The season of good will

A guest post by Samuel Miller

This’ll be short and sweet, so pay attention at the back. 2017, the year where Brexit, austerity legislation, societal disenfranchisement and the empowerment of the nastier side of right wing demographics started to really deliver on it’s inevitable payoff. The economy of the UK, so far as the vast majority are concerned, is doing a swirly in the lavvy and is on the verge of disappearing round the U bend. The politics of the UK have meanwhile descended into a farce resembling nothing so much as a group of cartoon chimps on a sugar rush throwing poo at each other whilst the rest of us wait for something resembling a competent central government to make an appearance.

All of this as the UKs former closest trading partners and international political allies, decide whether it’s worth their while, or even whether they can be bothered, holding out yet another lifeline to the ungrateful boneheads who used them repeatedly as media scapegoats only to tell them to take a hike in a moment of colossal self harm. Safe to say, things have pretty much gone as a lot of bods in the YES movement feared back in 2014. So close to their worst nightmare they become desperate maybe?

Quite the year to be sure and another beaut promising to follow in 2018. You can see why frustration, recrimination and not a little desperation might creep into some people’s thinking. Some may start to wonder on the reasons why they were deprived of a different resolution three years ago. Who voted no to self government and why? How can they be persuaded or… ignored? Been more than one conversation over the past year on incomers v natural born, aged v youth vote, rich v poor etc., and there’ll probably be more as 2018 proceeds and things get a little more desperate (which they will). For many, it won’t just become an imperative that there is another referendum, but that it must be won at all costs. All costs though? Right or wrong? Fear’ll do that. Pretty understandable and all too human.

How and ever, people should perhaps consider that economic ineptitude, bad or punitive legislation, resultant poverty and loss of life chances and rights, much like natural disasters, don’t care where you were born. They don’t care what colour you are. How you worship. How old you are. Who you love, or indeed what part of spam valley your bungalow rests on. Just like the natural disasters of flood, fire and quake they’ll impact your life regardless. Once enacted, they don’t discriminate. Only people do that.

Some people will never change their vote of 2014. For good or ill, no matter how bad it gets and no matter the suffering of others around them, they will vote out of loyalty and belief that their system and worldview will come right in the end. They are entitled to that choice and that opinion. They are also welcome to it.

Here’s some political reality though. If Scotland and its electorate are to become self governing and make our own choices in the near future, we’re going to need some of those who voted no in 2014 to change that vote.  Around 6% would do, but I’m greedy and would prefer more. A great deal more. Oh, and residency is the criteria for voting eligibility. You live in Scotland. You pay your taxes in Scotland. You contribute to life and community in Scotland, then you get to vote on Scottish matters. Call it the Karmic balance to those disasters which don’t care who you are. Voting based on residency is a human being’s way of saying we don’t care who you are, your opinion matters. Does it make winning a YES vote any easier given voting breakdowns from 2014 onwards? No, not really. Then again, no one said winning the right to govern yourself was ever going to be any easy thing. In some parts of the world and throughout history, it’s been downright dangerous.

In my own opinion? Vote by residency is also the right thing to do. Scottish self governance… I’d say it’s not simply winning it which matters, but how you win it. The foundations for the society you want must be solid. The establishment parties and their practice of politics really should be a heads up as to the shit storm you build up over time when winning by any means necessary. When you divide and rule. When you win without care or consideration for others.

Seems to me that Brexit, austerity, fractured society, political elitism, bigotry, intolerance, exceptionalism and isolationism might be seen as reason enough NOT to repeat their mistakes? You govern for ALL in your care, or maybe you shouldn’t be governing? Just a thought.

What we see in the UK today is a direct result of the politics of societal division. Me? I’m more of a hugger. I’ll hold my hand out and welcome folk from any point of origin or walk of life who want to work for a more socially just Scotland.

In the season of good will and given all that 2018 may bring our electorate, it’s maybe worth remembering that a little good will and understanding can go a long way.

63 comments on “The season of good will

  1. […] Wee Ginger Dug The season of good will A guest post by Samuel Miller This’ll be short and sweet, so pay attention at the […]

  2. Terence callachan says:

    I do not agree that living in Scotland at the time a Scottish independence referendum takes place entitled you to vote on it.There are people I know who lived in Scotland during the last referendum on Scottish independence and never ever had any intention of staying her for a long time because they are German ,Italian, Spanish and were here short term to work and study and have now returned to live in their own country, I say their own country because Scotland was and is not their country and no matter how often people you like you say that it , living in a country does not in itself alone make you a national of that country and does not give you the right to determine the long term future of that country.
    The largest group of people from another country who are here in Scotland working or studying but who intend to return to live in their own country are English people, they make up nearly 20% of the people living in Scotland and nearly every one of them voted no in the last Scottish independence referendum and will vote no in the next Scottish independence referendum.They are not Scottish just because they live here and if you speak to them will show shock as if they have been insulted if you presume them to be Scottish.You need to come into the real world and realise that the reason we have so many English people living in Scotland is not an accident it was part of the British plan to overcome us, you will note that that nealy all the English people living in Scotland work, that is because they come here to get better jobs than they would get in their own country where there are more people and more competition, there are hardly any nemployed English people living in Scotland and that’s all predictable within the framework of colonisation.
    Wake up wake up.

    • Les Bremner says:

      Terence, thank you for defining the problem. How should we go about solving it?

    • Andy Anderson says:

      I was born in Berwick upon Tweed. I am therefore English. I love Scotland and have been YES since 2013. Not all English are as you define. As Les says now what.

      • Hear! Hear! Well said, Andy! I was born English, too, but I am a Scot at heart, by choice and by marriage. And you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone more in favour of Independence than I am! We are either an inclusive nation or we are just the same as England … which is it to be?

        • Terence callachan says:

          I understand perfectly that there are English people who for one reason or another feel they are a Scot at heart but the fact remains you are English and the law will treat you as English.Once Scotland is independent it will be interesting to see how many English people who “feel they are a Scot at heart” take Scottish citizenship and Scottish nationality.Not many I predict.
          So I do hear you but you are not Scottish you are English and that’s nice I like England I like English people but you cannot have a say in Scotlands constitutional future.I would say the same if it were the other way around.
          By the way you are in a tiny minority in one respect,nearly all English people living in Scotland do not feel like they are Scottish .

          • Robert Harrison says:

            That’s rubbish many English born up here feel more loyalty to Scotland hence why then did they leave england for herd they are fellow scots otherwise your no different than the xenophobic English that currently shouting at every Johnny foreigners south of the border to fuck of back to there own country basically anyone chosen to leave there nation of origin behind for our nation is a fellow scot in my book

          • Andy Anderson says:

            Let me explain my ‘English’ situation a wee bit further. My family are Scots born back to my great grandparents on both sides of my family. My parent lived in Berwickshire where I was conceived. The nearest maternity hospital was in Berwick so as Mum had issues at the time I was born there. Apart from 10 years as a child when I lived in Northumberland as my Dad got a job there I have always lived in Scotland. I feel Scots 100% apart from a necessity of birth.

            Your idea Terrence would stop me voting in an election to make Scotland free from the nutters in Westminster. Can you see that all English people in Scotland are not incomers for the better services but probably because they have work here. Many Scots work in England. So what!!

          • Saor Alba says:

            You have an agenda Terence and your language is utterly divisive.

        • Alastair Gunn says:

          I’n curious as to how the poster thinks they’d get a majority in Holyrood for a second independence referendum though? After all, if it’s a known policy that it’ll come with a “Exclude the English at all costs!” rider then there’s every incentive for all those English people resident in Scotland, even the ones who would ordinarily support independence, to vote for somebody other than the SNP! I mean, who’d want to live in a country founded on the principle that some people based solely on the accident of where they where born have fewer rights – it following pretty logically that a country that excludes the English-born from a referendum on independence will probably exclude the English-born from voting in elections after independences for fear they’ll vote for a pro-reunification party!

          No majority SNP government means no IndyRef2, no IndyRef2 means no chance of independence … But then, maybe that’s the idea behind such a proposal? “Divide and rule” is a well establish technique, and attempting to create divisions in the Yes Movement would be an obvious ploy for the Unionists, as would suggestions that would enable them to more easily paint both the SNP and the wider Yes Movement as anglophobic.

    • Jon Southerington says:

      We came to Orkney from the East Midlands 12 years ago. We were proud that having made our new lives here, we were given the privelige to vote in the 2014 referendum. We were and are yesers. Saying that we and others like us who were born “abroad” should have no say in the future of Scotland is absurd. If we could take Scottish nationality today and prove our commitment we would. Trying to exclude us and others like us is so Faragian as to be beyond parody.
      Yes then, Yes now, Yes forever.

  3. mogabee says:

    Nice Sam and undeniably true. Of course folks are getting a little antsy but it’s in no-one’s interest to talk of who can vote and who can’t. It’s got to be the same franchise as 1st referendum or the accusations of ‘fix’ will be too loud to bear.

    I’ll be more than happy with 50+1, but more will be fantastic.

    Hope all enjoyed Christmas and are all set for Hogmanay!

  4. Margaret Tees says:

    Well said

  5. Clive Scott says:

    Come Indyref2 seems to me that the start point will be for every 100 on the electoral roll, 15 won’t vote and 25 will vote No regardless of self harm or any arguments to vote YES. That leaves 60 in play. This 60 needs to break 43 for YES, 17 for No if YES is to win by 1 vote, 43 YES, 42 No. It won’t be easy. Overturning the established order is always very hard no matter what it is you are trying to change, even when the established order is making a pig’s ear of everything they touch.

  6. If we start arguing about the residency/born here factor again, we become what we detest so much about the BritNat factions – divisive.

    Okay, I stand up and admit it once again….I was born in England. My Scottish father’s job took him back and forth from his Scottish home (this included his stint in the Regular Army) and at some point during these sojourns he married my English mother and I was born through no fault of my own, along with my siblings, south of the Border. Sorry, my nine months (and two weeks, I really didn’t to be born there) were up and I just couldn’t wait any longer.

    I am the only Yesser in the family, apart from my other half. My black sheeped-ness in my own family is weel kent on twitter and further afield. My parents voted No, Brexit and tory. My brother’s family voted No, Brexit and feck knows what. My sister and her family live in England and they are all Brexit bunnies.

    I have campaigned for Independence since I was too young to vote. I was a Labour supporter until the death of John Smith, from whence I dallied a while between SNP and SSP before joining the SNP. I am an activist, not just a keyboard warrior.

    When it is suggested weeding out the no voters, then Scotland starts to look as bad as those we want to separate from. It makes me sick that people come here to enjoy the benefits of living here but won’t commit to voting yes. But take away their vote ? Who else are we going to disenfranchise ?

    How dare anyone suggest my vote doesn’t count. How dare you.

    • Well said, Molly’s Mum.

      I ha’e ma doots about ‘Terence callachan’, and his narrow view of Scotland as an inclusive society.Is he Blair McDougall, or Magnus, or McTernon?
      The usual attempt to divide opinion about English incomers.

      If I were English born, and had moved North for whatever reason, e.g., the fabulous equity profits made by selling my home in the SE of England for seven figures, first time buyers in London are expected to pay half a million for a one bedroom flat FFS, and I had bought a detached mansion or a wee B&B Pub business in Scotland, or came to work here for a better uncluttered quality of life, to have access to a publicly owned NHS, free University Tuition, toll free travel to work across our magnificent Scottish Bridges , free care for me and mine when we’re elderly, genuine space and fresh air for my family to grow and breathe, delicious world class food on my door step, to live in the only place to produce malt whiskies, Aberdeen angus steaks, and haggis, then I would not see any conflict between supporting an SNP Administration at Holyrood, but remain a loyal English Brit Nat and vote Tory at WM level.
      There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

      It is truly the best of both worlds; until now that is.
      Brexit changes everything.
      No single market, no freedom of movement, no holidays in the EU, or work or retirement to the Costas.
      There is not one favourable financial forecast predicting a beneficial Brexit.

      In Scotland, it is reported that there will be 80,000 job losses, our GDP will drop by £9 billion, our population will shrink, our main industries, fishing, agriculture, life sciences, food and drink, will all be hammered. Prices will rise, and WM will ‘land grab’ the powers returning from Brussels.
      BY Easter 2018, all will become clear.

      It is then that the English settlers/colonists have choices to make.
      Vote No, and back the UK out of the EU, and all the adavantages of living in Scotland are destroyed by Fox Johnson Gove Davis and May, or vote Yes, and join us in the bright Independent Future, a European outward facing Scotland, self determining, and still a full member of the EU.
      There will be Indyref 2, probably before Exit Brexit Day in March 2019.
      Not all English Born are to be considered Concrete No Brits.
      ‘Terence callachan’s’ post is based in no evidence other than manufactured prejudice. It is a Yoon plant.

      No matter who wins Indyref 2, and it looks like we are heading for a convincing Yes this time, there may be quite severe civil unrest Up Here.
      As Sam points out, there is a hard core loyalist Brit Nat arch right minority who will never accept an Independent Scotland.

      For Indyref 2, The criterion is residency.
      If you live and work here, you have a vote.

      This time, many former Nos might consider the disaster of life after No Deal Brexit.

      Sam, and excellent piece.
      My wife, as many know , is Irish.
      Davis was two minutes back in England when he rubbished the ‘seamless border’ that May had negotiated earlier that day.

      Chaos will reign, of that there is no doubt.
      2018 is going to be a nasty year.

    • Well said, Molly’s Mum!

    • Don McKillop says:

      Please allow me, a Scot living in Australia, to answer this. A few years ago I paid for a company in the UK to do an ancestral history of my family. So as not to bore you it seems I had a great, great, and so on grandfather George, born 1725 and he was a farm worker in the Glasgow area. Every single one of my Grandfathers after George and my father were born in the Glasgow area, as was I. I think I have the right to call myself a Scot through birth and lineage and have my own opinion of whom should vote. I can’t vote, what the … but never mind that is the law, but I believe anyone who has lived in Scotland for the required time and pay taxes there are entitled to vote, and I sincerely hope they all do. For those criticising English folk for staying English are being simplistic, all my friends here whom happen to be Scots all think they are Scots too, but we pay our taxes here and vote, and no one attacks us for our opinions. You there must do all in your power to convince those English folk whom have chosen our wonderful country to live in to see the obvious benefits of being a small, forward looking European nation free of the nastiness of Westminster. Just as an aside, my many English born friends here agree that Scotland should be an independent nation.

      • Terence callachan says:

        My sister was born in Scotland she married a Canadian man and has lived in Canada for 18 years , should she be allowed to vote in the Scottish independence referendum ? Of course not she decided to leave Scotland and live elsewhere you can’t be allowed to vote on constitutional issues of every country you have ever lived in so it has to be either where you were born or where you are now.My sister agrees.
        The thing that makes the Scottish independence referendum a bit different is that there is a huge number of people living in Scotland who were born in the country we are seeking independence from, namely England, something in excess of 800,000 English people live in Scotland, 18% of the population most are in Scotland temporarily to work and nearly all voted against Scottish independence in 2014.
        It’s wrong to allow people who are from the country you are seeking independence from, a vote, I guess that is why the UK government did not allow people living in UK who are from EU countries to vote on Brexit .

        • Andy Anderson says:

          If you do a Google search and ask the question ‘how many English people live in Scotland’ you will find the answer is between 400,000 and 500,000 and they are not all of voting age.

          Sorry your 800,000 figure is wrong.

    • Terence callachan says:

      You were born in England to a father who is Scottish and a mother who is English so I believe that gives you a choice of being English or Scottish I think that is the way it works around the world so your point is really a bit silly.
      Nobody would deny you a vote in the Scottish independence referendum.
      If your mum had been Irish you could even apply for an Irish passport to avoid Brexit .
      I was born in Scotland but lived the first half of my life in England , I had a Dorset accent or an east Anglian accent all the schools I want to were in England and I felt more at home in England than I ever did when I visited Scotland regularly to see relatives but I did not ever consider myself English I always thought of myself as Scottish, a Scot living in England.
      I think that is how English people living in Scotland feel, I hear them saying they are a Scot at heart as if being a Scot is somehow different from being Scottish I allow them that feeling which gives them the ability to be a Scot at heart and English at the same time but all they are doing is trying to fool people by avoiding saying what they really want to say which is that they feel British, fair enough but we Scottish people know British is the same as English.

      • Robert Harrison says:

        Then your the opposite to me I was born in Irvine to a scottish mother and a scouser dad and I was raised in England Yorkshire mostly and because I had an Ayrshire accent till the age of 10 when the voice starts slowly changing I treat like shit by the local English i was so badly treated for my northern accent i had to learn to fight at an early age i saw bigotry in Scarborough Birmingham Northampton London even Plymouth the only places in England that had nice people was the scousers and the tynesiders the southerners are not the nice people you think they are.

  7. Well said, Sam. Permanent residence in Scotland (rather than a short-term contract or the ownership of a holiday home) should be the only criterion which establishes who is … and who is not … entitled to a vote. ‘Twould be worth coming home to swell the YES vote by another 2!

  8. Andy Anderson says:

    I share your sentiments entirely Sam. I am a hugger too. Listen and gently persuade is what we must do. We need to sell a future and not dwell on the past.

    Thanks for your well considered piece.

  9. Gavin C Barrie says:

    “Thanks Terence for defining the problem, how should we go about solving it?”.

    Good question. late into Xmas day evening with family and friends in our company was a Spanish lady, from Southern Spain and I kept saying to myself, “don’t mention politics, don’t mention politics”. The Spanish lady raised the subject, and then off the lease I put forward the view that had I moved to Catalonia in my now retirement years I would not have voted in their referendum. It was for the Catalonians to determine.If however I had moved in my early years and raised a family there I would expect my children to vote. She absolutely agreed with my view, and that is the issue raised by Terence, and that English people moving here to retire must honourably confront. The English, or whatever other nationalities are not being welcomed here for them to then attempt to install their country’s political practises on Scotland. A diversity of culture, be it music, culinary, art, music, is welcome and over time will influence Scottish culture.

    • Terence callachan says:

      Having lived the first half of my life in England during which time I had an east Anglian accent or Dorset accent but never a Scottish accent I never ever thought of myself as English, I was born in Scotland my parents and family were all Scottish but I lived in England and felt more at home there than I did when I visited my relatives in Scotland regularly.
      At no time did I ever feel as if I were English .I always thought of myself as Scottish, a Scot living in England feeling more at home more comfortable in England where my accent and way of life was the same as people around me.
      I suspect that is how the many English people who live in Scotland feel if they have lived in Scotland a long time.
      I hear them calling me a blood and soul Scot I hear them calling themselves a Scot at heart I hear their outrage that I should suggest that because they are English and because they are from the country we are trying to break away from
      ( both as important as each other )
      They should not be allowed to vote in a Scottish independence referendum.
      A few will vote for Scottish independence but most of the 800,000 will vote no again.

      • Robert Harrison says:

        I doubt that every English born up here I’ve met are for indy not the union indyref1 was rigged by lies if the vow wasn’t put in the yes vote would of won the devolution vote swung it don’t ignore that fact the promise of more powers is what won and the English broke that promise then own history shows they break there own promises and the most common excuses which pisses me off everytime is the oh that not fair on england whinge they give.

  10. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Well said Sam we won’t win folk over by being nasty with them.

    It’s sometimes difficult to remember that when faced with a colleague or family member supporting the union with the confidence of someone who has not taken the time to research the subject beyond the daily mail.

    When in response to a question they reply McCrone Report, what’s that some SNP thing?

    Difficult but we have to try to be really nice.

  11. tintochiel says:

    Agreed, Sam. Residency qualification and reform of the postal vote is what I want to see next time.

    Terence Callaghan: the English do not represent nearly 20% of people living in Scotland. They number about 400,000 out of an electorate of about four million, and about 30% of them voted Yes ( I expect this number to rise next time). You flew this wee kite on The Rev’s blog recently and your faulty arithmetic was pointed out to you by a few commenters.

    If you genuinely want to campaign for Yes, try persuading the native-born Scots to have some faith in their own country.

    Peddling anti-English stuff is divisive but that may be your intention, of course.

    • Macart says:

      About 450k, at last check of the numbers tinto. 🙂

      Like I said above, there are political realities whether folk agree with the eligibility criteria or not. The current criteria is residency. Until that fact changes then the task is to convince 6% or more of the total no vote to change their vote of 2014.

      Show them they have a very rare opportunity. 🙂

    • Terence callachan says:

      You are wrong, in excess of 800,000 English people live in Scotland.
      I see that Englands Westminster government did not allow people from EU countries living in UK to have a vote in Brexit .

      • Andy Anderson says:

        Read my note above. There is just over 480000 English people in Scotland. Ask Google or you can go into the electoral commission and get the 2014 vote breakdown.

        • Robert Harrison says:

          Forget it Andy your dealing with one of those I’m always right types by the looks of what he’s written so far.

    • You took the words right out of my mouth, tintochiel. I suspect that Mr Callaghan intends to “divide and rule” … a very Westminster way of approaching matters political, wouldn’t you say?

  12. Tatu3 says:

    I agree that there should be no discrimination when it comes to who can vote, but maybe some of the retired English living in Scotland might like some reassurance as to their rights, etc, in an independent, EU member, Scotland, when England will no longer be an EU member? Maybe some are worried as to what their status will be ‘re health etc. Just a thought.

    • Terence callachan says:

      Englands Westminster did not do a very good job of guaranteeing the rights of people from other EU countries currently residing in UK and they did not allow them a vote in Brexit

  13. tintochiel says:

    Thanks for getting me up to date, Sam! It’s me age…

    I should add that almost half of the office bearers in my SNP branch are English and even more are ordinary members. So we don’t allow them to vote, according to Terence?


    • Terence callachan says:

      Nine out of ten English people living in Scotland voted against Scottish independence in 2014
      Englands Westminster did not allow people living in UK who come from other EU countries to vote in the Brexit referendum

  14. Smallaxe says:

    Well said, Sam, I think all who live, work and pay taxes or who have retired here are fully entitled to vote regardless of where they happened to be born, it’s up to all of us in the Yes movement to make it our mission to persuade some former No voters the error of their ways.
    This can be achieved with truth and compassion if one teaches and another learns we will regain our independence in the only way we should. Fairly and democratically.

    When the power of love overcomes the love of power we shall be free.

  15. If all Yes voters are like Terence we’re going to have a helluva job persuading people that an independent Scotland will be better than a Brexited England

    Hard No voters will vote No…’s those who were unpersuaded last time we need to persuade

    This thread has some not so persuasive undertones creeping in

    But thankfully they are outweighed by the common sense and the reasonable and the inclusive

    Saor Alba

  16. Gavin C Barrie says:

    Nicely expressed Smallaxe, ….however…. having read the Green Ink Gang over at WOS and noting the characters listed, I just cannot imagine a reciprocal expression from them, as you express. And then I think back to September 19th 2014 and the hooliganism of Unionists in George Square, and the failure of the police who stood by as two young sisters were rough handled by the mob.

    • Smallaxe says:

      Thank you, Gavin, I agree with you and it is my biggest fear that people will be injured or worse on the bumpy road on which we must travel. I always advocate for peace but I am well aware of the kind of people that we will encounter, violence has always been their trademark and I’m sure that we will face a much worse scenario than we did when they got their way last time.

      When we do win our independence their actions will not change the result but we must be vigilant when we celebrate as although I am 100% certain that we will outnumber them these cowards will
      again pick on anyone they perceive to be weaker than them. The police better not stand by and watch in an independent Scotland as hopefully they will be filmed and dealt with appropriately for dereliction of duty.

      Thank you, once more for your reply, Gavin, I wish you and those to whom you give your love a happy prosperous and peaceful New Year.

  17. Andy Anderson says:

    Sam this blog has been great for a good old online debate. Thank you.

  18. Lads and lasses, calm down. ‘Terence callachan’ does not exist. Perhaps we should call him ‘Blair’, or ‘Magnus’, or ‘Historywoman’.
    As WoS reveals the Green ink Gang, a small band of bitter Yooks who have unhindered access to our Dead Tree Scrolls are bombarding Letters pages with lies and SNP BAD Jackie Baillie.
    ‘Terence callachan’ is merely one of the nom de peste of your usual Yook troll.
    They think that they can hide behind pseudos.
    The back story about his boyhood in Devon, his Scottish sister marrying a Canuke and moving there, is as fictitious as his stats.
    There are not 800,000 English born living in Scotland, never mind eligible to vote.
    As others point out here the official ONS figure is 450,000, and 30% of those eligible to vote, voted Yes.
    The aim of the fiction that is ‘Terence callachan’ and ‘Charles Dickens’, and ‘Rupert Everett’ is to lie, demean the Yes Movement and stir up anti English hatred where there is none.
    Ignore him/her/ it (it may be computer generated guff).
    We shall overcome.
    Terence, lad, eff off.

    • Andy Anderson says:

      Think you nailed it Jack. A yoon infiltration

    • Thanks, Jack. I felt sure that this divisive claptrap would turn out to be troll-work and I am grateful to you for confirming that. Perhaps Paul and/or Sam can block his sorry ass and stop him from causing his bother on here in future.

    • Jan Cowan says:

      Sensible reply. Thanks, Jack. Whether that character exists or not the written work is boring. I resent spending time reading such nonsense.

      Must go back and read your excellent article again, Sam!

    • wm says:

      Bang on Jack, they think they are clever.

  19. Les Bremner says:

    The Terrence callachans of the world are easily recognisable as trolls.

    1. They put forward unsubstantiated statements as facts. e.g. ‘Nine out of ten English people living in Scotland voted against Scottish independence in 2014.’

    2. They use the ad hominem approach. e.g. ‘You need to come into the real world’, and ‘Wake up wake up’.

    They are actually rather sad.

  20. Dan Huil says:

    British nationalists know that the Yes movement in Scotland relies on the internet for ammunition to fight the biased britnat media that festers in newspapers and on television. We will see more attempts by britnats in 2018 to poison pro-indy sites like this one. I feel confident, however, that the vast majority of pro-indy web visitors will easily suss out the britnat poisoners.

    Stay cool, and polite, when discussing independence with so-called “soft” No voters.

    I agree with Sam about residency rules and brexit btw. I believe 2018 will be an extremely important year for Scotland’s aspirations of independence. We’re definitely getting there.

    • Let’s just dub them,’Yookay Monsters’., and be done with it.
      They hate Scotland, and would deny us our birthright, free citizens in an Independent Scotland.
      The Yookay Monsters are coming!

  21. wm says:

    Scotland like every other country IS a business. It is everybody who lives within its borders’s business, so everyone who lives and works and contributes to Scotlands business should get a vote no matter where they are born as long as they vote YES (only kidding)

  22. emilytom67 says:

    We have in Scotland many many no voters that you would imagine would be perfect for “changing” they are died in the wool labour supporters yet they are as intransigent as the orange/unionists no voters,they just do not want to listen to the facts they are old labour and will certainly die old labour,they know deep down they have been shafted betrayed and lied to by the workers party labour that is yet cannot find it within themselves to desert,they are clinging on to a dream more an illusion they will continue to get shafted/lied/betrayed,they are brain dead.I am from a long line of socialist/labour activists/representatives that saw through them years and years ago but I cannot sway them in any way,we have a very difficult task ahead very.

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