The arrogant and offensive truth twisters

The Prime Minister actually managed to turn up for work today and presented the daily British Government press conference. This is not unconnected to the fact that the only thing that anyone was wanting to hear from the British Government today was that Dominic Cummings had got his jotters for driving a coach and horses to Durham all the way through the lockdown regulations, and none of the spineless wonders in the British Conservative party are brave enough to stand up to Dominic. And neither, it has transpired, is the Prime Minister.

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson took to the podium to deliver the news that Dominic Cummings is going nowhere – except Durham. In the process he set a new UK record for the number of people shouting “Oh fuck off” simultaneously at the TV screen as he announced that Dominic Cummings had in his view acted entirely responsibly, legally, and with integrity. Although that last bit doesn’t really mean anything much as Boris Johnson is as far removed from an understanding of integrity as the Scottish Conservatives are from a reporter every time there’s bad news for their party.

This is a government without integrity, without honour, which is deserving of nothing but our contempt, our anger, and our disdain. What you sow, Boris Johnson, so shall you reap. Even someone who had access to the official Twitter account of the UK Civil Service was so angry with Johnson’s response that they tweeted “Arrogant and offensive. Can you imagine what it’s like to work with these truth twisters?” The tweet was quickly deleted. The person who sent that tweet will be investigated by the Civil Service and will be disciplined and quite possibly fired. That’s a damn sight worse than what the British Government will do to Dominic Cummings. The real crime here isn’t doing the crime, it’s being angry at the crime.

There was not even a hint of understanding that people who have abided by the rules deserve an apology. There was not even the faintest shadow of acceptance that Dominic Cummings’s actions were liable to produce a justified outrage. Instead what we got was almost a rebuke to those of us who have followed the rules, those of us who have told our mothers that no, we can’t come even to sit in the garden. We’re the ones in the wrong here, because we’re just little people with little lives who don’t count and who are not important. We’re the ones who are subjected to lectures in morality from a Conservative party that wouldn’t recognise morality if Dominic Cummings ran it over in his car on his way to a park in Castle Barnard.

Not only did Johnson fail to rebuke Cummings and fail even to accept that what he’d done looked bad even if in his view it was perfectly legal, he went out of his way to praise him. Dominic only did what every father’s instinct told him to, and for that he should not be judged because now we’re replacing following the rules with following your instinct. Except that is if you’re an ordinary punter whose instinct is to rush to the bedside of your dying relative. Except that is if you’re an ordinary person whose instinct tells you to give your mother a hug because she’s been stuck alone in lockdown and the isolation is getting her down. Except that is if you’re an ordinary person whose instinct tells you that your children need to see their grandparents. It’s only the instincts of senior members of the British Government that can be trusted. The rest of us need to tug our forelocks and do as we’re told by our betters.

This is the most extraordinary failure of a political leader’s judgement of the public mood since Herod slaughtered the firstborn. Even Prince Andrew’s press interview was more believable and displayed greater humility than this nonsense. In just a few short minutes Johnson managed to trash what little remained of any trust that the public had left in the British Government. This is a government that demands that members of the public can’t go to the bedsides of dying relatives, and who then can’t attend their funerals once they’ve died. This is a government that demands that we can’t hug, kiss, or embrace our nearest and dearest as people suffer unimaginable pain and loss. And people were prepared to do those things for the common good, for the greater good. Only to discover that a British Government which preaches that we’re all in this together practises an exceptional breaking of the rules when it suits its senior members. Dominic Cummings has now been given licence to do exactly what he pleases with the Tories’ 80 seat majority.

Meanwhile Jackson Carlot came out of his self-imposed social isolation from the press to release a carefully worded statement. It’s up to Boris, he said, now let’s get back to slagging off the SNP. Calling Jackson spineless is an insult to invertebrates. Once again, the Scottish Conservatives excuse the inexcusable because it’s a British inexcusable. Once again the Scottish Conservatives fail to stand up for Scotland within their so-called precious union. Once again the Scottish Conservatives show themselves up as the weak and obsequious cowards that they are. That’s their vision of Scotland within the UK. It sure as hell isn’t ours. The only question that Scotland has for the Scottish Conservatives is is there anyone left in the Scottish Conservatives who has even a tenuous grasp upon what’s right and what’s wrong? Because from the outside it’s looking like there isn’t.

There is now a very real danger that people will look at what Dominic Cummings has done and say – oh well, so it’s within the rules and it’s acting with integrity to drive 250 miles to go and stay with your parents. The already confused and incoherent messaging from the British Government about what people can and cannot do as we come out of lockdown got even more confused and even less coherent. All because Boris Johnson has put his own personal political interests before what’s right for the UK as a whole.

What we shouldn’t do is to react to the reckless and dangerous selfishness of Dominic Cummings by saying, well if he did it then we can do it too. Our anger is because he was wrong to do what he did. That’s what makes it a righteous anger. The fact that he’s being protected for his selfish rule breaking by a Prime Minister who is a by-word for selfishness and who has never in his life thought that the rules that apply to the rest of us should also apply to him does not give anyone else licence to behave like Dominic Cummings did. We are bigger people. We are better people. And soon we will be an independent people. The bright light of hope that guides us through the darkness of Conservative rule is burning brighter with our rage.
And finally, because we could all do with some cheering up during these difficult times… Here’s one for BlackRab

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97 comments on “The arrogant and offensive truth twisters

  1. JSM says:

    Reblogged this on Ramblings of a 50+ Female and commented:
    The PM just parroted and repeated what Cummings told him to say.

  2. craigevans15 says:

    I am so angry over this but The Dug puts it much better than me.

  3. Mark Russell says:

    We do the opposite, Paul – we just sit tight and don’t move. Every day is another nail in the coffin of this shower of shits. Their future is the economy – that aberration that has brought us to this moment of truth. This revolution is easy – we don’t need to do anything.

    When it’s safe, we build from the bottom up – new foundations. Let’s make sure the mortar has a good mix.

    Have a good holiday tomorrow. The real work starts Tuesday.

  4. Selkie says:

    Get it out there, Dug preach to the un converted!

  5. David Agnew says:

    As David Allen Green stated on twitter – well worth following

    “A skilled cross-examiner lets a certain type of witness ramble on with excuse after excuse In court, your silence can be a weapon”

    Then later Peter Oborne added

    “This political crisis is no longer about the wretched Cummings. It is about Johnson and, in particular, why the prime minister hasn’t sacked him. Is it because he knew Cummings was going to Durham, gave the green light, and therefore authorised a breach of the lockdown rules?”

    What Johnson did today in protecting Cummings instead of rebuking or firing him, was to place himself, his cabinet and his government, in the middle of a big pile of shit. No spin, no statement and no protection from the media can stop this enraging people who did observe the lockdown, even when it came to caring for sick relatives or indeed attending funerals. Their rules concerning lockdown have been turned on their heads. Their defence of Cummings will undermine any court proceeding against those who did break the lockdown. It will make a mockery of their already nonsensical decision to force tourists into an enforced quarantine for 14 days. As more and more of Cummings stupid acts come to light, because Johnson has ensured this story will run and run, the competence of the government will come under more scrutiny. You can guarantee that the Scots tories will now go into hiding to avoid any scrutiny.

    Johnson – the man who has never held a job he hasn’t been sacked from or quit before he was sacked, is now increasingly looking weary and beaten. The problem with lying for a liar is that you end up tripping over the previous lies in order to sell the next lie. No amount of bullish wiff waffing is going to wash if you cannot sustain it.

    I am going to enjoy watching this man drown in his own pish.

    • If Johnson is not removed by the Tories- what are the next steps? He has to go because he is unacceptable- and Cummings is dangerous. These are horrible echoes of the 1930s. We cannot afford to let this go on. Johnson and Cummings- and their acolytes- should be prorogued or whatever the term is for removing dangerously incompetent idiots.

  6. marconatrix says:

    The only question is just when will Boris De Piffel be taken away, and will it be by the legendary Tory “Men in Grey Suits” or the possibly more appropriate “Men in White Coats” … assuming any white coats can be spared during the emergency …

  7. Legerwood says:

    Thank you Mr Kavanagh for this article and the previous one too.

    You clearly state what needs to be said.

    I am so angry about this whole incident and deeply upset by the slap in the face that has been administered to each and every one of us by this pair. But most of all by the contempt they have shown to the many, many good, honest, decent, ordinary people who have done extraordinary things on behalf of their neighbours, communities, for strangers and friends alike.

    They are beyond the pale. Their continued presence and role in public life disfigures it beyond anything that can be remotely described as human let alone humane.

  8. James Mills says:

    ” Yes officer , I am 500 miles from my home , and I am in the acute stage of Coronavirus , and I have got my wife , three kids and the dog and cat in the car with me .
    Why ? What reason do I have for breaking the isolation rules ?
    Sorry , Officer, you clearly have not heard of the Dominic Cummings defence , have you ? ”

  9. JoMax says:

    And of course, the ‘Scottish’ Tories, the ‘Scottish’ Labour Party, the ‘Scottish’ LibDems and the ‘Scottish’ media will do and say precisely nothing. They have no backbone and that comes from years of bowing and scraping to the British/English Establisment and bending the knee to the Windsors. All that bowing, scraping and bending fairly goes for the spinal cord.

    Soon they may find what little backbone they have left being crushed by Washington. They will surely regret it, because Washington is a very domineering and manipulative ‘friend’ and a very dangerous foe.

  10. Pat Harvey says:

    It’s been quite a day listening to all these cabinet ministers falling into line and attempting to defend the indefensible – and failing badly
    Boris was exposed as the liar that he is
    Today will be remembered as the day the posh Tory boys showed their true colours
    Roll on to independence

  11. deelsdugs says:

    We are doing what we are doing because we are kind, caring considerate people looking to keep our oldies on the go and our future generations get to be with our families.
    This creature is an abomination. Tories need to be culled.
    It really does make you wonder if the herd immunity theme was already in the setting prior to the bumbling and mumbling, or was this all a manifestation of their own lies and there was no illness at all. It was all about pr.
    We are all furious. But rage doesn’t do us any favours. The third eye can work.

  12. Welsh Sion says:

    Are you still of this opinion, Mr Carlaw?

    Just substitute ‘Dominic Cummings’ for ‘Dr Calderwood’. You don’t even have to change the initials. Simples.

  13. […] The arrogant and offensive truth twisters […]

  14. deelsdugs says:

    Man, I’m livid. Just emailed the knob, carlot, again, expressing his inadequacy.

  15. James Mills says:

    Hee ! Hee ! Boris Johnson extolling the ”instincts of a father ” when defending Dominic Cummings ! Boris …. the nation’s supreme example of a man who displays the best ”instincts of a father ” !
    Hee ! Hee ! Who writes his scripts ?

  16. Arthur Thomson says:

    This piece of Brit garbage is not for Scottish people living in Scotland. Jeane Freeman was on the ball today, clarifying that the shambles in England should be ignored by Scots, who should continue to follow the guidance of their own government.

    Meanwhile, I as a Scot living abroad – in England – will follow my own rules, guided by my advisors in Edinburgh. I will do the right things to protect myself, my family, my friends and those decent people who live hereabouts. The rest, the shower of shysters who call themselves Brits, can take their chances with no regard on my part to whether they end up in hospital or worse.

    Genuine English people will be in turmoil tonight and going forward. The Brits will be congratulating themselves on putting the little people back in their place. The Scots, your actual Scots, will be shaking their heads and asking WTF are these dopes in England doing now and will be feeling relieved that they are part of something better.

    There was a point a few weeks ago that I was actually feeling that maybe I should be feeling a wee bit sorry for Johnson, he looked so out of his depth and is so obviously being used. I am now back into reality. He is a disgusting individual; a true Brit.

    • I understand where you’re coming from here Arthur, living as I do in Carlisle.
      My neighbour, a retired teacher who looks in on my dog when I’m at work is a lovely, kind-hearted lady full of kindness and concern for others.
      I got a whatsapp message from her this evening; she’s raging fit to get the torch and pitchfork out.
      I think folks in these parts have just realised the pup they’ve been sold.
      And they don’t like it one bit…

  17. velofello says:

    I and my extended family will continue to follow the guidance of the Scottish government on lockdown. Johnson doesn’t speak for me is I suppose my underlying attitude,and yet, I have no means to protest against him and his gov’t’s behaviour.

    Watching the unnerving scenes in the USA of citizens parading about armed to the teeth did however indicate a truth, they believe, and arguably they have a means to rebel. We have nothing.

    Withhold your income tax? Naw, taxed at source. Car tax road tax? Naw, the police have your details on their computer system, and financial punishment in the offing for non-payment. Same too with Council tax.

    Faith in the judicial system? Sheridan/Salmond/Murray/Hirst.

    The integrity of your vote at elections? Carole Cadwalladr has openly questioned the validity of the past general election that put Johnson into power. Remember Ruthie edging past “burly men” to view postal vote returns?

    Postal voting? Electronic voting? Cashless society? Pandemic app for your phone?

    Don’t be daft, be wary.

  18. Hamish100 says:

    I believe Carlaw has accepted Johnson’s judgement without reservation. Move on! Aye right!

  19. Petra says:

    As you say Paul we shouldn’t react to this kick in the teeth by saying, if he did it we can do it. No we can’t and we won’t because we value the lives of others as hopefully the “others” will value ours.

    I’ve been thinking too of NHS workers and carers who have put their lives on the line, with some losing their lives, in an attempt to cope with a life and death crisis exacerbated by the callous, corrupt Westminster dolts. Their reward for doing so? A pay rise? No just clapping for them on a Thursday night and some discounts awarded by supermarkets that are ripping us all off anyway. What do they make of this, such as the carer and her husband who haven’t held their 2 year old for five weeks or the family of the young boy who died a miserable death on his own and with no one attending his funeral. Multiply that by thousands and thousands of stories across the country.

    Now I see that a doctor is so enraged by it all that he has stated that if Cummings doesn’t resign he will. Maybe if they ALL threatened to down tools the moronic monkey would have no option but to let the organ grinder go.

  20. You are on fire, Paul. Indeed we all are; incandescent with rage.
    I searched in vain on the online Dead Tree Scrolls to source Carjack Lawson’s ‘press release’, to no avail. I tuned in to Sally McNair’s 07.15 pm Distorting Scotland. Not one word on Johnson’s performance or reaction from politicians Up Here.
    I trekked into the dark media undergrowth that is the BBC Scotland Channel, and joined the hundreds catching something called ‘The Seven’.
    The story was buried well and truly; it featured on BBC Scotland, the Elephant’s Graveyard of News.
    A lass called Lynsey Bewes (?) described Dominic Cummings as a ‘back room adviser’, and mused that many wondered what all the fuss was about?
    She’s a newbie looking to impress Donalda and Sally methinks.
    She read out Carlaw’s mealy mouthed statement.
    It’s up to Johnson, nothing to do with me ,gov.
    Perhaps Carlaw doesn’t realise that Health is part of the Scottish Government’s remit, and that when he becomes FM in May ’21 as he proudly boasted when he took over from the Hon Col Tank Commander Davidson, he really must look after the health of the citizens of Scotland, despite the Eton Mess unfolding Down There in the Motherland.

    Where are they all self isolating?

    Carlaw, Second Lieutenant Andrew Bowie, ‘Union’ Jack, Professor Two Jobs WATP Adam ‘it’s the law’ Tomkins, the Pink blancmange Miles Briggs, Murdo the Queen’s Eleven Fraser, the biggest failure in Scottish politics, and all of those Blue LisTories who loll about on the slopes of Holyrood coining hundreds of thousands for doing fuck all for five years?

    Carlaw will not break wind without the fat womaniser Johnson’s permission.
    Spineless enemy of Scotland, some may say; but I couldn’t possibly comment.

    Down There Blue Tories are gathering, on the telly, demanding that Cummings, the back room adviser’ be sacked.
    Apparently their constituents are far from happy, especially Oop North on the other side of the Red Wall.
    At what point will the spineless bunch Up Here join the gathering tide of Tories demanding his head on a platter?
    What cowards and cheats.

    • Molly McC says:

      Jack, the whole bloody thing is criminal. It worsens daily.

      Who will be next to take to the highways and byways?

      “A wee run in the car to drap aff the weans …..a 12000 mile journey tae get away fae the wife and weans…..“

      As you have said for weeks, nay months, The Time Has Come.

      Paul thanks again for a fabulous post.
      I can’t get to Scotland from Canada to be with a dying relative, but this arse is justified in going 250 to get a childminder??

  21. Gregory R Nunn says:

    So many deaths, so many lies.
    It’s a sad day when the worst despots of the day are the elected leaders of the UK and US.

  22. velofello says:

    Petra, the basic humanity of those in medical care just wouldn’t allow them to “down tools”. I think that we need to find a means to hold governments to account by issue, not just by a 4 yearly (approx) election. Reference my post above, withholding payment for services won’t work, and yet… perhaps the Spanish police’s diligence on applying brutality at the Catalonia referendum was motivated by bonus payments.

    “Money is the root of all evil”, so the song goes. Maybe that is the key to popular power.Ages ago in the Middle East our local landlord was keen to give us a good rate for the local currency against US dollars we brought in. He once opened his safe, stacked with currency… “Boy, you should have all that deposited in the bank! No, he said, then the government would know I have it”.

    We need to draw back the unlimited power from the government that enables Johnson to absolve Cummings of wrongdoing with a “sweep of his hand”.

    • stewartb says:

      ‘We need to draw back the unlimited power from the government that enables Johnson to absolve Cummings of wrongdoing with a “sweep of his hand”.’

      Indeed we do. But the fact that so few people – certainly outside Scotland – seemed to care that the heir to the throne felt ‘entitled’ to do what he did in leaving London despite guidance to the contrary for his second (or was it third, or fourth, or ..) home, and the fact that so-called ‘traditional’ Labour voters abandoned a sense of community solidarity and opted to vote for a Tory in the last GE, indicates that it’s going to be an uphill struggle within this Union to effect real, meaningful change.

    • Petra says:

      Vellofello I know as you know the NHS staff / carers won’t ever down tools. Nor do I want them to. I just reckoned that if their absolutely justifiable wrath in relation to this massive threat to their wellbeing (everyones) became more apparent, nationwide, it could help us all make some headway into getting rid of Dom Mengele.

  23. Ken2 says:

    They are dirty little cowards. They would afflict their grannies for £Millions of unscrutinised public contracts. Wasting taxpayers monies and cutting the NHS funding. They are the lowest of the low. How far can they go before they are turfed out.

    The Brexit shambles next. If they survive. They had to get rid of Thatcher for closer ties with Europe. Greeting face. It will all end in tears again.

    Dominic C is just an unelected nasty, two faced cheat. Along with the rest of them.

  24. Arthur Thomson says:

    So what are the scientific advisors in SAGE going to do in response to this debacle? Are they going to resign or are they going to have their reputations ruined by association? Are they bona fide scientists or just a collection of super egos, over grateful to be recognised by a government of unconscionable clowns?

    I look forward with interest to see what contribution they make, to promoting the essential place of science in society.

    • Petra says:

      One of the SAGE scientific advisors was interviewed following the clowns announcement in support of Cummings yesterday and as expected just sat on the fence. Many people seem to be running scared of them. Fearful of losing their jobs? Whatever the case, whatever is going on it’s 1930’s scary, imo.

  25. velofello says:

    For clarity to my above posts:

    Paying by card, the supermarket, the bank, and so the government know how you spend of your income, and the government can develop a fairly good estimate of how much you need to “get by” – minimum wage, and of course adjust the dreaded VAT. Control.

    A cash payment system enables us free to do deals with whoever has the goods we wish.Who’s to know?

    Are we paying for ventures we do not want but cannot stop? Trident, HS2, the House of Lords, et al? Less tax, fewer such ventures.

    Finally. From which organisation does the UK government borrow? Pundits say that having a Central Bank means a country cannot be indebted, it just prints more to pay the debt., to which organisation?

  26. Arthur Thomson says:

    Just read on Jeane Freeman’s Twitter account that some SAGE members are indeed speaking out.

    We need actions not just words guys. Rebel or face the consequences of being written off as troughers not scientists.

  27. Jane Pearn says:

    There’s a pattern starting to emerge: Jacob Rees-Mogg – people wouldnt have died in Grenfell if they’d ignored fire service instructions and used their ‘common sense’. Now the defence of ‘instinct’ can be used to justify ignoring the rules. The insulting, patronising, dangerous subtext is that only the stupid follow rules.

  28. Dr Jim says:

    Nicola Sturgeon has broken her silence on Westminster also, either she’s had enough or her team reckons it’s time to go after them, I have a feeling it’s both but politically Westminster and the Tories have never stopped screwing with Scotland so if the FMs decided to get in the ring and start stabbing at them nobody can say it’s not before time, which for sure means that Lawson Carjack and Bobbie Leopold had best practice ducking

    Just checking out Twtter alone it looks like half of England agrees with her

  29. Ian hall says:

    Scum. But never forget that this band of incompetent criminals were voted in by a majority of those who voted. How many of them are regretting where they put their cross. Worryingly, I suggest not too many.

    • weegingerdug says:

      They didn’t get a majority of those who voted. The Conservatives got 43.6% of the votes across the UK, and just 25% of votes in Scotland.

  30. sheila ashby says:

    Unbelievable. I was so angry I had to turn tv off after he said he stands by him. Took me 2 hours to calm down to watch the rest. They are saying the press are against him, but, the press are actually just saying what the public are thinking. What you have said yesterday and today is spot on.

  31. Ells says:

    Unbelievable. I was so angry I had to turn tv off after he said he stands by him. Took me 2 hours to calm down to watch the rest. They are saying the press are against him, but, the press are actually just saying what the public are thinking. What you have said yesterday and today is spot on.

  32. Robert graham says:

    Maybe Dominic the untouchable should use his history degree and research the fall of Richard Nixon or as he was more widely known as Tricky Dicky the former President of the United States ,

    Now Tricky Dicky was relatively in the clear and not implicated in the Watergate break in , Watergate being the campaign headquarters of the Democratic Party, where it all went tits up was the cover up.

    Johnstons baffling defence tonight taking him into Tricky Dicky territory in full view of everyone succeeded in shining a brighter light on the lies , people’s memories will be given a wee jolt especially those on the Route from London to Durham , being a distinctive looking fkr it won’t be that difficult to place him .

    When Peter Bone of the Tory right says he should have been sacked Bawjaws has a bigger problem now than before he started his defensive lying Tricky Dicky once again , history repeating itself , oh dear where did it all go wrong .

  33. Golfnut says:

    Craig Murray has an interesting post, ‘ Why Barnard Castle’.

    It barely seems credible that Johnson ( even with his record of bumbling incompetence) would open up his position to so much scrutiny for the sake of one individual. Sacrificial lambs are the go to defence for most politicians wishing to protect their careers, what’s going on that makes protecting Cummings more important than the PM.

  34. Andrea Willers says:

    I think this song is more appropriate about Mr Cummings

  35. Robert graham says:

    I guess Dom knows where the bodies are and the true nature of the Brexit barely legal campaign , and indeed the whole general election victory , how dirty are this Tory government and how close to the surface is the evidence , scratch and smell I doubt if it will be hard to find , the only barrier is the compliant media who has been bought and sold .
    So many little threads and dots to join together , even a Hollywood producer would scoff at the story line because it would be too far fetched .
    A whole country hoodwinked by stealth and lies .
    I see even Cummings neighbours are joining in the heckling how sad eh can’t even put the bloody bins out now without some smart arse giving him lip .

  36. Petra says:

    And then there’s Chillingham Castle, Golfnut. Dom’s wife’s family home (father Sir Humphrey Wakefield) 60 miles from Durham. Any bets they were swanning around there also. Let’s hope the journalists are looking into this too.

    As to protecting Cummings. Cummings will no doubt be holding them all over a barrel with what he’s got on Johnson, Gove etc.

  37. Angry Weegie says:

    Reblogged this on Angry Weegie and commented:
    Another from Wee Ginger Dug which expresses what we should all be feeling at the news about Dominic Cummings wee trip to take Covid-19 to Durham. There’s an old Roger Whittaker song about Durham with a chorus which goes something like this:
    I’m gonna go to Durham Town
    I’m gonna go to Durham Town
    I’m gonna go to Durham Town
    And the complainers won’t get me down

  38. ArtyHetty says:

    ‘Dominic Cummings is going nowhere, -except Durham’. That made me laugh!

    I know Durham city well, the train from Newcastle takes just 15 mins, so it used to be a nice day out. I hear it has become a part time city due to masses of student flats, and so run down due to lack of council tax intake.

    There is also a well known saying, ‘in Durham’ or ‘ been in Durham’. If you said that, it wasn’t that someone had been on a day trip, you’d be referring to someone who had been locked in at Durham prison, high security, the really bad criminals were sent there. Long term.

    I guess Durham is on the map now, and not for good reasons!

    The people of England especially in the north, must be livid they are being treated like fools by the EngGov. Johnson as you say, has just given the people a massive, up yours, plebs! message.

    Here in Scotland people are used to the Britnat abuse, it’s been going on for centuries, but in England, are they going to lie down and accept it! Probably.

    Durham is a perfect place for the criminals at Westminster, and not for a nice holiday or to visit the family at the farm. They should be ‘going nowhere- except ‘Durham’!

  39. Bob Lamont says:

    Well said… Controlled rage can be deadly, never more so than at the ballot box, and likely first up is a reset of MSPs, the most anti-SG of whom are well beyond their sell-by date..

    The reaction in England seems to have been mixed but very many are incandescent not just at the events themselves but the justifications from those seeking to defend Cumming, the final straw as one “boy and man Tory” described it. It seems highly likely Johnson will soon be sacrificed on the altar of Tory credibility, he is more a liability than asset to the Party now, and there are many ambitious charlatans waiting in the wings, not least Gove with his assorted cutlery.

    For all that has been thrown at SG over the last few months they are emerging from it with greater kudos than going in, and streets ahead of London. That will undoubtedly gall the political and media conspirators who worked tirelessly to ensure the opposite, their reaction to polling numbers for Indy rising will doubtless be apoplectic…
    Time for SNP to roll up it’s sleeves and go on the offensive….

  40. Liz g says:

    For those advocating downing tools and quite rightly working out that key workers would never do it….There is a better way….A sort of work to rule on their system….. Use cash ( if nothing else it puts the security costs of the big corporations like Tesco up and governments pay attention to them )
    Insist on a letter do not deal electronically with government departments and where possible a face to face appointment!
    Don’t give them any contact details other than your postal address and never fill in an online form….say you don’t have the internet or a smart phone and need a paper copy….
    We’ve been so habituated to dealing with things online most of the government systems are designed around it….
    We don’t need to go as far as a council tax strike, ( we can save that for if they won’t run the ballots for the Indy ref) but we can pay our council tax in instalments in cash…..Rent,Mortgage,car tax anything we can think of that prevents money just being electronically lifted out of our bank accounts.
    The complaints and outrage will be directed at the Government.
    And as for correspondence…..government departments no longer have the capacity to cope with an all paper based communication.
    As a first step and a warning shot it’s very simple and very legal to do!

    • Petra says:

      Just wondering if much of what you suggest would impact negatively on our Government here in Scotland, Liz?

      • Liz g says:

        Sorry just catching up Petra ( hope ye are well 🙂 )
        Sorry I should have been more clear….Most of the impacts of dealing in cash would fall to the Treasury , Banks and Corporations.
        The paperwork efforts should be targeted at Reserved issues HMRC and DVLA,Passports ect.
        Council Tax would impact here but balanced against effect , the power of not confirming with it,I don’t think a lot of people realise and, it is after all intense to be short term.
        Not forgetting Westminster won’t want the English to wake up to it either!
        Council Tax is probably the easiest and most direct tool voters have between elections ….and yet we never use it.

  41. Malky McBlain says:

    A wee bit off topic but I wanted to share. It concerns Filipino NHS workers from a Philippine broadcaster. There is one heartbreaking bit where a poor family can’t afford to have their NHS nurse daughters body sent home from England. Surely worker’s compensation for dying at work would cover the cost? Will the UK govt send the family a medal?

    It is so distressingly sad to see what’s going on over there with the knowledge that it didn’t have to be like this. We have been so fortunate in Australia to have governments that just got it right. The rest of the world are looking at the UK and US bewildered at what’s happening. Sky News UK ran a piece on how Brazil has become a Covid hot spot and how badly it’s being handled by their government and leader Bolsinaro. It seems a bit pot and kettleish to be pointing to Brazil’s failure given the lamentable failure in the UK.

    See video

  42. Ken2 says:

    US population 260Million. 3million (elderly) people die a year (norm).

    Australia is an island. 25Million population.

    The flight hubs were shut by March. Paris, Singapore and Dubai were all closed. Less international flights for carriers.

    Some people only just managed to get home. Others have not managed yet. The flow of traffic through international hubs. Greater at Heathrow etc. Border staff have been cut by the Tories.

    Anywhere but Heathrow. Queues. The Brexit shambles and mess. The Tory total incompetents. The virus came to Scotland from the South. Imbeciles like Dominic C. Total Tory liars who do not give a damn about anyone else.

  43. skintybroko says:

    Boris is just a puppet PM, money talks and the money is currently saying that Dom has to stay, am quite sure there a plenty of backers threatening to withhold funding from the Tories if their man is made to resign. As for travelling to second Homes, why wasn’t there an uproar when Boris went to Chequers to recuperate? Surely that is a second home. Definitely a load of Cockwombles -Cockwomble (noun) – A person, usually male, prone to making outrageously stupid statements and/or inappropriate behavior while generally having a very high opinion of his own wisdom and importance.

  44. Ken2 says:

    The virus came to Scotland from the south. The totally incompetent Tory bastards did not lock down soon enough and cut NHS funding.

    More people died in Scotland because of Westminster Tory/unionists total appalling incompetence, Dominic C unelected lowlife trying to destroy other people’s lives. The Brexit mess and shambles unfolding. They will be voted out.

    Support for SNP/Independence rising. No wonder,

  45. Hamish100 says:

    The BBC on radio this morning follows the labour mantra that no care home patient should have been returned to their care home despite not having any symptoms linked with Covid-19.
    Far better to leave the 700 in hospital where covid could possibly be, divert all the nursing and medical care ( not required) to patients. Underlying this claim is that all 700 got covid on returning back to their care home. If I could use a bbc toodilthenoo phrase “ this is palpable wrong”.
    Not all care homes had or has had Covid-19. Long may it continue. So have they not been put in a place of safety where there are cared for? It is terrible that some may have ended in a care home where covid arrived. Did it arrive by a resident, visitor, contractor, staff member. Will we ever know?

    …. and to finish off on the Johnson/ Cummings issue we have 2 conservatives on to discuss the matter. Impartiality.

  46. Pogmothon says:

    It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
    Well consider this.
    Be honest with yourself remember how Nicola dealt with a certain person who stuffed up. One Ms Calderwood.
    For a day or so Nicola weighed it in the balance. Is the need for her greater than her f**k up? Are her skills and experience more valuable than this bag of shite? But in the end the balance tipped and out she went with the smell.

    Well boris is trying to do something similar now, not necessarily for the same reasons or any “K no bell” cause, just to try and get away with it. He’s checking how far he can push it.

    But the important part is he is imitating Nicola’s approach, badly but he’s trying.

    Ipso Facto He’s imitating Nicola,

    This then makes her the leader of the UK. n’est-ce pa.

  47. Ken2 says:

    No one listens to the BBC or MSM. Absolute nonsense. Losing support faster than a sieve loses water. People can see through it, especially in Scotland. So bad they try to hide the viewing figures. Westminster controlled propaganda unit.

    Non Dom tax evaders scared of dying. The Tories killing them off. Including their own supporters. Cutting NHS funding and ignoring pandemic warning.

    Johnston will out. Who wants the poisoned chalice? The Brexit mess. Unelected Dominic C on the way out.

  48. Bob Lamont says:

    It is irony indeed that the man who spent almost all his career manipulating news and public opinion in the background is now front and centre the subject.
    When Demonic’s neighbours are heckling him in the street, and Johnson is tweeted “arrogant and offensive” by the Civil Service, the degree of anger at this administration is mounting every day, not what they hoped to manipulate at all.
    Given Gove’s ambitions, previous behaviour and cutlery skills, it would not be in the least surprising if he had a hand in this…

  49. Ken2 says:

    The US population 260Million.

    3 million (elderly) die a year. (Norm).

    Average 60,000 a week. 240,000 a month. On average. More people die in the winter than the summer. Average age expectancy. 79 years. Women outlive men 5 years (worldwide).

    Highest life expectancy in the world Japan 85 years.

  50. Wee Chid says:

    “What we shouldn’t do is to react to the reckless and dangerous selfishness of Dominic Cummings by saying, well if he did it then we can do it too.”
    Because that would be playing right into their hands. They get to carry on their “herd immunity” programme, kill off as many people as possible – and blame the public for not adhering to the rules. I’m going nowhere.

  51. Mark Russell says:

    Did Dominic Cummings act “Responsibly and Legally”?

    Kirsty Brimelow QC24 May 2020

    Coronavirus has struck in different ways. As well as the devastation it has reaped in taking people’s lives it has exposed an emasculated criminal justice system and political governance clamouring to justify law and guidance applying differently to those close to power from those outside.

    The Laws

    There are two pieces of Emergency Legislation.

    The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020/350 are the Regulations which prohibit movement. They are secondary legislation under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 and were introduced, without going through Parliament, under its emergency procedure (section 45R).

    They came into force on 26 March and must be reviewed within every 21 days (Regulation 3(2)). Amendments were made on the 22 April 2020 and on 13 May 2020. There are similar laws for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    The Public Health Regulations introduced the powers which prohibit leaving -or as amended on 22 April 2020 “being outside”- where a person is living without reasonable excuse. Considering the law as it was on 26 March, Regulation 6 contains a non-exhaustive list of reasonable excuses that can be advanced for breaching the prohibition. Whilst not providing a finite list, they included the need to obtain basic necessities (Reg 6 (2)(a)), exercise either alone or with other members of the person’s household (Reg 6(2)(b), to provide care or assistance,including relevant personal care to a vulnerable person, or to provide emergency assistance (Reg 6(2)(d), travel for the purposes of work where it is not reasonably possible for that person to work from the place where they are living (Reg 6 (2) (f)), and to avoid injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm (Reg 6(2)(m).

    The Coronavirus Act 2020 is primary legislation. It came into force on 26 March 2020 and so was subjected to (speedy) Parliamentary scrutiny. It expires on 24 March 2022. It must be renewed every six months.

    The Coronavirus Act introduces important powers relating to “potentially infectious” persons; those who are or may be infected or contaminated with coronavirus and there is a risk that the person might infect or contaminate others with coronavirus or the person has been in an infected area within the 14 days preceding that time (Schedule 21§ 2).

    If the police (or immigration officer or public health officer) have reasonable grounds to believe that a person is potentially infectious they may then direct/remove that person to a place for screening and assessment; but only if it is reasonable and proportionate to do so (Schedule 21 §6-13). There are safeguards to be applied in that the officer must inform the person the reason for the direction and that it is an offence where the person without reasonable excuse fails to comply. There then are further enforcement powers at the place of screening and assessment and after the screening and assessment.


    From the end of March to date there has been repeated and amended guidance -to explain the laws- from the Government, the National Police Chiefs Council and College of Policing and the Crown Prosecution Service. In addition, NHS guidance is approved, relied upon in justification of the laws and published on the government website. The “stay home save lives”, only recently changed to “stay alert”, was the slogan to highlight the detail.

    The guidance is clear that anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should not leave their home for 7 days from when their symptoms started and for 14 days for others in the home. There is detail underpinning why “staying at home is very important” together with advice about online shopping, distancing in the home and keeping busy with cooking, reading, online learning and watching films.

    The guidance includes a consideration of being potentially infectious and living with children and advises “keep following this advice to the best of your ability, however we are aware that not all these measures will be possible. What we have seen so far is that children with Covid-19 appear to be less severely affected. It is nevertheless important to do your best to follow this guidance.”

    This caveat demonstrates appreciation that not all will live in large properties with more than one bathroom or kitchen; where distancing in a household is difficult if not impossible. This can be understood from the reference to there being a low risk of children catching the virus (as opposed to the elderly/those with underlying health conditions where there is different guidance).

    It cannot be interpreted as meaning that people with coronavirus symptoms may leave their home and drive to another part of the country. This would be entirely contrary to the main message.

    Application of the Law to Members of the Public

    The Coronavirus Emergency Laws struck early with their own virus of repeated wrongful prosecutions and unlawful convictions. The first publicised conviction was in Newcastle where Marie Dinou was arrested after she was discovered on her own on a platform at Newcastle railway station. She was charged, detained in cells for two nights, prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to a substantial fine. I looked at the case with journalist Fariha Karim for The Times. She had been wrongly prosecuted for “failing to provide identity or reasons for travel to police and failing to comply with requirements under the Coronavirus Act” under Schedule 21 of the Coronavirus Act 2020. There is no such offence. She also was not considered “potentially infectious”.She appears to have been falsely imprisoned; there is no power of detention under Coronavirus laws. After my quick review, and the publication by the Times, the British Transport police did “fully accept that this shouldn’t have happened” and apologised. BTP Deputy Chief Constable Adrian Hanstock also said: “It is highly unusual that a case can pass through a number of controls in the criminal justice process and fail in this way”. But similar cases followed and on 2nd May 2020 the Crown Prosecution Service announced that it was reviewing all charges and prosecutions under the Coronavirus laws. Its results were published on 15th May and included the explanation “the CPS has committed to reviewing all prosecutions brought under the Coronavirus Act and Health Protection Regulations to make sure the new laws are being applied consistently and appropriately”. 28% were found to have been incorrectly charged with 18 cases having been prosecuted all the way to conviction and sentence.

    Whilst the British Transport Police Deputy Chief Constable expressed surprise that errors (or abuse) by police weren’t caught in the lawyer and District Judge safety net, it can be no surprise to governments – current and past- which have overseen swingeing cuts to legal aid, the court service and the Crown Prosecution Service. Battering the rule of law opens the cracks through which the vulnerable fall.

    Martin Hewitt, Chair of the National Police Chiefs Council has written that there have been “well publicised instances” of “overzealous” policing during the early part of the lockdown.

    More than 14,000 Fixed Penalty Notices have been issued by police to members of the public.

    Such has been the enthusiasm with how the Emergency Laws have been applied to the public. Against this background, it should be of concern that Mr. Cummings’s travel might not even have attracted any questioning from the police in order to consider whether he had broken the law.

    Did Dominic Cummings break the law and/or the guidance?

    It is important to separate the law from the guidance. The law is legally binding. Guidance can be ignored but the government expects it to be followed. Those in government should be held to set an example. Otherwise, cooperation is likely to collapse.

    Dominic Cummings is clear that he acted both legally and responsibly.

    Dealing firstly with the legality, it is apparent that when he and his wife and child left where they were living in London to drive 260 miles to Durham they were not within any of the non-exhaustive list of “reasonable excuses” under the Regulations.

    As the Regulations were introduced under the powers of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, it should be useful to consider Mr. Hancock’s opinion of the situation.

    He tweeted “It was entirely right for Dom Cummings to find childcare for his toddler, when both he and his wife were getting ill.”

    Aside from the obvious query as how this is consistent with Mr. Hancock’s “direction” to stay at home at the time Mr. Cummings was doing the opposite, the legal position is that the Regulations were introduced for “preventing, protecting against, controlling or providing a public health response to the incidence or spread of infection or contamination” (section 45C(1) of the 1984 Act).

    How does the movement of potentially infectious persons around the country comply with purpose of the Regulations? Were there any stops at service stations en route? What property did Mr. Cummings move to? Was it rented? Would it be rented again? Did cleaners enter? Did he and/or his family members leave this property during the self-isolation period (in addition to the property where he was living)?

    Also Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Jenny Harries said that being in a car for hours means that there is a “higher risk” of infection. If Mr. Cummings’s wife was displaying signs of Covid-19, sitting next to her in a car for hours would have increased the risk of spreading COVID-19 in his household (as opposed to staying at home and following NHS guidance on distancing in the home).

    And as to the potential need for someone to care for their child, it is important to consider whether there were family or friends near his home in London who were able to assist if required? They may not have been first choice but the pandemic and emergency laws passed in response to it introduced restrictions on all of us doing what we would prefer.

    What is the “reasonable excuse” which created the “need” for Mr. Cummings to break the prohibition on leaving where he was living?

    Explanation has been provided by Grant Shapps. In a press conference on 23 May he stated that it is up to individuals to make their own decisions and that “in times of crisis” we all “seek family ……around us”. But this explanation is contrary to the law and to all guidance. What does this mean for all convictions and FPNs issued under these laws to date?

    Currently there are questions to be answered as to how Mr. Cummings says that he acted legally.

    Indeed, unlike all those people who have been prosecuted to date, Mr. Cummings’ household actually did have COVID-19.

    As to the responsibility of his actions, it is completely clear that Mr. Cummings breached government guidance which is presumed to be responsible.

    Whilst the strategy of attempting to argue that Mr. Cummings’ conduct was within government guidelines is insulting and distressing to those who have made terrible sacrifices by staying indoors away from family, it also clears the “we’re all in this together” smokescreen to reveal a political plane where different rules apply.

    • Golfnut says:

      Thanks for that Mark, Cummings is as you probably know making a statement this afternoon and the Chief Constable of Durham has been directed to instigate a full investigation. It is of course possible that Cummings was actually working, carrying out some sensitive task for the government, which may well cover Cummings, but not his child or wife.

    • Petra says:

      Thanks Mark.

      ”And as to the potential need for someone to care for their child, it is important to consider whether there were family or friends near his home in London who were able to assist if required?”

      As outlined by Fiona Hyslop SNP MP yesterday he could have remained in London and applied to the local Council for help with his son.

      Just wondering too if all of the people who have been fined for breaking the ”rules” can now demand a refund? You know by just stating that, ”I decided to take my family to the beach because I instinctively knew as a father that it was crucial for me to do so.”

  52. Ken2 says:

    Johnston is such an ignorant imbecile he nearly killed himself. What a loser.

    The virus came to Scotland from the south. The first reported case in London in January. The first reported case in Scotland in March.

    More people have died in Scotland because the Westminster Tory imbeciles did not lockdown sooner. Johnston and Dominic C are total liars. Heathrow hub not shut down sooner.

  53. Dr Jim says:

    I am the Prime Minister, I am the law, I wrote the law, I’ll rewrite another law if I want, the law does not apply to me, I won a majority so I can do what I want and no damn public is going to tell me different or there’ll be laws I’ll bring in to stop that too,

    Now off you go and tell them my rules Boris

  54. Julia Gibb says:

    They don’t care what the little people think!
    The last election proved that they simply blow the dog whistle and they rush back to vote for the.
    No matter what they do they will win the majority of English votes.

  55. Alt Clut says:

    Wee Chid above is interesting.
    Is the whole Cummings thing deliberate to encourage collapse of lock down etc.? When the second Covid wave comes it’s branded as stupid Joe Public’s fault not Cummings and the glove puppet. Mass deaths, fewer pensioners, rest back to work producing and consuming so that profits flow. Job done, pat on head from Trump. Arrogant, grasping self interest triumphs.
    Drag the bastards down !!!

  56. James Mills says:

    Boris Johnson , a proven liar , womaniser , failed journalist , failed Foreign Secretary , gives his full backing to a man , whose story is so full of holes that it could be Swiss cheese !

  57. Thepnr says:

    The Chief Constable of Durham Police has been asked to investigate the facts surrounding Dominic Cummings visit to Durham and whether any laws or regulations may have been broken.

    Acting Durham Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner, Steve White said: “I am confident that thus far, Durham police has responded proportionately and appropriately to the issues raised concerning Mr Cummings and his visit to the County at the end of March. It is clear however that there is a plethora of additional information circulating in the public domain which deserves appropriate examination.

    I have today written to the Chief Constable, asking her to establish the facts concerning any potential breach of the law or regulations in this matter at any juncture. It is vital that the Force can show it has the interests of the people of County Durham and Darlington at its heart, so that the model of policing by consent, independent of government but answerable to the law, is maintained.”

    “It will be for the Chief Constable to determine the operational response to this request and I am confident that with the resources at its disposal, the Force can show proportionality and fairness in what has become a major issue of public interest and trust.”

  58. robert graham says:

    I was hoping paul would be invited to join the questioning of Mr Cummings this afternoon , gee that would be worth watching ,

    The Tory apologists that have rallied behind him have been very entertaining the verbal gymnastics and to the extent they bend their principals is very revealing as to the character of these tories and it is very very disturbing ,

    The next sitting of Holyrood should mean a total public humiliation of every single Tory MSP forget their stupid questions go for the bloody Throats of these scabby Vermin

  59. Petra says:

    That should be interesting. Establishing how good a liar he is. No time mentioned re the announcement. Coronavirus update on BBC1 at 5:00PM?

    ”The PM’s chief adviser Dominic Cummings is to make a public statement and take questions over allegations he broke coronavirus lockdown rules.”

  60. Petra says:

    Ruth Davidson has something to say about today’s revelation:-

    And from the other wee hypocrite:

  61. Petra says:

    The symbiotic relationship.

    ”Retired BBC Scotland Head of News (bullyboy Boothman) gets retired Prof to moan about Scotland again.”

    ..”Why is he in a lab coat when he retired in 2003?! Does he sneak in at night to wear a white coat and play with the test tubes and the Bunsen burners?”

    Retired BBC Scotland Head of News gets retired Prof to moan about Scotland again


    Broadcasting Scotland.

    ”On the Full Scottish this week, Kenny McBride is joined by Linda Bauld, Professor of Public Health at Edinburgh University and by Tommy Sheppard, MP for Edinburgh East.”..

    • Wasn’t Pennington the Mad professor who said that millions of us were going to die of Mad Cow disease?
      Perhaps he’s eaten to many Big Macs?
      Think Tank: Gordon Brown.

  62. Petra says:

    Dominic Cummings ”I would drive 260 miles.”


    Check out more of Ann’s links on the Indyref2 site.

  63. Dr Jim says:

    What kind of Prime Minister allows his assistant to become the news, Dominic Cummings should sack Boris Johnson now

    Prime Minister Cummings the unelected organ grinder is making a statement to the nation later
    The whole thing’s becoming more farcical by the minute, it surely must be time for Lord Farage of the multiple passports to address us to calm our fears next

  64. Take yourself back to the beginning of March. There are roughly 1000 elderly patients in hospital who are fit enough for discharge either to their homes of care homes. Anas Sarwar is on his feet screaming about the disgrace of poor old souls (like me) languishing in hospital because of that Bad EssEnnPee.
    The virus hits Scotland. The NHS will be stretched to breaking point, A Herculean effort is begun to get Elderly patients, clinically well enough for discharge out of harm’s way, out of hospitals which will soon be treating thousands of Covid patients.
    Those discharged to care homes? The owners of the Care Home ‘industry’ (a phrase used by a BBC TV lad; it’s an ‘industry’, like car manufacture, or chocolate bar factories) , are charged with ensuring that these new admissions are subject to rigorous entry and induction procedures.
    Yet an idiot from the P&J demanded that NS personally apologise to relatives because she killing patients who died in care homes following discharge from hospital.
    This nasty wee piece of work accused our FM of killing pensioners?
    Fucking scum of the earth.
    Sorry for the French, Molly, Legerwood, Wendy, and others more polite that this Clyde side Boy.
    IT is apparent from the anger and sheer rudeness of the Hack Pack at today’s Briefing that they know that their days are numbered, and like Wells Fargo Pony Express Riders, and Tonto the Go To Smoke Signals Guy in the Sioux Nation, their QUERTY Keyboard days are numbered.
    I’ll have a particularly raucous celebration when the P&J folds.
    For what on earth has our FM got to apologise?

    • Dr Jim says:

      Had the tsunami of infected patients predicted arrived in our hospitals and the Scottish government hadn’t removed those folk to more secure locations such as care homes were supposed to be the Unionist and media screaming would have been even louder

      Everybody has the luxury of being an armchair genius with glorious hindsight, or how I could have been world champion if i’d only figured out how to win before the other guy battered me senseless

      • He accused Nicola Sturgeon of killing old folk, and demanded that she apologise.
        Despicable low life, Dr Jim.
        The death rattle of the scum and putrid slurry still remaining at the bottom of the barrel of Scotia Brit Nat Dead Tree Scroll hacks.

  65. Golfnut says:

    MSP’s like MP’s have a duty of oversight, in other words its their duty to voice concerns if they have any doubt regarding any action the government takes. Tory’s, lab, greens and the other one would have been briefed on any emergency action taken by the the SG, they may even have been involved in the decision through committees, does any one remember either a MSP , or indeed the media objecting to the movement of the elderly from hospitals to care homes.

  66. Dave tewart says:

    The THREE of us were ILL so I drove 260 miles to a lonely farm instead of staying near the best hospitals in the country,one that the doris was being treated in.
    This is the genius that advises the doris.
    Comes over as a bubbling idiot,all excuses.
    Exceptional circumstances.

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