Eddi Reader: Uncut and unscripted

This video is part of a series for Scotland’s Big Yes No Debate.  Presented by Tabitha Mudaliar, in this video Eddi Reader, the highly acclaimed Scottish singer songwriter and musician, talks openly about Scotland’s independence and why she is voting Yes.

Join in the discussion on Scotland’s Big Yes No Debate on Facebook.


This video is republished here with kind permission of David Milligan

17 comments on “Eddi Reader: Uncut and unscripted

  1. Alabaman says:

    A shiver ran down my spine when the introduction lassie spoke, I thought it was Jackie Bailie!!.

  2. Alabaman, I think you should be ashamed of that comment.

    Don’t tell Eddi that after indy her family and friends in England will be foreigners. She puts that lie to rest here. Great piece which will resonate with many undecided women so should be widely circulated. Thanks, Paul, for bringing this to our attention.

  3. Jan Cowan says:

    What a wonderful, intelligent, humane person! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Eddie Reader and agree wholeheartedly with everything she had to say.

    Thanks to Tabitha for her presentation and Paul for making David’s video available to us.

  4. […] Eddi Reader: Uncut and unscripted […]

  5. Dr A Brown says:

    Just what I have been looking for. My William Wallace figure and she’s a woman, even better.
    Got goosebumps a few times. She speaks sensibly and says it all.
    Eddie Reader should be the first Scottish Prime Minister.

  6. macart763 says:

    Great contribution from Eddie Reader. Consider this posted elsewhere. 🙂

  7. Hetty Wilson says:

    Great to see, from the heart and said with eloquence. I like the term, management contract ie the “defunct” union. Several no acquaintances have used the Darian project as an argument that we Scots could not organise a piss up in a brewery…how very mistaken they are, and very wrong!
    Also liked the political and social as being a very different way of looking at the whole thing, though indeed, we all know that it is by and large an economic union, which leaves Scotland at the mercy of the rich who really do think that the poor deserve to be poor and in the divine right of kings and such clap trap. Yep, the uk as it is needs reforming, and Scottish Independence will trigger that.

  8. I’m glad she’s up to speed now. I seen her being demolished last year on some late night show.
    What do you think she’d make of this ‘SET’?
    This really is hard work….Get it out there guys….We ARE winning this….

  9. Jay says:

    Eddi comes across very well here, very clear and honest. I do wish she hadn’t mocked David Icke though as he’s right about a lot of things, He’s been telling us about Savile, Ted Heath and the Windsors for years!

  10. Morag says:

    I think I underestimated Eddi Reader. I had her down as a lightweight who was liable to go drastically off-message. However that was a solid, impressive interview and I enjoyed it very much.

  11. Les Wilson says:

    Eddie was compassionate and serious about the issues. She will be an inspiration to those KN’s that see this. Well said, and I hope we see more, perhaps in a tv debate. She would stand out well, strong and capable. Well done.

  12. Nana says:

    Go girl!!

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