home with me. Enough of these ideas of freedom!”

        Scottie was quiet for a bit. Jon Bull smirked. He had won the argument. He was right. He was always right. How dare that impudent, ungrateful puppy think that he knew best! I, Jon Bull, hold the leash. I, Jon Bull feed you well. I, Jon Bull give you a nice, warm home. What more could you possibly ask for, Scottie?


        Some days later, Jon Bull and Scottie were in town again. Scottie was on his tight leash and they were walking past the butcher’s shop again.

        “I want that bone” said Scottie.

        “We’ve had this conversation!” growled Jon Bull. “You’re not getting it and that’s final!”

        Scottie weighed up his options. It was now or never. He bit Jon Bull hard on the ankle.

        “Yyyeeeeooowww!” screamed Jon Bull, letting go of the leash.

        This was the opportunity Scottie wanted – and he took it. He ran into the butcher’s shop and onto the counter where the big juicy bone was. He could hear Jon Bull bellowing after him,

        “Come back here, you ungrateful, vicious mutt!”

        (Two possible scenarios to this story now present themselves. Which one is it to be? I leave the final decision to my readers).


        Scenario 1

        Having jumped onto the counter, Scottie surveyed the big, juicy bone. And then he sniffed it. He sniffed it again to check and then he realised, with bitter disappointment, that the bone did not smell very nice. It was not going to be very nice to taste either. Scottie’s dreams were crushed and he sat on the counter with his head between his paws and cried his eyes out.

        This gave Jon Bull the opportunity to recover his dog.

        “Don’t you ever run away from me again!” cried Jon Bull. “In fact, I’ve got the very thing to ensure that you will not.”

        Jon Bull proceeded to tighten the leash a couple of notches around Scottie’s head.

        “That should ensure your obedience in future,” said Jon Bull. “Such a silly dog to have notions of juicy bones when he was fed so well at home by me.”

        “Was fed so well…?” whimpered Scottie through his tears.

        “Oh yes” said Jon Bull maliciously, “you must be taught a thorough lesson for your behaviour, Scottie. And as for biting your master on the ankle – after all he has done for you – that is really beyond the pale.”

        Scottie gulped.

        “Yes, my doggie friend, you will go back to your usual diet of tinned dog food. Only this time, I won’t be quite as generous in my rations. You will live on half a tin a day – not your usual full tin. You understand don’t you, Scottie? And in this period of economic austerity, you must appreciate I can’t afford to give you a full tin every day, in any case. We must all make economic savings – we are all in this together!”

        And goodness, how Scottie howled!


        Scenario 2

        Scottie surveyed and sniffed the big juicy bone.

        “Mmmmmmmmmmmm” he sighed, “better than I expected. So much better than that boring, samey dog food I’ve been so used to getting from my master, Jon Bull.”

        And with that Scottie seized the bone between his teeth – as he had seen so many other of his canine friends do in the past – and trotted out of the butcher’s shop, his tail wagging furiously and happily. He was now just like them, a free doggie with his own bone, not attached by a tight leash and controlled by a surly master who always made all the decisions on Scottie’s behalf. Scottie could look forward to a new life for himself – and one where he called all the shots.

        Dear readers – which scenario is it to be for Scottie and Jon Bull?


        Parables for the New Politics

        • Alex Clark says:

          Very good WS, most folk reading this site would always walk out with the bone and I think for the majority of Scots now, they would take the bone rather than have to live with Jon Bull as their master any longer.

  8. Hamish100 says:

    My comment of steady 55% pro independence indicates we could win. We don’t need to wait for 65% or any other figure.Would you risk a vote if it was 50/ 50? Of course not. Another defeat is not acceptable or durable. Just to go for the sake of it is poor tactics. It does not guarantee victory and that is the prize.

  9. Malky McBlain says:

    Re opinion polls and who commissions and sets the questions and who conducts them. This is not meant to cast aspersions on James’s recent poll it does however offer an insight on how the poll can be manipulated to get the answers you want to hear. I thought this may be of interest and perhaps a bit of a laugh in the process watch:

  10. Arthur Thomson says:

    An interesting interview Paul.

    I think, on balance, it was useful to carry out the poll. In particular, the response to the Scottish Government’s handling of the pandemic was good.

    With regard to the politics of it all I wasn’t too impressed by James’ take on much of it. The route map for getting to independence is a bit like the route maps for the pandemic – full of uncertainty. They are both complex conundrums. The attitude of some commentators on both subjects are adolescent, in my view. This should be done and that should be done, without the remotest awareness of reality. Full of wind and pish and signifying nothing.

    If Nicola Sturgeon survives this with her mental health intact it will be a miracle. I think her saving grace may well be that most of Scotland’s population are four square behind her. Adult people appreciate genuine endeavour and honesty allied to straight forward intelligence. Adult people are not “angry” that she has “failed” to do what they wanted, in the way that they wanted, when they wanted – all regardless of the impact on the whole. Adult people know that sustained achievement of really difficult tasks is only possible by working smart and with a big measure of luck.

    As to Nicola Sturgeon having made mistakes – I just shake my head in wonder. WTF!

    • Dr Jim says:

      They do like to say that don’t they, Nicola Sturgeon isn’t perfect, as if that’s aimed at being derogatory towards her, if this is as scathing as they can get she must be damn near God like, because that deity isn’t perfect either
      If Nicola Sturgeon has never or will never make a mistake I’d be very worried and suspicious that she was a robot machine android, if anyone can name a human being in the history of the world who is or was perfect I’d be really interested to know who this person was or is

      In terms of political comparisons today here and now in the world we live in if the worst criticism of Scotland’s FM is that she isn’t perfect my guess is she’ll take that all day long compared to the lengthy and broad complaints about every other political leader practically anywhere on the planet right now

      Considering she does not have control of her own country and is forced to tolerate the dominance and incompetence of anothers control Nicola Sturgeon is right up there with the best leaders of any time in history and a testament to her that the whole of Europe thinks so too, because they know the constraints she’s working under, make no mistake on that

      Her most impressive feat by far of course is the ability to cut her own hair or the Unionists wouldn’t be so impressed and obsessed by that at the same time, the latest comment coming from the Daily Mail columnist Andrew Pierce……….who’s just had a face lift

      Pretty pathetic bunch the Unionsts

      I wonder what she’ll be wearing tomorrow for her press briefing, because us Nationalist groupies live for that, we just can’t get through the day without our daily dose of Nicolastyle, it’s why we vote for her too, if Robin Leopard and Clacton Slackjaw smartened up their fashion maybe more folk would v……..Nah they wouldn’t

  11. Welsh Sion says:

    C’mon, Scotland! We’re standing by you – now you stand with us!

    YesCymru membership doubles to 5,000 in two months
    20th June 2020


    Onwards to 10 000 signatures for indy and beyond!


  12. Dr Jim says:

    Sir Keir Starmer leader of the UK Labour party has been told to be the voice of the Union in order to revitalise the Labour party in well, anywhere, now somebody correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Sir Keir Starmer leader of the Labour party in the UK the voice of the Crown Prosecution service who decided there wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute Sir Jimmy Savile, my guess is if that is correct and I think it is then when folk realise this Sir Keir Starmer’s voice had best remain silent on any subject

    Sir Keir Starmer wasn’t a *Sir* then

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