A dia da Patria – Galiza says YES to Scotland


Gathering in central Santiago de Compostela to celebrate O Dia Da Patria (the Galician national day), many Galicians wanted to express their support for a Yes vote in September and an independent Scotland. Solidarity with Scotland had a big presence at the celebrations, the Scottish representation was organised by Pilar Fernandez and her Scots husband Douglas. There was a visit from the SNP’s Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh, pictured on the right in the above photo.  And here is a gaiteiro, a Galician bagpiper, playing Scotland the Brave on the Galician gaitas.

Here is a selection of other photos from today’s events – more will appear shortly on the website of Solidarity with Scotland.  (Click on the photos to see the full sized image.)


17 comments on “A dia da Patria – Galiza says YES to Scotland

  1. diabloandco says:

    Hope you watched Dan in the pool- it might have made even a non sport loving fella smile!

  2. diabloandco says:

    I have a wandering cursor, it sometimes highlights and deletes a necessity all by itself –
    the previous one should read Dan Wallace but my wee wandering cursor struck again.

  3. […] Gathering in central Santiago de Compostela to celebrate O Dia Da Patria (the Galician national day), many Galicians wanted to express their support for a Yes vote in September and an independent S…  […]

  4. mary vasey says:

    What terrific people, I do hope we can help them back. I love seeing all their photies on facebook.

  5. Morag says:

    Interesting the way the BBC and their mates plaster it all over the media if a foreign-type person says something that might vaguely be construed as support for a No vote, but when there’s foreign support for Yes they fall strangely silent.

    They’re obviously worrying in case they’re accused of bias by mentioning any support at all for Yes.

  6. JGedd says:

    I’d like to thank all these people for their support when we vote Yes, not be shame-faced when we let them down by voting No. Here’s hoping that we can invite them to a victory party in September.

  7. macart763 says:

    Big smile. 🙂

  8. Alex Wright says:

    I feel humbled, tearful and chuffed.

  9. PP says:

    That makes me so proud. I have actually been in the Galicia region twice in the last 6 months and all i can say they are a wonderful proud people. These are our brothers and sisters.

  10. Carol Jardine says:

    I feel exactly the same as Alex Wright at 11.19pm.

  11. KayBee says:

    This support of our independence from friends overseas is indeed very humbling and very, very, very much appreciated.

  12. Nana says:

    Just wonderful….

  13. hektorsmum says:

    I feel the same way as Alex Wright and every other person here.

  14. John Duncanson says:

    Just returned from a long weekend in Barcelona – mention you’re Scottish and the doors fly open. A beautiful place with wonderful people all hoping our independence will help them down the same road!

  15. Noirin Blackie says:

    Gracinas Galiza! Just had some wonderful friends from Galiza here with us in Scotland for 10 days. Their first time in Scotland and we all had a fabulous time. There is a real connection between us and the people of this beautiful part of the world. The really sad thing is that many of our fellow Europeans simply cannot understand why Scotland could vote No. Let’s hope that we won’t have to try and explain on 19/9.

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