Help Edinburgh Yes Hub

Edinburgh Yes Hub is a community Hub in the spirit of the Yes movement started during the Scottish referendum of 2014. It is non-partisan group of volunteers who seek real progressive politics through dialogue shaped by political and social awareness. The Hub is an incredible resource for the independence movement in Edinburgh and the Lothians. In the three years that the Hub has been open it has hosted 109 speakers, 8 book launches, been used for campaigning by two political parties which support independence, been a venue for a host of events during three Edinburgh festivals, collected for local foodbanks, organised buses to rallies, held three rallies of its own, organised 87 discussion sessions, amongst many other activities.

Unfortunately, the future of the Hub is now threatened. It faces closure unless it can find £1300 to pay its power bill with Scottish Power. The Hub is currently without its power supply, and cannot get power restored until the bill is paid. Please help ensure that this amazing resource and its dedicated team of volunteers can continue to operate.

Donate to Edinburgh Yes Hub by making a payment directly into their bank account. Their bank details for this fundraiser are as follows:

Account name Edinburgh Yes Hub
Account Number 12004161
Sort Code 80 46 35

Alternatively, you can donate via the Hub’s donation page to their general funds, including via Paypal. Please click here

11 comments on “Help Edinburgh Yes Hub

  1. Andy says:

    What’s the account name?

  2. annelawrie says:

    Wee donation made. Hope they can continue their excellent work.

  3. […] Wee Ginger Dug Help Edinburgh Yes Hub Edinburgh Yes Hub is a community Hub in the spirit of the Yes movement started during […]

  4. Nat MacBot says:

    Have just donated : sadly in USD $ – couldn’t see how to change that : (

    • Brian Fleming says:

      That frightened me off too, as did the apparent need to sign up to Paypal. Shame.

    • Andy says:

      That’s what came up on mine when I tried to do it through Paypal so I did it direct from my bank account. That’s why I needed the account name.

  5. Andy says:

    Although I have happily donated, I would suggest that Edinburgh Yes Hub put fundraising near the top of their agenda alongside informing the voters. It is fine to have a centre like that but, as they have found out, you still need the money behind you to do the job properly. Every opportunity to get some money in a tin is a step to self-sufficiency.

  6. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Wee donation made hope they get there.

    Together we stand and all that stuff.

    Good luck guys.

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