We own the future

Occasionally I’ve been asked why it is that I remain so positive about the chances of the independence campaign to achieve its goal of a self-determined Scotland in the face of the constant barrage of negativity, scare-mongering, and British nationalist astroturfing from the media and the anti-independence parties. It’s quite simple. It’s because we’re going to win. In 2014 the question facing Scotland was, “Should Scotland become an independent country?” In 2018 the question facing Scotland is, “When should Scotland become an independent country?”

Yesterday on Twitter the video maker Phantom Power, who is responsible for the fantastic Journey to Yes series, published a list of 10 reasons why he believes that Scotland is going to vote Yes in the next independence referendum. The list was republished by The National here. I had already been musing on writing a blog post on a similar theme, so here are my 10 reasons why Scotland is poised to become an independent nation.

1. 45% start

Back when the first independence referendum was called, the polls showed that somewhat less than 30% of the population supported independence. More than that, independence wasn’t really taken seriously as a mainstream idea in Scottish politics. The British nationalist parties did their damnedest to paint it as a purely SNP project, and equally did their damnedest to marginalise and sideline the SNP. The great achievement of 2014 was that in the teeth of the concerted opposition of the anti-independence parties and virtually the entire Scottish and British media, a grassroots campaign took that minority level of support for independence and came within a bawhair of turning it into a majority.

Not only that, but we took the idea of independence from the margins of Scottish politics and didn’t just drag it right into the mainstream, we made it the single most important question around which all of Scottish politics revolve. We’re starting a second referendum from a much higher baseline than we did the first. Opinion polls consistly show support for independence in the high 40s, and that’s before there’s a proper campaign running and while most people who aren’t interested in politics remain disengaged from the arguments. That’s is the real reason why the likes of Ruth Davidson are so terrified of a re-run.

2. New digital media

In 2011 when Scotland voted for a majority SNP government and a referendum became a certainty, the digital Scottish media was very much in its infancy. I should know, because I was one of “those bastards from Newsnet”, in the words of BBC Scotland director Ken McQuarrie. Back then, Newsnet was pretty much it. Now we’re spoiled for choice. As well as ranty wee blogs like this one, there’s the behemoth that is Wings Over Scotland taking a rapier to the output of the traditional media, the intellectual musings of Bella Caledonia, the socialist radicalism of Common Space, the polling expertise of Scot Goes Pop, the wit and wisdom of the estimable Derek Bateman, and many more sites specialising in the written word.

There’s the meme factory that is Indyposterboy, producing an enormous output of posters, flyers, leaflets, and cards, available for download or printing. Then there’s the extremely professional and high quality videos produced by Phantom Power, the live streaming and interviewing of IndependenceLive, Broadcasting Scotland, and new initiatives which are constantly appearing. And of course we shouldn’t forget that we’ve also made inroads into the traditional media. We now have a real daily newspaper of our own in The National and a Sunday newspaper in the Sunday Herald. Ordinary people in Scotland felt that our concerns and views were not being reflected in the traditional media, so we’ve become the media. The expertise and skills that we’ve developed and built up will serve us well in the coming referendum.

3. Grassroots and green shoots

The Yes movement possesses a network of grassroots organisations and local groups which never went away after 2014. There are groups in almost every town and district in the country, and those groups contain seasoned activists who have experience of campaigning and persuasion. The anti-independence campaign has nothing like that at all, all they have are the traditional political parties and a couple of organisations which claim to be grassroots, but which seem to do all their fundraising amongst people with titles who own vast landed estates, although to be fair owning acres of farmland is one definition of grassroots. That grassroots organisational strength means that the independence movement has the people to put the cause of independence into every street and every town and village. It means that we can tailor the arguments for independence to individuals and to local communities while the anti-independence movement must rely on a one size fits all argument broadcast from the traditional media.

4. No positive arguments from No

Last time round, the argument for No was extremely negative, focussing on scare stories and threats, but Better Together did manage to season its negativity with a little bit of love and promises. There was the infamous Vow, the promise that only a No vote could secure Scotland’s place in the EU, the promise of extra powers for a Scottish parliament whose existence was going to be made permanent and entrenched in such a way that no Westminster government could abolish it or reduce its powers without its consent. There were the promises that jobs in the tax offices would be safe, that ships would be built on the Clyde ensuring the employment of shipyard workers. There were promises of extra funding for Scottish renewable industries.

The promises made by the yes campaign in 2014 were and will always remain hypothetical, because Scotland voted No, but we can test the promises of the No campaign against what actually happened in reality, in this universe. They promised us that Scotland would lead within the UK, that we were loved and respected, that our voice and opinions would count. And in very single case except one their promises have not been fulfilled. The only promise that they made which has been kept was Michelle Mone’s threat to leave the country, for which small mercy we should all be thankful. The next time round, when the anti-independence campaign makes some promise to the people of Scotland if only we vote No, all we have to do is to reply – but you said that the last time and it turned out to be a lie. Any future promises made by the anti-independence campaign will have all the credibility of a Donald Trump tweet.

But the chances are they won’t want to make any positive pitch to Scotland to stay. Conservative Brexiteers in England, and a majority of Labour voters who backed Brexit, are happy to see Scotland become independent if a Scotland remaining in the UK were to put the hems on their vision of Brexit. They’re going to campaign half-heartedly at best, and will certainly put pressure on the British government not to make any positive offers to the people of Scotland to get us to stay a part of the UK. It’s also going to be extremely difficult, if not impossible for them to make a convincing pitch because their campaign will be riven in two from the start. Labour in Scotland might not be the brightest bunch on the planet, but they’re not so foolish as to mount a joint campaign with the Tories again like they did last time.

5. Demographics

Whenever you point out that the older a person is the more likely they are to vote against independence, the comments below the article are filled with irate 70 year olds pointing out that they’ve campaigned for independence all their lives. However it is true that older people are less likely to support independence, whereas younger people support it by increasingly large margins the younger they get. That means that even if we do absolutely nothing in the independence campaign, at some point in the not too distant future there will be a majority for independence in Scotland. But we don’t intend to do nothing, we intend to ensure that young people are actively engaged with the campaign, that they are registered to vote, and that they turn out to vote.

But we have another demographic advantage which we didn’t have last time. Last time a majority of EU citizens resident in Scotland voted No as they were worried about their status. Next time round those communities are far more likely to vote Yes for an outward looking internationalist Scotland which rejects the xenophobia of a British nationalist Brexit. We will also find it easier to attract the votes of English Scots opposed to Brexit, the largest by far of the communities in this country born outwith Scotland.

6. Brexit

Brexit changes everything. As long as Scotland and England were on the same page politically, Scots could kid themselves on that we were really a partner nation in a family of nations, that we were an equal country in a union of countries. Brexit, driven as it is by a narrow and specifically English nationalism, has blown that out of the water. Brexit means that we can no longer pretend that Scotland is going to get what it votes for within the UK. But worse than that, Brexit has proven that the British establishment has not the slightest interest in listening to what Scotland wants, in taking Scotland’s views into account, or in accommodating Scotland’s needs. Scotland will be subordinated to the political interests of the British parties, even if that is damaging to Scotland’s economy and future. Our employment and human rights are at risk like never before, about to be sacrificed on the altar of a right wing Conservative fantasy of English exceptionalism. Brexit means that the political landscape of the UK has utterly changed, in ways which are prejudicial to Scotland. Which leads us on to …

7. Overturning of Better Together’s arguments from last time

The strongest single argument in the armoury of Better Together in 2014 was, “Why risk the insecurity and uncertainty of independence when you can have the safety and stability of the UK?” That argument has now been turned on its head. There is no country in Europe with a less certain or more unsure future than the UK. The UK is facing the potential for enormous damage to its economy, to jobs and opportunities, and to its standing in the world. We can see in the way in which the British government has humiliatingly had to bow to every demand made on it by the EU during Brexit negotiations that the supposed ability to punch above its weight so beloved by British nationalists existed only because the UK was a part of the EU. Outside the EU, the UK must bend to the will of Ireland.

Brexit is a profoundly nationalist project. It is no longer possible for someone to oppose Scottish independence but to acquiesce in Brexit but at the same time to claim that they are not a nationalist. If you support Brexit, even tacitly, you are a nationalist, a British nationalist, and this time round the Scottish independence movement isn’t going to allow you to get away with pretending that British nationalism is better than other nationalisms by virtue of not being nationalist at all. British nationalism is not only nationalist, it’s a narrow and xenophobic nationalism which is driven by a rosy eyed nostalgia for a past that never existed. This time round it’s support for independence which is internationalist and outward looking, and it’s British nationalism which is parochial, inward looking, and driven by an unrealistic romantic fantasy.

8. We know what’s coming and we’re ready for it

Since Better Together Mk II won’t be able to make a positive pitch for the supposed Union, their campaign next time is going to be driven by negativity and fear mongering. They’re going to bang on about the currency, and they’re going to try and equate the EU single market with the unitary market of the UK. By the time we enter the official campaign the independence movement will have well articulated answers to those questions – we will have a Scottish pound, and since by that time the UK will have bent to the will of the EU and ensured an invisible and frictionless border with Ireland, they won’t be able to threaten Scotland with barbed wire and sentry posts all the way from Gretna to Berwick.

We know that we’ll be getting several interventions for the very first time from the Gordosaurus. We know that they’ll be telling us that they love us but there will be no substance to the sweet words.

9. Ball kicking as well as wish trees

The last time round we were so concerned to run a positive and happy clappy campaign that we allowed Better Together and the British nationalists to get away with all sorts of arguments which were, to put it kindly, utter shite. So we had Magrit Curran on the telly earnestly telling us that she didn’t want her kids to be foreigners to her, a situation which wasn’t going to arise because after independence Magrit’s weans in London would still be Scottish and British citizens just like her. But even if they did have different passports, any estrangement felt by Magrit was only ever an argument that she was in need of family therapy and counselling. Next time round we’ll be a lot more assertive in calling out the crap from the anti-independence campaign.

But we’ll also be more assertive in pointing out the downsides of remaining a part of a Brexit Britain. The powers and permanence of the Scottish parliament will not be safe. State pensions will not be safe. The NHS will be at risk of creeping privatisation. The Tories seeking Brexit are not doing so in order to transform the UK into a paradise of workers’ and human rights. We’re in for a low wage low skills economy, saddled by debt and living from paycheque to paycheque while a small number of people get extremely wealthy indeed. Yes we will certainly be articulating a vision of the better Scotland that independence can deliver, but we won’t be shying away from telling the dismal truth about the realities facing the UK. We’ll make no bones about how paradoxically the only way to protect and defend the good aspects of the British state, the NHS, free education, comprehensive social security, is with independence.

10. We own the future

Britain is about the past, about looking backwards in misty eyed nostalgia to a little island that stood alone. Our biggest advantage, our biggest strength, is the knowledge that the independence movement is about the future. It’s a future that’s interconnected, that’s international, that looks out towards the world. Only the independence movement can paint a picture of a better country, a more just country, a country which works to tackle the problems we face. The future is ours. The future is Scottish.


The Wee Ginger Dug has got a new domain name, thanks to Indy Poster Boy, Colin Dunn @Zarkwan. http://www.indyposterboy.scot/ You can now access this blog simply by typing www.weegingerdug.scot into the address bar of your browser, the old address continues to function, the new one redirects to the blog. The advantage of the new address is that it’s a lot easier to remember if you want to include a link to the blog in leaflets, posters, or simply to tell a friend about it. Many thanks to Colin.

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62 comments on “We own the future

  1. Another priceless example of the epistolary art, Paul. “The future is ours. The future is Scottish.” This should be on posters and billboards across the nation!

  2. Great piece Paul. Can’t wait for the campaign to get started. We need oot.

  3. Stoops says:

    That’s a very powerful piece of writing Paul, made my night.

  4. […] Wee Ginger Dug We own the future Occasionally I’ve been asked why it is that I remain so positive about the chances […]

  5. Macart says:

    That’s a keeper Paul. 🙂

    I’d say there’s also a number eleven. Last time out HMG played fast and loose with purdah. There wasn’t a week went by but HMG had a report, a white paper, a committee or a release and their media let loose their reactionary readerships with a will.

    So, No. 11: It’s not about them. It’s about us. Our government. Our needs. Our politics. Our aspirations and hopes.

    It’s about the population, the peoples (plural) of Scotland.

  6. Daisy Walker says:

    Broken Vow

    Brexit Chaos


  7. Thepnr says:

    Great article Paul, I think the point made in No 8 is going to be the main tactic of whatever takes over from Better Together next time. That of the single UK market, pile of keech that it is. I hope we are well prepared to combat that particular myth.

    Oh and just a by the way didn’t Michelle Mone say she would leave if Scotland voted Yes for Independence? I don’t really care just happy that she left anyway.

  8. Iain MacEchern says:

    I agree with Thepnr that number 8 is about the only point, flimsy as it is, that they can make. So we must be able to swat it away and make their point look really foolish.

    • Jamie MacDona!d says:

      Tell them we need to see the numbers, including Scottish exports through English ports.. When I say we, mibbe Ivan McKee or George Kerevan aid has a wee clock fur us..😉 What can I say Paul? As always on this blog-Great writing- your positivity inspires many.. This time we go.

  9. Alastair Gunn says:

    “although to be fair owning acres of farmland is one definition of grassroots” You do have such a turn of phrase!

    However it occurs to me that separate, or at least apparently separate, campaigns from the Tories and Labour might enable them to be somewhat more effective? It would require the sort of smart thinking that is generally not present in either party, but if they could target their campaigns sufficiently well at the people inclined in each direction (by which I mean people who lean Tory or Labour, rather than Yes/No) then they could each reach people that the other couldn’t.

    The other lesson, which I’d guess they’d learn from the Brexit referendum, is to keep things to an appropriate level of vagueness. There where three main alternatives to EU membership (basically amounting to Norway, Canada or WTO), by not campaigning *in favour* of any of those alternatives then they could capture the votes of everyone who wanted out of the EU even if they didn’t necessarily agree upon what what be the result would be if they succeeded.

    • hettyforindy says:

      I would not go into what tactics the Britnats would or could use. That’s for them, they don’t need any help from us.
      As has been pointed out, it’s about us, not them.

    • Therapymum says:

      Please don’t give them any ideas! We have a difficult enough job with the media, the Tory Party and British Labour in Scotland without providing them with a plan of action. That will be up to them and given by the desperation of Brexit will be a doozer!

  10. Marconatrix says:

    Aye, that’s the stuff to stir the troops.

    “Outside the EU, the UK must bend to the will of Ireland.”
    Oh the pain, the sheer humiliation! The difficult and painful readjustment that calls for. It’s almost enough to make you feel sorry for them, almost!

    “… barbed wire and sentry posts all the way from Gretna to Berwick”
    OTOH given the sort of post-apocalyptic Engexit disaster area we might be sharing this island with, given that a hard border might be a rather good idea, at least until they come to their senses.

  11. Big Phil says:

    Oh what i’d give for a politician to repeat your words in public Paul. Brilliant as per.

  12. Davy says:

    The future is ours, the future is Scottish.

    love it.

  13. Colin Dawson says:

    I’m not convinced that demographic changes will work in favour Yes. Scotland continues to suffer a significant brain drain where younger people leave to find jobs in other countries and I see lots of evidence of people moving to Scotland in later life to retire and gain the benefits of free country-wide bus passes, better healthcare, free care for the elderly and so on.

    • Colin Dawson says:

      Are there any reliable statistics to quantify the extent of Scotland’s brain drain and the number of people moving to Scotland in later life to retire? It seems to me that Scotland incurs the costs of educating a significant number of people who then leave the country and pay their taxes outside of Scotland. Anecdotally, it appears to me that Scotland also incurs the later life costs of a great many people who spent their working lives, and therefore paid their taxes, outside Scotland.

      The GERS data picks up all of these early life and later life costs in Scotland but ignores the contribution these people make to the public finances during their working lives outside of Scotland.

      • JGedd says:

        Actually, I seem to remember that following the 2001 census, it was reported that there was a significant fall in the number of males in (I think) the 20 – 35 age range. It was then reported, in all seriousness, that the then Lab/Lib Dem administration had instigated a study into this, suggesting that there was something wrong with the sperm of Scottish males which had to be investigated. No, really.

        I remember thinking that it must be a spoof, though it wasn’t the only nonsensical thinking that could be attributed to that administration. The obvious reason for the drop in the presence of young males in the census seemed to have escaped them.

        (By the way, I don’t think the ‘results’ of that so-called study were ever revealed?)

      • Remember, that the GERS data has now been totally undermined by the UK government. In their desperation over the Brexit impact assessments, they have been lining up to dismiss all of their economic forecasts, past, present and future. So, if they have such little faith in their own forecasts, including GERS, why should we?

      • Moonlight says:

        TRUE. My daughter, PHD Edinburgh Biological Sciences, is now working in Australia. She would quite like to come back to Edinburgh but as she now has an Australian partner has fallen foul of May’s vicious immigration laws. He is by the by, a PHD in medical science with a background in cancer research.
        My son, Masters in mechanical engineering (Edinburgh)is employed in England, he could come back but there’s nothing for him at the moment.
        All that money spent on education, all that talent and resource for the Scottish economy, not available to Scotland. Can’t blame the kids. they have to get on as best they can.

    • Dan Huil says:

      GERS has been well and truly exposed as a purely political ploy invented by British nationalists to paint Scotland in the worst possible light. In fact we could list it as No.11 since it has backfired completely.

  14. Fillofficer says:

    Yer guid so ye are 😉
    When the first Unicorns are being awarded for Scotland’s bestest ambassadors, I will be putting yer name up furrit. Always inspirational & enlightening, cheers Paul

  15. Alvaro De Melo says:

    Once again Brilliant and powerful, But when time comes my concern is the ballot votes being rigged just like 2014, how do we prevent this action who can be trusted on the count or do we have cctv on location to prevent rigged votes. As well all know the union will do anything to keep Scotland by rigging votes as we seen with Ruth Davidson letting the cat out of the bag before the count were taken.

    • Les Bremner says:

      We can do two simple things, one for the postal votes and the other for the personal votes.

      Postal : Keep the packs completely sealed, as posted by the voter, until the personal voting has ended.

      Personal : Count the votes at the Polling Station, record the result on two documents. One document goes with the ballot boxes and the second is carried separately by hand to the Counting Venue. After the count at the Counting Station, announce both figures and the percentage difference.

      These requirements need to be built into the Referendum Bill, which is currently at its draft stage.

      We must all lobby our MSPs to make this happen or we are wasting our time campaigning.

      • I agree with you. However, I would also like to see the EU monitoring Indyref2. I do not for a second trust the Electoral Commission, particularly the woman Head in Indyref1. She was obviously delighted with the result.

        • Cubby says:

          Totally agree with you. These Britnats cheat and lie. Winning is all that counts to them. We would be naive to assume they will play fair and stick to the rules. The last referendum showed us how they can cheat e.g. The Vow.

          We should start from the premise they will do anything to win and we should plan for every dirty trick and lie that can be imagined.

      • Diane says:

        This wouldn’t work as the signature on every postal votes needs to be electronically verified which is why they’re opened before the actual count as it would take about 3 days to carry this procedure out at the count. All parties are entitled to have observers at any opening of postal ballots sp perhaps they need to keep tighter tabs on numbers.

      • Excellent points, Les. You’re right – MPs should be lobbied across Scotland to ensure that this happens.

  16. Robert Harrison says:

    Should titled this 10 reasons westminster fears indyref2

  17. KenR says:

    Before I read any comments – always informative and entertaining, I would like to add my tuppence; I think this is probably the single most important post of yours to date and there’s been many. iI’s a road map toward independence; it’s courage for those that are thinking maybe; it’s encouragement for those that are fighting and it’s a declaration to those that stand in our way:
    “Scots, wha hae wi Wallace bled………Now’s the day, an now’s the hour” is what it says tae me an a’ll dae ma best tae honor that.

  18. Az says:

    There is something I find infuriating, frustrating and angering, about some British nationalist fuckwit blabbing on about currency, as if they even have the slightest clue about how a sovereign currency works or runs.

    I even had a BritNat, only a few months ago, mocking me for not realising that the GBP, and actually every currency, is backed by gold. How stupid I felt, y’know?

    These morons can’t explain anything, because they’ve ALWAYS been winging it. Come on, Scotland. Make the right choices now, lucky as we are to have the option.

  19. Wee Jonny says:

    “We own the future.

    The future is ours. The future is Scottish.”

    Fuck me that’s ace.

    I read this and shouted “YES” and punched the air. Mi wife aboot shat hersel.

    E’v been aff the politics for over 8 months now but hay a wee read noo and again o The National, Wings and yirsel Paul just ti see what’s happ’nin.

    This has got me back.


  20. Kenzie says:

    First Class. A real Tour de Force, Paul. Cannae wait for JC’s input.

  21. Robert Rathmell says:

    A post to stir the blood (there have been many btw). Re number 2, don’t tell anyone but you’re my favourite indy blogger.

  22. Is the EU an extra factor here. Remember Burroso? At the time the EU supported their member, the Uk. There was no way, an independent Scotland would just waltz back into the Eu. It would be very difficult. It would take years. And of course all the Unionists were then going with, it would be a Scottish Armageddon not to be a part of the EU.
    What would be the EU’s position in Indyref2? Would the EU want England to return, in the not too distant future, as a member? Recently, Guy Verhofstadt supported that idea, when he mentioned a change of UK Government, could bring a change in policy over EU membership. Because that could be one of the big reasons they could support Scottish Independence. This support might be passive and subtle, or it might not. I don’t visualise a situation, where they would campaign against it. Even Spain, with its situation in Catalonia, has stated they would not object to an Independent Scotland in the EU. With Scotland independent in the EU, it would mean England surrounded by EU members. This would put huge pressure on any future English Government, to re-apply for EU membership. Especially as England discovers, the catastrophe of life outside the EU.
    I hope that Yessers, who were against membership of the EU, have had their eyes opened, as their knowledge of what the EU is and does, has increased in the wake of the Brexit vote. I know mine has. I didn’t really know much about the EU. I knew we were members, and were always going to be members. So there didn’t seem much point. I was aware that the MSM were always whining, about regulations from Brussels. I wasn’t aware that these regulations were because of the Customs Union. I wasn’t aware that the Customs Union is there to provide protection to “ordinary people”. Protection from the Corporations and countries of the world, flooding our country with all sorts of crap, from shoddy, low standard goods, to fly by night banks and financial services.
    I didn’t know that the money paid into the EU, is given back to the less fortunate parts of the EU. Unlike the UK Government, the EU doesn’t look at a map of the UK and then decide where the money’s going, based on which Westminster political party the area voted for.
    In Indyref2, support for EU membership should not be in question. That would be shooting ourselves in the foot, before we start. After Independence, it could be looked at. Perhaps the Norwegian model, if there is a great desire. Personally, I want to rejoin the world fully. To do that, through the EU. With the strength of the Eu, behind us, we will never again be swallowed up, by another country.

    • Ealasaid says:

      From what I have heard we would not be able to become members of the EU immediately as we would have to negotiate our own terms for joining the bloc. However, according to Alec Salmond we could have a Norway style arrangement the day after Independence. This would allow us time to set ourselves up, sort ourselves out and decide the countries stance on a few things, probably by referenda, such as joining the EU, keeping the monarchy and so on. That sounds like a good way to proceed to me.

  23. Andy Anderson says:

    Well put Paul. I agree with all your points. I for one have a database ready to use when the push comes. Mind you I use it now when I manage to get someone interested in questioning the media crap.

    The Brexit out campaign and Ruthie’s no referendum slogan showed how important a repeated short slogan is. One like your last sentence above. Excellent.

  24. Dave tewart says:

    paul, after a week of listening to the Brexit media your article certainly put a spring in my step, yes “We Own the Future”.
    Great mantra for the coming of the revolution.
    Billy Graham’s church is looking for a true leader. Pleae stay with us.

  25. jean jacques says:

    If Scotland becomes independent and stays in the EU/EEA and England leaves the EU completely not in the SM or CU then there will be a customs border between England and Scotland. This is a real possibility and will involve a reduction in Anglo-Scottish trade.
    The argument to counter this is that Scotland will still have full access to the EU SM and and have continuity in International trade through EU FTA’s.
    Also the counter to the argument that Scotland’s main export market is England not the EU is that this only true in the short term. If England negotiates FTA’s which disadvantage manufacturing and agricultural production to get a better deal for financial services then those sectors in Scotland will get hammered by cheap deregulated imports.

    • Andy Anderson says:

      Hello Jean
      Why would you get a reduction in trade with a customs border. People adapt. Most countries in the world have a customs border with their neighbours. Yes it would take a year or two to make it efficient. I have worked in a company that exported abroad (outwith the EU) and it works. Software exists to meet the customs need of all countries. I can see a reduction in trade for a short period as businesses catch up with procedures. This will happen anyway as we leave the EU.

      I cannot see a company that trades with England or the other way around stopping trading. Why would they deliberately cut their market. As regards to deregulated imports coming into Scotland you stop them at the border as we do now when goods come in to the UK/Scotland from outwith the EU.

      Anyway no need to worry on controls of quality as David Davies said a couple of weeks ago that controls will stay the same to allow the UK to trade with the EU and vice versa.

      There is an element of risk and uncertainty with all change. However being free to manage our own affairs surely outweighs and procedural tightening up.

      • jean jacques says:

        If Scotland was in the SM and CU and England wasn’t then there would need to be customs checks because of tariffs and different regulations this would reduce trade, one reason being that it would be simpler for Scottish goods transhipped through England to be despatched to overseas markets direct.
        A hard Brexit means no CU and no regulatory alignment with EU. To make FTA’s which will advantage Financial Services the interests of manufacturing and agricultural sectors will be expendable.
        What I am actually saying that the risks of leaving the SM and the CU outweigh any disadvantage.

  26. George Drever says:

    Lovely piece of much-needed optimism. I’ve never felt less British than in these days of Brexit-fuelled Tory-driven Westminster rule. Scotland as a colony, that’s the reality. To Independence.

  27. Luigi says:

    In the 2014 campaign, the YES side was indeed ultra happy clappy, with most of the big players apparently averse to saying anything negative about the British state (for fear of being labelled as scaremongers, no doubt). I think this was the right thing to do in 2014, but that was then and this is now. BREXIT has changed everything and the floating “Maybes YES, Maybes NO” voters (who will decide the outcome) need to be properly informed just what a disaster BREXIT is going to be for them. Of course we have to have a big positive message as well, but this time we need a carrot and stick approach (rather than a bag of juicy Indy carrots). A little bit of negativity re BREXIT will reinforce what people are fearing and help to make their minds up. BREXIT has given us so many big sticks to beat the British Nationalists with, it would be silly not to use them.

    Pure positivity did work relatively well in 2014, inspiring many people, but it did leave the field open for the BritNats to initiate “Project Fear”. Next time we should not provide them this luxury. 🙂

  28. Luigi says:

    Another ploy the British Nationalists will try will be

    “We have had so much uncertainty and turmoil, the country does not need more upheaval with independence”. “We need stability”.

    BS of course, but they will undoubtably try it.

    We need to be ready with an answer.

  29. Lynne says:

    As an outsider (English ally) I think point 6, Brexit, could have a powerful effect. I remember lots of comments in 2014 from No voters along the lines of fearing a leap into the dark, preferring the (perceived) safety of the status quo. Now Brexit has snatched away that comfort blanket, & the prospect of staying shackled to an England that’s isolated & diminished in the world must be just as scary for many hesitant voters, if not more scary, than the alternative – it’s remaining in the EU that offers the safety of continuity now.

    I hope I’m right. Also hope ‘The future is ours. The future is Scottish’ gets adopted as the official Indy Ref 2 slogan – it’s brilliant.

    Keep up the good work, Paul 🙂

    • Cubby says:

      So many Scots have been brainwashed into thinking they are too wee too stupid they find it very difficult to make any significant decisions. ” Lets not rock the boat ” was a popular comment from family/friend no voters. Another was ” I want things to stay the same”. I would say, by reply, things will always change so you should vote for change that is better. Brexit has confirmed what I said. Will these people be able to lift themselves out of their fear of taking responsibility for their own future? Or just be happy blaming the English?? Bizarrely in my experience a lot of the no voters are the people who are most critical of the “English”.

  30. Kerly says:

    YES , Everything seems to be falling into place now .The time is right

  31. seanair says:

    The Wee Dug scores again. All for it except for the Sunday Herald being a National paper! Gave it up some time ago and not intending to go back.

  32. Cubby says:

    Wee Ginger Dug = Top Blogger

  33. emilytom67 says:

    Bella Caledonia showed a map of “Scotland the Dump” worth taking a look at,I like many was aware of some serious dumping/poisoning but certainly not to this extent,no voters should take a look and hang their heads in shame as should all those that allowed this to happen.

  34. emilytom67 says:

    I wonder if the “currency” issue will rear it,s ugly head again especially the we won,t have our owncurrency argument when it looks increasingly likely that it will all be cybercash?? the banks will be fcuked no bad thing and governments sidelined,I haven,t got a scoobie as to what it,s about but it looks like it is coming and things will change whether you like it or not.

  35. Ealasaid says:

    For your last few posts I have thought that that one was the best yet, but you keep on surpassing yourself. Thanks yet again for such rousing and positive writing.

    There is a really feeling of change in the air since the turn of the year.
    Please keep doing what you are doing. We are getting there. The goal posts are almost in sight.

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