A short update

I thought I’d put a brief piece online, mainly in order to prevent the comments section from getting too long and unwieldy. There’s certainly a great deal going on right now politically, but I am still preoccupied by family matters. Having thought a few days ago that my mum had only a very short time left, the doctors are now telling us she is not yet at the end of her life. The immunotherapy had been working, there are no new cancerous lesions and one of the existing ones had actually shrunk, but my mum was having a very adverse reaction to the treatment so the doctors have reluctantly come to the conclusion that there is no more that they can do and they have to allow the cancer to take its course. They will keep her comfortable and pain free, but that is all they can do. They have confirmed that there is no prospect of her getting home as her care needs are now beyond what the family can provide.

My mum is in a very poor way, she is hardly eating and has only brief periods of consciousness which are getting shorter and fewer. She seems to be deteriorating rapidly. The doctors cannot say how much longer she will go on like this, it could be days, it could be weeks. It’s all very distressing and worrying for the family, so I’m sure you will appreciate that I have other things on my mind just now, not politics. I visited her in the hospital yesterday, and was very upset to see how much she had deteriorated in the few days since I’d last been able to get to the hospital. I have good friends who are giving me lifts there as I cannot get there myself due to my own mobility problems, and my other half is currently in the USA visiting his family, but it upsets me that the disability caused by the stroke means I can’t do more for an amazing woman who has done so much for me.

The blessing is that my mum does not seem to be in any pain, and she scarcely seems aware of what’s going on, so she’s not in distress. The hospital staff are unfailingly kind and attentive and I can’t praise them enough.

I will be back blogging as soon as I can, but in the meantime there is plenty going on in the dystopian world of British politics to keep you going in the comments section.


albarevisedMy Gaelic maps of Scotland are still available, a perfect gift for any Gaelic learner or just for anyone who likes maps. The maps cost £15 each plus £7 P&P within the UK. You can order by sending a PayPal payment of £22 to weegingerbook@yahoo.com (Please remember to include the postal address where you want the map sent to).

I am now writing the daily newsletter for The National, published every day from Monday to Friday in the late afternoon.  So if you’d like a daily dose of dug you can subscribe to The National, Scotland’s only pro-independence newspaper, here: Subscriptions from The National

This is your reminder that the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here.

You can help to support this blog with a PayPal donation. Please log into Paypal.com and send a payment to the email address weegingerbook@yahoo.com. Or alternatively click the donate button below. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just select “donate with card” after clicking the button. You can also donate by PayPal by using my PayPal.me link PayPal.Me/weegingerdug

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Reports of the demise of the SNP are British nationalist wishful thinking

The anti-independence media, including certain commentators who claim to support independence and describe themselves as “critical friends of the SNP” but spend all their time and energy attacking the Scottish Government and resolutely refusing to make any positive arguments for independence, have recently taken to crowing that it’s all over for the largest party of independence and for Scottish independence itself. The Scottish media has always been overly preoccupied with finding negative stories about the SNP and the Scottish government, even as it turns a blind eye to the many many failings of the Conservative government at Westminster.

There is something deeply wrong with a media which is so desperate to fend off Scottish independence but which refuses to scrutinise or criticise the alternative, the deeply chaotic, dysfunctional and corrupt Westminster system, a system which is rapidly descending into an undemocratic authoritarianism which neither of the two main parties has any incentive to reform. Neither Labour nor the Conservatives respect the democratic right of the people of Scotland to determine the future of Scotland for themselves.

Equally neither responds to the fact that a clear majority of people across the UK believe Brexit to have been a mistake and want much closer ties with the European Union, including rejoining the Single Market and Customs Union and the restoration of the right of freedom of movement and settlement in the EU which was stripped from British citizens as a consequence of the Conservatives’ ideologically driven pursuit of the hardest possible Brexit – a hard Brexit which the Tories and their allies in the press denied they were seeking prior to the 2016 referendum.

Those of you who are getting to a certain age may recall that in 1988, the Conservative junior Health Minister Edwina Currie was forced to resign for getting some public health information wrong. Currie asserted during a TV interview that “most of the egg production in this country, sadly, is now affected with salmonella.” These claims led to a 60 percent decline in egg sales over the next few weeks and resulted in the destruction of around 400 million eggs and the slaughter of around 4 million hens.

Currie later clarified that she had misspoken, saying that she had meant much, not most, of the egg production and that she had been referring to the egg laying flocks and not the eggs themselves. However two weeks after giving the interview the furore was such that Currie tendered her resignation. This led to her political downfall, she never held another ministerial post, although she remained a backbench MP until 1997. I don’t wish to defend a woman who appointed Jimmy Savile as chairman of Broadmoor Psychiatric Hospital, where it later came to light that he molested and raped vulnerable patients. However it is worth pointing out that no one was killed, injured or became ill as a result of Currie’s misleading interpretation of scientific public health advice about salmonella in egg laying flocks.

Compare and contrast with what happened when then Chancellor Rishi Sunak deliberately ignored the government’s scientific advisors during the covid pandemic. Without bothering to inform the government’s scientific advisors or the chief medical officer whom he would surely have known would have told him his plan would spread the virus and lead to illness and death which could otherwise have been avoided, Sunak launched his reckless “Eat Out to Help Out” scheme, which was widely seen at the time as being part of the intensely ambitious Chancellor’s bid for the leadership of the Tory party.

The scheme predictably led to a rise in the infection rate of covid infections. A study carried out by Thiemo Fetzer, an economist at the University of Warwick, found that the scheme was closely linked to an increase in covid cases over the summer of 2020.

Fetzer concluded: “The empirical estimates suggest that the scheme may be responsible for around 8-17% of all new detected Covid-19 clusters (at least two new infections in the same area) emerging during August and into early September [2020] in the UK.” At a time when there were no effective vaccines against the virus and when doctors were still struggling to develop effective treatments for the disease, it is unquestionable that hundreds if not thousands of people who might otherwise still be alive fell ill and died as a direct result of the vanity and selfishness of Rishi Sunak, who put his career ambitions before the health, safety, and lives of members of the public.

Yet far from being forced to resign in disgrace, Sunak ended up as Prime Minister. That is how low the Westminster system has sunk, not even being responsible for the deaths of thousands is sufficient reason to cause a British politician to suffer any negative consequences.

Despite the protection offered to it by the anti-independence Scottish media, the people of Scotland see the dire state of the institutions of the British state all too clearly. From a money grabbing monarch who seizes the estates of those who die without a will and who is now mired in accusations of racism, to a dysfunctional Westminster Parliament which is unable to hold the government to account and is seemingly stuffed full of sex pests, to public services on the verge of collapse, to a BBC which acts as an enabler and apologist for the worst excesses of Anglo-British triumphalist nationalism, the second unelected Conservative Prime Minister in a row, one killed the economy and the other killed people by encouraging the spread of covid, both out of their depth in the mouldy damp patch which passes for Westminster politics, which ever way you look the institutions of the British state are not fit for purpose. This is what happens when you put a bunch of feral, arrogant, narcissistic, public schoolboys in charge.

Meanwhile their successor is going to be Keir Starmer, which is like wanting to book a holiday in a five star hotel in the Maldives and being told you’ll have to make do with a leaky caravan in Grimsby with a bucket for a toilet. A former human rights lawyer who is totally incapable of recognising blatant war crimes, even when they are announced by their perpetrator, is pretty telling. And then him having to lie about what he said a couple of days later. It doesn’t bode well, does it.

At best a Labour government will tinker around the edges of the worst Tory excesses. Then after a few years an even worse Tory party than the current incarnation will be back in power and the entire dismal cycle will ratchet us down even further.

So it’s scarcely surprising that even the woeful Scottish media can’t prevent Scots from backing independence. An opinion poll commissioned by STV and carried out by IPSOS-Mori has found that a clear majority of people in Scotland support Scottish independence, with 54% backing independence and 46% opposed.

The poll also found that the SNP continues to enjoy a healthy lead of 10% over Labour in Westminster voting intention with the SNP on 40% and Labour on 30%. The Tories are languishing on a sorry 15%. These figures would ensure that the SNP would retain the largest number of Westminster votes and seats at the next general election, with of course the important proviso that the party is able to motivate its supporters to turn out and vote. Above all it was the failure of independence supporters to come out and vote for the SNP which allowed Labour to win the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by election, with the result that people there are now represented in Parliament by one of Starmer’s most loyal lackeys, a man who will not vote against any of his boss’s policies, no matter how unpalatable they might be to the people of Scotland.

Scots are still not enthused by Starmer’s Labour party with its wholesale adoption of Conservative policies and its pretence of being opposed to nationalism even as it wraps itself in the British flag and apes the Tories on opposition to immigration. That, plus Starmer’s unwillingness to countenance any meaningful change to a Westminster Parliament and system which are manifestly unfit for purpose gives the SNP an opportunity to motivate its supporters at the next general election by ensuring that independence is front and foremost in its campaign.

I wanted to give an update about what’s going on away from politics and blogging. Regular readers may recall that a few months back my mum asked – well, insisted – that I write a piece about her battle with ocular melanoma, her operation to have her left eye removed, and her gratefulness for the NHS in Scotland and its marvellous staff.  Sadly I have to report that her cancer has spread, first to her liver, then to her right lung and bones. It cannot be cured and will prove fatal sooner or later – obviously we hope later. The doctors put her on a course of immunotherapy in an effort to slow down any further spread of the cancer. The good news is that it worked, the bad news is that she has had a very adverse reaction to the treatment and they have had to pause the immunotherapy. She’s currently in hospital and is not doing too well. We don’t know when she will get home, or if they will resume treatment for the cancer, as she is only likely to have the same bad reaction. They will have to get a care plan in place and find a solution to the death trap stairs in my parents’ house.

I’m sure you will appreciate that with all this going on I have other things on my mind than blogging, but I will try and get something online as and when I can.



albarevisedMy Gaelic maps of Scotland are still available, a perfect gift for any Gaelic learner or just for anyone who likes maps. The maps cost £15 each plus £7 P&P within the UK. You can order by sending a PayPal payment of £22 to weegingerbook@yahoo.com (Please remember to include the postal address where you want the map sent to).

I am now writing the daily newsletter for The National, published every day from Monday to Friday in the late afternoon.  So if you’d like a daily dose of dug you can subscribe to The National, Scotland’s only pro-independence newspaper, here: Subscriptions from The National

This is your reminder that the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here.

You can help to support this blog with a PayPal donation. Please log into Paypal.com and send a payment to the email address weegingerbook@yahoo.com. Or alternatively click the donate button below. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just select “donate with card” after clicking the button. You can also donate by PayPal by using my PayPal.me link PayPal.Me/weegingerdug

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Family matters

I’m afraid I’m currently dealing with some family issues so won’t be blogging for a little while. My mother’s health has taken a turn for the worse and she is currently in hospital. I will be back when things settle down a bit.



albarevisedMy Gaelic maps of Scotland are still available, a perfect gift for any Gaelic learner or just for anyone who likes maps. The maps cost £15 each plus £7 P&P within the UK. You can order by sending a PayPal payment of £22 to weegingerbook@yahoo.com (Please remember to include the postal address where you want the map sent to).

I am now writing the daily newsletter for The National, published every day from Monday to Friday in the late afternoon.  So if you’d like a daily dose of dug you can subscribe to The National, Scotland’s only pro-independence newspaper, here: Subscriptions from The National

This is your reminder that the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here.

You can help to support this blog with a PayPal donation. Please log into Paypal.com and send a payment to the email address weegingerbook@yahoo.com. Or alternatively click the donate button below. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just select “donate with card” after clicking the button. You can also donate by PayPal by using my PayPal.me link PayPal.Me/weegingerdug

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The Toryfication of Labour and the ever rightward drift of British politics

On Saturday, as thousands demonstrated in the street outside his constituency office in protest against his refusal to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and to unequivocally condemn the war crimes currently being committed by the Israeli armed forces against Palestinian civilians, the Labour leader Keir Starmer unapologetically tweeted: “I changed the Labour Party and if I’m given the opportunity, I’ll change the country too.”

Yes, indeed. Keir Starmer has changed the Labour party, he has changed it into the Conservatives. Starmer’s Labour party occupies approximately the same political space as that which was occupied by the Tories a few years ago. Labour is now an overtly Anglo-British nationalist party which wraps itself in the British flag, opposes rejoining the EU, denies the democratic right of the people of Scotland to determine their own future, supports privatisation in the NHS, and heaps more misery on the poor and the marginalised.

During a recent episode of the i newspaper podcast, Labour’s Plan For Power, Wes Streeting, Labour’s shadow health secretary said that far from protecting the NHS in England from the creeping privatisation it has endured under the Conservatives, he wants to speed the process up and increase private sector involvement in the provision of healthcare on the NHS. Streeting said he would he would “hold the door wide open” to the NHS for the private sector if the Labour party was to win the general election.

Streeting said that NHS England had “started to move in the right direction” by increasing the amount of private sector involvement in healthcare delivery, but he wanted to see a Labour government “put our foot on the accelerator”.

We always knew that the NHS was not safe in the Conservatives’ hands. Now we know it’s not safe in the hands of Keir Starmer’s Labour party either. Labour will speed up the erosion in England of the core ethos of the founders of the NHS. Although the NHS in Scotland is devolved, Scottish Government funding is based upon the block grant from Westminster. Decisions that the Westminster government makes about how it funds NHS England ultimately determine how much cash is granted via the Barnett Formula as the component of the Scottish block grant nominally allocated to spending on the health service in Scotland.

So it matters to Scotland when Labour’s Shadow health secretary announces that he is determined to increase the amount of private sector involvement in NHS England, not only does this potentially have an impact on the total amount of the Scottish block grant and the funds that the Scottish Government has available for spending on NHS Scotland, it also increases the political and media pressure on Scotland to adopt a similar model, putting at risk the cherished principle that health service provision in Scotland should remain in public hands. Despite what the Scottish media and the British nationalist parties might have you believe, the NHS in Scotland consistently out performs its counterparts in Conservative run England and Labour run Wales.

Last week, the Tories announced that they are going to make the already difficult lives of those struggling to survive on benefits even more difficult in order to find extra cash which they plan to use for tax cuts for those who are already comfortably off. The plan is not to raise benefits by the rate of inflation, which is an effective cut in the already inadequate money that claimants have to subsist on. However to heap on the cruelty even further, it was also reported that the government plans to stop the current entitlement of means tested benefits claimants in England to free prescriptions and dental treatment.

The chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, said the move, which is part of a wider back to work plan expected to be unveiled in next week’s autumn statement, is necessary to stop “anyone choosing to coast on the hard work of taxpayers.”

This is an unspeakably vile and nasty move. Even former Tory Deputy PM Michael Heseltine has accused the Conservative government of fuelling ‘hate politics’ over its plan to strip the jobless of their entitlement to free prescriptions. It’s a measure which holds people’s health to ransom. Heseltine said ministers should not “use the health service as a sanction.”

Former Conservative health secretary Stephen Dorrell also spoke out against the plan, saying that all governments face the difficult question of who should receive benefits, “but making a virtue of withdrawing healthcare support from people who by implication need it is deliberately unpleasant”.

Poverty has a major impact on health, people struggling to survive on the destitution levels typically have worse health and suffer higher levels of illness than those living comfortable lives. The Conservatives propose to deal with this by denying the unemployed access to vital medications and leaving them to suffer the agonies of toothache.

You might think that the Labour party would be loudly condemning this egregious cruelty that even former Conservative Ministers under Thatcher and John Major think is a hateful and unacceptable exercise in nastiness for the sake of nastiness, designed to pander to the basest prejudices of the far right media. Sadly but unsurprisingly you would be wrong. Not only has the Labour party said that it will not oppose this offence against humanity and common decency and will not reverse it when in power, but Labour’s shadow work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall reportedly told The Times newspaper that in her view the Conservative plans did not go far enough.

Labour’s move to the right is a consequence of the broken system of British politics and the first past the post system for Westminster elections so beloved of both the Labour and Conservative parties. It’s a system which repeatedly forces voters to choose the least worst option, as the Conservatives move to the right, Labour moves rightwards in order to appeal to the former Tory voters whose support it needs to win the election. This in turn nudges the Conservatives to shift even further to the right, and with every election the depressing cycle repeats itself. We get the toryfication of Labour and the Conservatives slide into extreme right wing authoritarian populism.

Labour is now where the Tories were under John Major, while the Conservatives are now an extreme right party advocating policies which were beyond the pale of political acceptability only a few decades ago. Now many Tories advocate leaving the European Convention on Human Rights, something which not even Ukip dared to push for prior to the Brexit referendum. Meanwhile the Conservative assault on civil liberties continues.

The Tories have now normalised extremism aided and abetted by a British media which is now presenting Nigel Farage as a colourful character on a reality TV show and not for what he is, a dangerous fascist. Labour refuses to undo Tory policies once it gets into power and the rightward decline of British politics continues unabated.



albarevisedMy Gaelic maps of Scotland are still available, a perfect gift for any Gaelic learner or just for anyone who likes maps. The maps cost £15 each plus £7 P&P within the UK. You can order by sending a PayPal payment of £22 to weegingerbook@yahoo.com (Please remember to include the postal address where you want the map sent to).

I am now writing the daily newsletter for The National, published every day from Monday to Friday in the late afternoon.  So if you’d like a daily dose of dug you can subscribe to The National, Scotland’s only pro-independence newspaper, here: Subscriptions from The National

This is your reminder that the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here.

You can help to support this blog with a PayPal donation. Please log into Paypal.com and send a payment to the email address weegingerbook@yahoo.com. Or alternatively click the donate button below. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just select “donate with card” after clicking the button. You can also donate by PayPal by using my PayPal.me link PayPal.Me/weegingerdug

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Shanks’s pony falls at the first hurdle

On Wednesday in the House of Commons the SNP tabled an amendment to the King’s Speech calling for an immediate ceasefire in the conflict in Israel and Gaza which by Wednesday evening had claimed almost 13,000 lives, 1200 in Israel and over 11,500 in Gaza, including at least 4,710 children and 3,160 women.

56 Labour MPs including eleven front benchers defied Starmer’s instructions and voted in favour of the SNP amendment. 129 MPs voted in favour of the amendment. Neither of the party’s two Scottish MPs were among them. If it wasn’t for Starmer’s nonsensical position, the Conservatives could have been defeated. . Starmer suffered a major rebellion, front bencher Jess Phillips quit her role in the shadow Home Office team in order to back the ceasefire motion.

Phillips, Afzal Khan, Yasmin Qureshi and Paula Barker also quit their frontbench roles on Wednesday night after voting for the SNP amendment and defying the Labour whip. Rachel Hopkins, Sarah Owen, Naz Shah, and Andy Slaughter were sacked by the Labour leader after the vote. Mary Foy, Angela Rayner’s parliamentary private secretary (PPS), and Dan Carden, another PPS, have also left the frontbench.

Ian Murray and Michael Shanks obeyed Starmer’s orders and abstained. “I hope I have the confidence to stand up for those who are too often voiceless in our society,” said Shanks in his maiden speech in the Commons, then just hours later he abstained on a motion calling for a ceasefire.Yeah. Right.

The truth is this spineless obedience to his London boss was to be fully expected of Murray, who has always been an enthusiastic Westminster lackey, a hardline British nationalist and a creature of the right wing of the Labour party, but Michael Shanks had the opportunity to do the right thing and to demonstrate that Labour has learned the lessons of its decade long exile in the Scottish political wilderness. He decided not to do so. He should absolutely be ashamed of himself. Just hours after his first speech in the Commons and he’s already keeping company with the Conservatives.

It’s been six weeks since Michael Shanks won Rutherglen and Hamilton West, promising a “fresh start” for Scotland. This is what his “fresh start” has entailed: Abstaining on employment laws being devolved to Scotland, moaning about an independence supporter over a picture of a sunset, and now toeing Starmer’s line on the war crimes being committed in Gaza.

This is what you get if you vote Labour in Scotland, you get spineless party hacks who obediently do what Keir Starmer tells them in his single minded pursuit of Tory voters. You get Labour MPs who lack the moral courage to vote to put an end to the killing of innocent people, including children and babies. That’s what Labour’s newest Scottish MP Michael Shanks has done, for all his insistence prior to the by-election that saw him returned to Parliament that “Scottish Labour” was different and the authentic voice of Scotland. Shanks has failed his first big test. The voters of Rutherglen and Hamilton West got a Shanks’s pony in harness, with Keir Starmer wielding the whip.

On 3 October Anas Sarwar tweeted “Michael Shanks will stand up for you, your community, and will be a local champion for Rutherglen and Hamilton West.” During the by-election campaign Shanks made great play about how he was his own man, he’s fallen at the first hurdle.  He’s just like all those discredited Labour MPs Scotland rejected in 2015. He deceived us.

It didn’t take long for the truth to be revealed. All that Michael Shanks stands for is whatever Keir Starmer orders him to do. Just as we saw under Tony Blair, vote Labour get war crimes. This, apparently, is the ‘change’ that Labour promised to deliver for Scotland.

Vote Labour in Scotland and you won’t just get MPs who claim to be opposed to nationalism while wrapping themselves in British flags, you won’t just get MPs who collude in gaslighting the people of Scotland about the supposedly voluntary nature of this so-called union while they conspire to deny any democratic route to another independence referendum. You also get Labour MPs who mindlessly vote to inflict Conservative policies on Scotland. You get the same British nationalism, the same gung ho moral blindness when it comes to following the White House’s policy on the Middle East. And if, may all the gods forbid, a wider war breaks out in that seething cauldron of hatred in the Middle East, Keir Starmer’s Scottish contingent will compliantly line up behind him in the Commons lobby should his conservative British nationalist instincts lead him to call for British military involvement. You should vote for a jellyfish instead, it has more of a backbone.

The moral bankruptcy of Scotland’s two Labour MPs was defended by branch office manager Anas Sarwar who talks big on Palestine when it suits him but meekly backs down when his London boss tells him to. On 27 October Sarwar called for an immediate ceasefire, by 15 November he had dutifully fallen in line with what Starmer told him to do. But we shouldn’t be surprised, it was only a few weeks ago that Starmer said that what he says, Sarwar says too.

Any shred of credibility that Anas Sarwar had achieved in recent weeks on this issue has been completely erased with this humiliating climb down which for all his talk of the policy independence of “Scottish Labour” has revealed him to be an obedient poodle for his Westminster bosses.

Meanwhile in other news the UK Supreme Court unanimously ruled on Wednesday that the Conservatives’ Rwanda policy is unlawful. Sunak has vowed that he will stop foreign courts from blocking the Rwanda flights and will bring in new legislation to make them happen. There are a couple of things worth pointing out here, first of which is that it’s not a foreign court which has ruled this policy is unlawful, it’s a British court. Secondly, in a democracy, bound by the rule of law, a government will change its policy to fit the law. What we have with the Tories is a Prime Minister no one voted for changing the law to fit his policy. That looks suspiciously like a dictatorship.



albarevisedMy Gaelic maps of Scotland are still available, a perfect gift for any Gaelic learner or just for anyone who likes maps. The maps cost £15 each plus £7 P&P within the UK. You can order by sending a PayPal payment of £22 to weegingerbook@yahoo.com (Please remember to include the postal address where you want the map sent to).

I am now writing the daily newsletter for The National, published every day from Monday to Friday in the late afternoon.  So if you’d like a daily dose of dug you can subscribe to The National, Scotland’s only pro-independence newspaper, here: Subscriptions from The National

This is your reminder that the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here.

You can help to support this blog with a PayPal donation. Please log into Paypal.com and send a payment to the email address weegingerbook@yahoo.com. Or alternatively click the donate button below. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just select “donate with card” after clicking the button. You can also donate by PayPal by using my PayPal.me link PayPal.Me/weegingerdug

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Reshuffling the sleaze

Rishi Sunak’s big shtick was that he was the ‘change’ candidate, just a few short weeks ago he was telling the Tory party conference that British politics have been locked into a cosy and damaging short termist consensus for the past thirty years and that he was the guy who was going to change all that and shake things up. It was never a convincing claim at the best of times, relying as it did on us all collectively forgetting that the Tories have been in power since 2010 and that Sunak himself has been either Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer or a government minister since 2018. But then gaslighting the public and demanding that we ignore the evidence of our own lying eyes and ears has very much been the stock in trade of the Conservative party for many years now, that much at least did not come under the umbrella of those things about British politics that Sunak was determined needed to change.

However now even Sunak can no longer pretend that he’s the ‘change’ candidate, as he has brought back David Cameron into a senior role in Government, a man best known for being the architect of austerity, allegedly sexually molesting a dead pig’s head, and holding the disastrous Brexit referendum in order to get himself out of some internal party difficulties with the spittle flecked Brexit loving frothing right wing extremist end of the Conservative party. As we all know he lost that referendum, and immediately ran away from the consequences of his failure, leaving the rest of the UK at the mercy of a Conservative party which had been fully taken over by the spittle flecked Brexit loving frothing right wing extremists. All of Britain is still paying the price for that, and by sacking the dangerously incendiary Suella Braverman from her post as Home Secretary, Sunak has given the spittle flecked Brexit loving frothing right wing extremists a new reason to feel aggrieved.

Braverman will now return to the back benches from where she will continue her manoeuvring for the party leadership after Sunak takes the Tories to inevitable defeat at the next general election. Now free from the constraints and discipline of the doctrine of collective cabinet responsibility, Braverman is likely to become even more extreme in her attention seeking pronouncements as a back bencher. Should the UK Supreme Court rule later this week that her plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda is unlawful, she will be leading the Conservative calls for the UK to leave the European Convention on Human Rights, which if successful would amongst other things allow for the restoration of the death penalty.

In Braverman’s eyes, if her plan is deemed to be cruel and inhumane and in breach of an international treaty on human rights which a previous British government was instrumental in designing and implementing, the problem lies with the legal guarantee of human rights, not with her performative cruelty.

Braverman might have gone, but the constitutional and political vandalism she represents remain very much at the heart of the Conservative party.

Sunak had no choice but to sack her, it wasn’t her calling homelessness a lifestyle choice favoured by people with foreign accents that did it for her, it certainly wasn’t describing asylum seekers as an invasion, it wasn’t calling pro Palestinian demonstrations “hate marches,” it wasn’t even claiming that the police favour left wing protestors over those on the right and making the violence seen from fascists over the weekend more likely. What really signalled the end of her tenure as Home Secretary were the reports that she had, as protocol demands, submitted a draft version of her incendiary article in The Times to Downing Street for approval and had then refused to make the changes to it which the Prime Minister’s office had asked of her. It showed that Sunak was unable to control his own cabinet, reinforcing the already widespread impression of a weak Prime Minister who is being led by his party rather than leading it.

Braverman’s comments led to fascist demonstrators going on a violent rampage in London on Saturday, but the BBC focused on the placards and chants of those protesting against Israel’s collective punishment of the people of Gaza. Now the Tories are once again talking about cracking down on the right to protest.

By bringing David Cameron back as Foreign Secretary, Sunak is making a desperate gamble. His trying to shift the political dial in his favour, given that his conference speech and the King’s Speech were miserable flops. He is almost certainly about to reignite calls from the far right of the party for his resignation. And while appointing Cameron as Foreign Secretary via his hastily contrived elevation to the House of Lords is certainly attention grabbing, ensuring that on the day of the reshuffle press attention was mainly on Cameron and less so on the sacking of Braverman, it’s a move which comes with many risks. The appointment comes just two years after a parliamentary inquiry found that the former prime minister had shown a “significant lack of judgment”over a lobbying campaign for a financial services company in which he held a personal economic interest, Greensill Capital, which collapsed in 2021, but not until after then Chancellor Rishi Sunak had pumped £5 billion in public money into the company as a result of Cameron’s lobbying. But never mind any of that, there’s an SNP camper van for the Scottish media to obsess over.

The inquiry found that Cameron had not broken any rules in this sordid and grubby episode, but it was clear that the rules were woefully inadequate. Of course nothing has changed, and now the lobbyee has brought the lobbyer back into the heart of government, in a manner which ensures that Cameron will never have to face any democratic scrutiny or accountability. It’s all within the rules, and it’s the epitome of all that is wrong with Westminster, rules which Starmer’s Labour party has no intention of changing. But Sunak is gambling that this sleazy deal won’t come back to haunt him.

Now the man who gave us austerity and whose vanity gave us the Brexit referendum is back in the heart of government, still smug, still glib, still having learned nothing or having suffered any consequences for the havoc and chaos that are the lasting legacy of his term in Downing Street. That’s the real message of this reshuffle.

Just as Sunak’s claim to be the real candidate of change is a bad joke, so Starmer’s promise to be the ‘change Britain needs’ will be revealed to be equally hollow.



albarevisedMy Gaelic maps of Scotland are still available, a perfect gift for any Gaelic learner or just for anyone who likes maps. The maps cost £15 each plus £7 P&P within the UK. You can order by sending a PayPal payment of £22 to weegingerbook@yahoo.com (Please remember to include the postal address where you want the map sent to).

I am now writing the daily newsletter for The National, published every day from Monday to Friday in the late afternoon.  So if you’d like a daily dose of dug you can subscribe to The National, Scotland’s only pro-independence newspaper, here: Subscriptions from The National

This is your reminder that the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here.

You can help to support this blog with a PayPal donation. Please log into Paypal.com and send a payment to the email address weegingerbook@yahoo.com. Or alternatively click the donate button below. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just select “donate with card” after clicking the button. You can also donate by PayPal by using my PayPal.me link PayPal.Me/weegingerdug

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The alarming rise of the new fascism

The world is becoming a very dark and dangerous place. It’s not only the continuing war in Ukraine and the destruction and death being wrought in the Middle East, but there is also the alarming rise of fascism in Western countries. In the USA the Republicans have turned into an overtly post-democratic party which has espoused a plan to turn America into a far right Christian nationalist presidential dictatorship. Project 2025 see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025

is a plan concocted by far right Republicans to greatly extend the powers of the president should Trump get re-elected next year. He would then use these powers to sack most of the civil service and military chiefs and replace them with right wing Trump loyalists. The Washington Post reported the plan includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the U.S. Department of Justice to pursue Trump adversaries. The plan also reportedly includes directing the Justice Department to pursue those Trump considers disloyal or political adversaries.

The plan urges urges the next conservative president to “maintain a biblically based, social science–reinforced definition of marriage and family.” This would see a national abortion ban, the repeal of equal marriage and laws protecting LGBT people from discrimination, and the implementation of policies aimed at promoting evangelical Christianity, and the observance of the sabbath, turning America into the United States of Gilead.

Meanwhile legislation would be passed to outlaw pornography, classifying any books, movies or TV with LGBT content as pornographic, which could see educators and librarians being registered as sex offenders, and the closing down of telecommunication and technology firms that facilitate the spread of LGBT content.

In the UK, the Conservatives might not share the same evangelical Christian fantasies as their American counterparts, but they are equally authoritarian and anti-democratic in their own way.

Suella Braverman, who remains the Home Secretary, at least for now, is indulging in the reckless and dangerous habit of stochastic terrorism. Stochastic terrorism is defined as the public demonisation of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted. Unlike the criminal offence of incitement, those engaging in stochastic terrorism typically make use of indirect, vague, or coded language that allows them to plausibly disclaim responsibility for any resulting violence.

The classic example of stochastic terrorism is the lies about election fraud deployed by Donald Trump after he lost the 2020 US presidential election which was combined with increasingly hysterical rhetoric demonising the Democrats and exhortations to “take the country back.” This culminated in the violent insurrection of January 6 2021 which saw the US Capitol building being invaded by a mob, whipped up to a frenzy by Trump and his supporters in the extreme right media, hell bent on finding Vice-President Mike Pence and lynching him because he had refused to facilitate Trump’s attempt at a coup d’état.

In recent weeks it has become clear that Home Secretary Suella Braverman is also engaging in stochastic terrorism with her increasingly extreme language demonising migrants, the homeless, and now protestors demonstrating in favour of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, where the death toll now exceeds 11000, tens of thousands more have been injured, over a million have fled their homes, and the northern part of the territory lies in ruins. All this is before the full force of the Israeli ground assault has really been felt.

Just a couple of days after being widely criticised for describing homeless people sleeping rough as a “lifestyle choice” and characterising them as having “foreign accents” before going on to threaten to make it unlawful for charities to provide rough sleepers with tents, Braverman has ramped up her disgraceful rhetoric with an outrageous attack on both the police and those planning to march in London over the weekend, using language which could very easily result in far right groups or individuals physically attacking the demonstrators.

In an article in The Times, Braverman accused the police of “playing favourites” and of having “double standards,” favouring Black Lives Matter protestors over anti-lockdown protestors, she further complained that police do not crack down on violent and disruptive behaviour from “pro-Palestinian mobs” with the same vigour that they display when dealing with “right-wing and nationalist protesters who engage in aggression.” Note the difference, indeed double standards, in Braverman’s choice of words, those peacefully demonstrating for a ceasefire are “pro-Palestinian mobs” whereas actual violent fascist mobs are “right-wing and nationalist protesters engaging in aggression.”

She went on to accuse the demonstration of being a “hate march” which she claimed was not really about calling for a ceasefire in a terrible war but rather was “an assertion of primacy by certain groups — particularly Islamists — of the kind we are more used to seeing in Northern Ireland.” The marches which are most blatantly an assertion of primacy are those held by British nationalist sectarian bigots, groups with whom the Conservatives are typically on friendly terms.  Braverman went on to accuse some of the march organisers of having links to Islamist terror groups including Hamas.

Any right wing British nationalist violence which does occur over the weekend will be blamed by Braverman and her many allies in the Conservative party on the ‘provocations’ of the demonstrators and they will attempt to leverage it to introduce further crack downs on the right to protest.

We have already seen earlier this week that the Conservatives seek to broaden the definition of “extremism” so that it includes undermining the British state, its values and institutions, a definition which could potentially encompass independence supporters and pro independence political parties in Wales and Scotland and anti-monarchy groups.

Fascism will arrive proclaiming that it is upholding public order, defending Britain against what Braverman called an “invasion” of migrants, and saying it is protecting women and children from “LGBT perverts” and Asian grooming gangs, even as it ignores that most of the sexual and physical abuse suffered by women and children in the UK is perpetrated by white heterosexual men.

Suella Braverman will not be too upset if Rishi Sunak belatedly summons up the courage to sack her. She is far more interested in making a play for the Tory leadership after Sunak takes the party down to defeat at the next election. Should she succeed in that, it will signal the final conversion of the Conservatives into a far right wing authoritarian party in the mould of Trump’s Republicans or Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party in Hungary.

British fascism will be superficially polite and well spoken, like the Eton educated far right writer Douglas Murray who this week described Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf as an “infiltrator”. Murray is a noted proponent of the far right racist conspiracy theory the so-called Great Replacement, which claims that ‘liberal elites’ are conspiring to promote immigration into European countries in order to replace white Christian populations with an ethnically diverse population much of which is Muslim in order to secure its control.

In his book “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam.” Murray paints a lurid picture of a wave of migrants from Muslim-majority countries who are purportedly on a mission to conquer, violate, and insult the people of Europe. The book is the favourite reading of Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s deeply corrupt far right authoritarian leader.

It’s worth noting that although Orbán sees himself as a champion of “Christian Europe” who leads the charge in presenting Muslims as an alien presence in the continent, there has been a continuous and unbroken presence of Muslims in Europe since the Moorish invasion of Spain in the year 722, whereas Hungarians like Orbán are descendants of a pagan Siberian tribe from Asia which invaded Central Europe in the year 898, displacing and dispossessing the Christian Slavic and Late Latin speaking populations of the Pannonian Plain.

During an appearance on the right wing talk show The Rubin Report, Murray asserted that “people like Humza Yousaf have infiltrated our system.” He added: “He’s married to a Palestinian,”going on to describe the First Minister’s wife Nadia El-Nakla, the Dundee born daughter of a Palestinian father and a Scottish mother as a “nasty piece of work.”

It’s abundantly clear that Murray does not regard the First Minister or his wife as being Scottish, even though both Humza Yousaf and his wife were born and brought up in Scotland. Moreover Murray regards the First Minister as an “infiltrator,” someone with no right to hold the position that he does simply by virtue of his family background. That is blatantly and offensively racist, but it’s the kind of language and discourse that the right has been normalising in recent years, and the British media either facilitates it or turns a blind eye to it.

Only independence can save Scotland from the rise of British fascism.



albarevisedMy Gaelic maps of Scotland are still available, a perfect gift for any Gaelic learner or just for anyone who likes maps. The maps cost £15 each plus £7 P&P within the UK. You can order by sending a PayPal payment of £22 to weegingerbook@yahoo.com (Please remember to include the postal address where you want the map sent to).

I am now writing the daily newsletter for The National, published every day from Monday to Friday in the late afternoon.  So if you’d like a daily dose of dug you can subscribe to The National, Scotland’s only pro-independence newspaper, here: Subscriptions from The National

This is your reminder that the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here.

You can help to support this blog with a PayPal donation. Please log into Paypal.com and send a payment to the email address weegingerbook@yahoo.com. Or alternatively click the donate button below. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just select “donate with card” after clicking the button. You can also donate by PayPal by using my PayPal.me link PayPal.Me/weegingerdug

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Tory Britain: where decency is declared extremist

One of the loudest claims of Better Together during the 2014 independence referendum campaign was that the Westminster system guaranteed vastly superior standards of democracy and civil liberties than anything Scotland could provide for itself, and that in an independent Scotland peaceful protest and the espousal of constitutional positions opposed to the new Scottish establishment such as seeking a return to the UK would be criminalised.

As with so many of the fevered claims of anti-independence campaigners, this claim too has turned out to be psychological projection, with British nationalists imputing to independence campaigners things that the British state itself is doing.

In recent years we have seen increasing restrictions on the right to peaceful protest being brought in by those who describe themselves as champions of free speech, by which they mean that they will be vociferous in their claims of victimhood when challenged on their hate speech directed against the poor, migrants, women, and vulnerable minorities and the imaginary “liberal elites” even as they crack down on anything that challenges the status quo, the power and wealth of the privileged and well connected and the real British establishment.

There have been repeated attacks by this Tory government on the right to peaceful protest. Legislation rushed through Parliament prior to the coronation, saw people being arrested for simply raising banners saying Not My King. This was just the latest in restrictions on the right to peaceful protest and the right to take industrial action which has been imposed by this increasingly authoritarian government. The Labour party of Keir Starmer will not repeal any of these repressive measures.

Just this week we have seen an escalation in dangerous rhetoric from Suella Braverman, the British Government’s hate monger in chief, against a planned march due in London on Remembrance Sunday calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza where more than 10,000 people have died since 7 October.

Braverman described this as a “hate march” which would “desecrate” Remembrance Sunday and which would be offensive to “millions of decent British people”. Over the weekend Braverman also announced plans to make it a criminal offence for charities to give out tents to rough sleepers, describing rough sleeping as a “lifestyle choice” and claiming that many rough sleepers are foreign, as though that somehow makes them less deserving of compassion and respect. Millions of decent people find Suella Braverman offensive and would not hesitate to describe her as a sociopath.

We have now got to the point in Tory Britain where a march to call for a ceasefire on a day which commemorates a ceasefire is deemed to be offensive by the Home Secretary. Irony is truly dead. I am sure I am not the only person who finds that what is truly offensive is that a remembrance day on the anniversary of a ceasefire, a day which was originally supposed to be a solemn reflection on the horrors and insanity of war, a day on which we remember the sacrifice of the dead in order to ensure that such cruel slaughter never happens again, has over the years gradually morphed into a celebration of the military and the glorification of a British nationalism which is indecently eager to prosecute wars abroad while practicing a callous disregard for suffering and inequality at home.

While we are talking of respect, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published an article in 2019 noting that alongside Jewish volunteers, 12,000 Palestinians enlisted in the British armed forces during WW2. They were abandoned and forgotten by Britain after they went home once the war was over. Their descendants are now under blockade and bombardment and the British Government thinks it is “offensive” to call for the violence to stop.

Now there has been another deeply concerning development in the descent of the United Kingdom into anti-democratic British nationalist authoritarianism. The British Government has drawn up proposals to broaden the definition of “extremism” to include anyone who “undermines” British values and institutions. This is a slippery slope towards criminalising dissent against the government and suppressing freedom of speech.

Orwell’s 1984 double-speak is alive and kicking in Britain in 2023. The party that supposedly values freedom of speech, tries to silence the public on the Palestinians, on protests, and now potentially on independence too.

There are fears that independence campaigners in Scotland and Wales and anti-monarchy campaigners across the UK could be criminalised under the new definition. The new definition has been prepared by civil servants working in Michael Gove’s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

The new definition reads: “Extremism is the promotion or advancement of any ideology which aims to overturn or undermine the UK’s system of parliamentary democracy, its institutions and values.”

Professor Alison Phipps, a prominent campaigner for refugee rights, noted: “This effectively proposes criminalising the independence movements and parties in the devolved administrations.”

This blog and others like it could be deemed to be “extremist” and criminalised under this new definition. The new catch all definition of extremist could encompass the constitutional views of half the population of Scotland. I regularly verbally attack and criticise the British state and its institutions. Like any sane person with functioning senses of humanity and compassion in a British state where so much of the government and its institutions do not function as they should, of course I want to undermine the institutions that are failing us and highlight the values that have driven them towards failure in order to replace them with something better, something which doesn’t look at rough sleepers sheltering in tents in doorways and decide that the problem is giving tents to the homeless. The UK is failing so badly that there is, in fact, almost no institution of government within it that should survive as it is now. .

Westminster is sclerotic and dysfunctional, an institution where privilege and entitlement are baked in, which is founded on an unfair voting system and is incapable of holding the government of the day to account and which neither the Labour nor the Conservatives are willing to reform. The House of Lords remains an offence against democracy. This entire charade is presided over by a royal family whose wealth is indecent and who are treated with a nauseating sycophancy. If protesting against all this makes me an extremist then I am proud to be an extremist.

Naturally this deeply alarming authoritarian development has met with a howl of protest from the mainstream media in Scotland. Naa, of course it hasn’t. This alarming development has scarcely been mentioned in most of the Scottish media. The anti-independence media is far more interested in attacking the devolved government than bothering itself with an outright assault on democracy itself by the Conservatives at Westminster.

In so doing the Scottish media is doing a grave disservice to the people of Scotland, whether they support independence or not. It is only by loud and vehement protests in the media against this blatantly undemocratic assault on freedom of speech that the Conservatives can be dissuaded from doing it. But the media in Scotland will not do so for fear of stoking up support for independence. Yet again the anti-independence media in Scotland shows itself to be more concerned with fending off independence at all costs than in defending standards of democracy and freedom of speech in the British state that it is so determined to keep Scotland a part of.



albarevisedMy Gaelic maps of Scotland are still available, a perfect gift for any Gaelic learner or just for anyone who likes maps. The maps cost £15 each plus £7 P&P within the UK. You can order by sending a PayPal payment of £22 to weegingerbook@yahoo.com (Please remember to include the postal address where you want the map sent to).

I am now writing the daily newsletter for The National, published every day from Monday to Friday in the late afternoon.  So if you’d like a daily dose of dug you can subscribe to The National, Scotland’s only pro-independence newspaper, here: Subscriptions from The National

This is your reminder that the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here.

You can help to support this blog with a PayPal donation. Please log into Paypal.com and send a payment to the email address weegingerbook@yahoo.com. Or alternatively click the donate button below. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just select “donate with card” after clicking the button. You can also donate by PayPal by using my PayPal.me link PayPal.Me/weegingerdug

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Shifting goalposts and the failure of the Scottish media

There’s something striking about the Scottish media’s treatment of the current constitutional impasse blocking the path to a second independence referendum. The Scottish media portrays this as exclusively a problem for the SNP, and no consideration is given to the anti-democratic stance of the British nationalist parties in both blocking any such referendum and in refusing to specify what the democratic path to another independence referendum might actually be, even as they continue to insist, in the face of all apparent evidence, that the United Kingdom really is a voluntary union of nations. The Scottish media continues to give the Labour and Conservative parties a free pass, and in doing so does a grave disservice to the people of Scotland.

You might have thought that defending the basic principles of democracy within the British state would be important to a Scottish media which is overwhelmingly determined to keep Scotland a part of that state. But no. The Scottish media looks the other way. The Scottish media wants to keep Scotland a part of the United Kingdom without troubling itself about what kind of state the United Kingdom actually is. A principled and truly Unionist Scottish media would protest loudly and vociferously about the lack of a clear democratic pathway to another independence referendum because it would see itself as the defender of Scotland as a nation within the voluntary union of the United Kingdom.

But Scotland does not have a principled and truly Unionist anti-independence media, it has an anti-independence media which has sold its soul to the Anglo-British nationalism which has taken over the Labour and Conservative parties in recent years. This media is now incapable of standing up for the national interests of Scotland because it is more afraid of stoking up support for independence than it fears the destruction of the basic precepts of democracy in Scotland by the parties of aggressive Anglo-British nationalism.

Consider the non replies given by Keir Starmer whenever he has been asked what the democratic route to another independence referendum might be. It was once widely held in Scotland by both supporters of Scottish independence and opponents that the way for the people of Scotland to express their democratic wish for an independence referendum was to elect a Scottish Parliament in which there was a majority of MSPs in favour of holding a referendum. Former Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said as much back in 2007 when the minority Scottish Government led by Alex Salmond was pressing for an independence referendum but lacked a majority in Holyrood.

Davidson said: “you don’t get a referendum for free, you have to earn it. So if the Greens and the SNP and the SSP, or any of the other parties who have declared an interest in independence, get it over the line and can make a coalition, make a majority, get the votes in the [Scottish] Parliament, then they’ll vote through a referendum. That’s what democracy is all about.”

By 2019 however it was no longer what democracy was all about. Since by then it had become apparent to Davidson and other opponents of independence that it was highly likely that pro independence parties would indeed command a majority in the Scottish Parliament, then the goalposts were shifted and Davidson was insisting that only an outright majority for the SNP would suffice in order to create a mandate for an independence referendum.

Following the 2021 Holyrood election campaign which was dominated by the topic of whether to hold another independence referendum and in which the pro independence and pro referendum parties won their largest Holyrood majority since the establishment of the devolved parliament, despite a concerted campaign of British nationalist tactical voting, the goal posts were shifted yet again. Almost no media attention was given to who was organising and funding this campaign. Following the declaration of the results the votes given to the Scottish Greens were utterly discounted as votes in favour of another referendum by the anti independence parties. Alex Cole Hamilton of the Lib Dems went so far as to deny that people who had voted SNP were even voting for another independence referendum at all.

There was constant appeal to the “once in a generation” slogan deployed by Alex Salmond during the 2014 independence referendum campaign as though this was a legally binding commitment prohibiting the people of Scotland from ever voting for another independence referendum ever again. Naturally no such binding nature was ever imputed to the slogans and promises of the Better Together campaign despite, or more likely because, these have invariably turned out to be false. British nationalist double standards strike again.

Tory Viceroy General Alister Jack not only rejected any idea that there was a mandate for another referendum because the SNP required the votes of Scottish Green MSPs in order to have a majority in Holyrood, he even suggested that there could only be a mandate if a majority of the total electorate, and not just a majority of those who voted, should be required in order to prove a mandate for another referendum. Many other opponents of independence argued that a majority of votes cast should be required in order to demonstrate a mandate for a referendum, self-servingly conflating the rules of a referendum with the rules of a parliamentary election.

Throughout all this the Scottish media focused almost exclusively on what it portrayed as ‘problems for the SNP’ and then First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. No attention at all was paid to the fact that having fought a parliamentary election campaign on the basis of their opposition to another independence referendum and losing, the anti independence parties were engaged in rewriting the rules of parliamentary elections in order to prove to their own satisfaction that they hadn’t ‘really’ lost at all. Shamefully the Scottish media for the most part colluded in this election stealing instead of calling it out for what it was.

Then following the inevitable loss of the Scottish Government’s case before the UK Supreme Court, the Scottish media has displayed shockingly little interest in the fact that a two decade long political understanding had been ruled unlawful, effectively ripping up the democratic path to an independence referendum. That same media has continually refused to hold British politicians to account for this, presenting the issue as a problem for the SNP, and not what it really is, the abject failure of British democracy in Scotland.

Of course we all know why they choose this framing, because presenting the duplicity and goalpost shifting of the British nationalist parties – actions which they can only get away with due to Westminster majorities derived from seats outwith Scotland – as a failure of British democracy in Scotland is in itself a powerful argument for independence, and that’s the very last thing that the Scottish media is going to do.



albarevisedMy Gaelic maps of Scotland are still available, a perfect gift for any Gaelic learner or just for anyone who likes maps. The maps cost £15 each plus £7 P&P within the UK. You can order by sending a PayPal payment of £22 to weegingerbook@yahoo.com (Please remember to include the postal address where you want the map sent to).

I am now writing the daily newsletter for The National, published every day from Monday to Friday in the late afternoon.  So if you’d like a daily dose of dug you can subscribe to The National, Scotland’s only pro-independence newspaper, here: Subscriptions from The National

This is your reminder that the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here.

You can help to support this blog with a PayPal donation. Please log into Paypal.com and send a payment to the email address weegingerbook@yahoo.com. Or alternatively click the donate button below. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just select “donate with card” after clicking the button. You can also donate by PayPal by using my PayPal.me link PayPal.Me/weegingerdug

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The cowardice of Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer is a coward. During Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday Starmer had six questions for Rishi Sunak, not one of which related to the topic which dominates the news headlines and which it’s no exaggeration to say threatens the outbreak of actual world war three. But it still wasn’t important enough for Starmer to raise the matter at PMQs, because what is truly, really important and the sole priority for Labour’s dissembling and spineless leader is that at all costs he avoids the right wing media saying unkind things about him in case that prejudices his chances of winning the next Westminster general election.

There’s a very consistent pattern with Starmer. He is ruthless in one respect, absolutely any policy or position that opens him up to criticism from the right is dropped more quickly than you can say Keir Starmer is a shameless charlatan. I’ve lost count now of all the policies that Starmer has done a U-turn on. He’s dropped the commitment to abolish the hideously cruel two child benefit cap. He’s backtracked on Labour’s environmental promises. He’s scrapped his promise to nationalise the rail and water companies in England, those in Scotland are already publicly owned. Gone is the commitment to nationalise the profiteering energy companies. You can forget about the abolition of the House of Lords, and the federalism which way back in 2014 Gordon Brown vowed was on the cards. There will be no taxes rises on the wealthy and Labour says it will allow any development of new oil and gas fields authorised by the Tories to go ahead. Yet Labour could stop those right now simply by saying that it would block them once it gets into power. This would make the energy companies think twice about investing millions in projects that would be prevented from ever turning a profit.

On Wednesday there was news of yet another betrayal. Starmer has U-turned on his previous commitment to introduce a Scottish style right to roam in England following criticism of the plan from landowners’ groups and the right wing Countryside Alliance, the group which believes that the only people with the right to use the countryside are middle class Ruperts with shotguns looking to blow buggery out of the local wildlife. It’s official, Keir Starmer and his increasingly misnamed Labour party have aligned themselves with the upper middle class Get Orf My Land brigade who are determined to keep the English countryside free from working class types who can’t afford an Aga and a Land rover.

Starmer’s terror of being labelled even vaguely left wing is fully on display in his mendacious and spineless response to the current crisis in the Middle East. He merely joins in the chorus of those who say that Israel has a right to defend itself whenever anyone points out the worsening humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza where over 6,500 Palestinians have now been killed in the Israeli bombardment of the blockaded territory which is rapidly running out of fuel, food and water and where innocent civilians caught up in the violence have nowhere to hide or to run to.

Of course Israel has the right to defend itself, no one is saying it doesn’t. The point however is that no state has the right to defend itself from those who commit crimes against humanity by committing war crimes of its own. This remains true even when the state’s citizens have suffered a cruel and horrific terrorist attack. The attack by Hamas on Israeli citizens was indeed dreadfully cruel and horrific and cannot be justified no matter how egregious the provocation. But that still does not give Israel the right to break international law in response.

No less a person than the UN secretary-general, António Guterres has described Israel’s bombardment and blockade of the Gaza Strip as “collective punishment of the Palestinian people” and as such are “clear violations of international humanitarian law”. Israel has the right to defend itself, but it does not have the right to inflict collective punishment on Palestinian civilians or to violate international law. To do so merely continues the hideous cycle of hate and retribution and drives even more Palestinians into the arms of Hamas or Islamic Jihad, virtually guaranteeing new generations filled with hatred who seek vengeance.

Starmer’s failure to address this escalating cycle of hate is a dismal failure of moral and political leadership. He was previously recorded saying during an interview with LBC that Israel had the right to withhold power and water from Gaza and has spent the days since denying that he meant what we all heard him say. He was then accused by furious leaders of a Cardiff mosque of “gravely misrepresenting” a meeting with them at the weekend and using photos of the visit to distract from the remarks he made to LBC.

He has also issued a diktat to local Labour constituency parties forbidding them from even discussing the current crisis. Starmer is more afraid of right wing criticism than he is of World War III. He will not even call on all parties to the conflict to agree to an immediate ceasefire. He will only do so when the Americans do so first.

All Starmer can bring himself to say is: “It’s clear that the amount of aid and essential utilities getting into Gaza is completely insufficient to meet the humanitarian emergency on the ground.” No shit, Sherlock.

Starmer is now facing a growing rebellion within his own party. some 25 Labour councillors hasve resigned from the party in the past fortnight. In addition 15 Labour party officials in Scotland have resigned in protest and now over 150 Muslim Labour councillors have come together to demand that the party’s leadership calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Shebab Khan, a political correspondent for ITV news has claimed on Twitter that multiple Labour MPs are telling him that a couple of shadow cabinet members are considering resigning over Keir Starmer’s handling of the Gaza situation.

There is likely to be 18 months of a Starmer government between the next Westminster general election and the following Scottish Parliament election. He has already been revealed as a liar and a coward who panders to the basest right wing prejudices while wrapping himself in a British flag. Tony Blair managed to hide his moral bankruptcy before he was elected. Starmer can’t even do that much, and he will have nowhere to hide once in power. He is a godsend to the Scottish independence movement. Any Labour revival in Scotland will be very short lived indeed.



albarevisedMy Gaelic maps of Scotland are still available, a perfect gift for any Gaelic learner or just for anyone who likes maps. The maps cost £15 each plus £7 P&P within the UK. You can order by sending a PayPal payment of £22 to weegingerbook@yahoo.com (Please remember to include the postal address where you want the map sent to).

I am now writing the daily newsletter for The National, published every day from Monday to Friday in the late afternoon.  So if you’d like a daily dose of dug you can subscribe to The National, Scotland’s only pro-independence newspaper, here: Subscriptions from The National

This is your reminder that the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here.

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