10 comments on “25 de Xullo 2014 – Solidarity with Scotland in Santiago de Compostela

  1. mary vasey says:

    Thanks Jon & WGD. Smashing video, beautiful city.

  2. castle hills chavie says:

    What a stunning piece of music, who is it?

  3. castle hills chavie says:

    cheers, I’ll get the wife to translate.

  4. […] 25 de Xullo 2014 – Solidarity with Scotland in Santiago de Compostela […]

  5. […] Many thanks to Jon Scullard for the video.  […]

  6. Capella says:

    How encouraging it is to have the goodwill of people from other nations who wish to exercise self determination .
    I would also love to hear a definitive version of the Welsh national anthem. Memories of the massed choirs of the Welsh miners are still live!

    • JGedd says:

      Love the Welsh anthem! Always brings a lump to the throat when sung, as you say by, massed choirs. That should be the test of an anthem – does it move people who are not of the same nationality. ( Oh, and a Welsh male voice choir singing Myfanwy gets me every time, too. )

      Also liked the music accompanying the video.

  7. cuddyback says:

    The music is credited on the youtube page:
    Music by Berrogūetto, lyrics and vocals by Guadi Galego.
    The song’s called “Xente”, which means people, and tells of all kinds of people, who surprise, who understand, who fight for change, people who can’t be bought; Xente!

  8. jdman says:

    After reading about a Scottish supporter having a Saltire forcibly taken from them by a steward at a venue in glasgow, I’m understandably emotional when I see a YES saltire flown without intreference in Spain,

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